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1、 子女投靠父母户口迁移申请书篇一:投靠子女入户申请书 投靠子女入户申请书 本人:xxxxx,男,身份证号:xxxxxxx,xxxx年xx月xx日出生,xxxx年xx月参加工作,于xxxx年xx月从xxxxx退休,户口所在地:xxxxxxx,系非农业户口。 妻子:xxxxx,身份证号:xxxxxxxx,xxxx年xx月xx日出生,xxxx年xx月参加工作,于xxxx年xx月从xxxx退休,户口所在地:xxxxxxxx,系非农业户口。 我们于xxxx年xx月xx日结婚,原配夫妻,共生育一个子女。 女儿:xxxx,身份证号: xxxxxxxxx,xxxx年xx月xx日出生;工作单位:xxxxxxxx

2、x;户口所在地:xxxxxxxx,非农业户口。xxxx年xx月因工作派遣,户口转入xx市,xxxxxx集体户, xxxx年xx月xx日迁入现址。 因身边无子女,生活有困难,申请投靠女儿xxxx入户,以便互相照顾。 申请人: (父亲签名,母亲签名) 被投靠人: (签名) 2015年xx月xx日 联系电话:xxxxxxxx篇二:户口迁移(子女投靠父母)办理程序 申报材料 办理时限 收费标准 户口迁移(子女投靠父母)办理程序 申报材料 办理时限 收费标准 办理程序 第一步:申请人持申请材料向区政务中心公安分局窗口提出申请,由窗口工作人员初审后受理。 第二步:对申请材料齐全符合迁户规定的当场办理户口准

3、迁证。 第三步:申请人持准迁证到迁出地派出所办理迁移证,后到迁入地派出所办理入户手续。 申报材料 1.入户申请。 2.子女户口证明。 3.父、母亲户口簿、居民身份证(复印件)。 4.父、母亲结婚证。 5.派出所审核后加盖户口专用章。 办理时限 从接到申请之日算起 1 个工作日(节假日除外)内办理 收费标准 户口簿工本费6元;户口迁移证、准迁证4元。篇三:父母投靠子女申请书 父母投靠子女申请书 父母投靠子女申请书一:父母投靠子女入户申请书 *公安局*分局*派出所: 本人(姓名),(性别),(年龄)岁,(民族)族,身份证号:* ,户籍地在* ,现住址与户籍地相符。本人父母年事已高,为方便赡养,根据

4、我市现行的户籍管理有关政策,申请将本人父母户口从*迁入本市。 父亲基本情况:姓名:*;身份证号:* *;性别:*;年龄:*岁;民族:*族;现户籍所在地:*派出所,非农业户口;退休; 母亲基本情况:姓名:*;身份证号:* ;性别:*;年龄:*岁;民族:*族;现户籍所在地:*派出所,非农业户口;退休。 特此申请! 恳请批准! 申请人: xx年xx月xx日 >父母投靠子女申请书二:父母子女投靠户口迁移申请书>>(110字) XXX派出所: (当前户籍所在地)XXX,由于与家人的户籍分隔两地造成生活上的很多不便,根据“三投靠”政策,请将本人户口迁回xxxxxxxxxx(原籍,老家户籍

5、)。 望批为盼! 申请人:xxx 日期:xx >父母投靠子女申请书三:父母投靠子女申请>>(171字) 南宁市唐山派出所: 本人XX,女,身份证号码:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,原籍广西北流县塘岸乡塘肚村委二组x号,我们夫妻二人年岁高投靠儿子xxx照顾,特申请将户口由原籍广西北流县塘岸乡塘肚村委二组x号的户口迁入南宁市衡阳东路x号(南宁筑路机械厂)生活区内x栋x单元xxx号房和儿子xxx一起落户。 特此报告 申请人: 2011年xx月xx日顶管位置主要位于粉质粘土层,地下水位以下。开挖竖井过程中如出现异常地质情况,及时与设计单位联系,进行协商处理。施工前应与铁路供电

6、段、电务段、通信段联系,首先探明铁路两侧施工范围内各种管线位置、埋深、并进行监护和防护。organization system and working mode, the selection of a number of municipal strengthening group to build innovation and strengthen the organization of the basic level organizations advanced model.(seven) the manual work of the Communist Youth League Organ

7、ization published and League branch of manual work, to promote the use of two manuals in the citys organizations at various levels. The county committee, directly under the group (work) is under the jurisdiction of grassroots League and group (total) using branch ratio shall not be less than 70%.Thr

8、ee, to further strengthen the groups leadership and team building(a) to strengthen the leagues leadership at all levels of construction. Continue to do a good job of municipal Party Committee Organization Department on the strengthening of the Communist Youth League cadres management opinions implem

9、entation. To promote the group counties (autonomous counties, cities) Commission and city directly under the group (workers) appointed to carry out the Five team building activities. Improve the League Association Department working mechanism. Conscientiously fulfill the duties of CO, combined with

10、the city group directly under (the) Committee of the general election and the adjustment, actively jointly with the unit where the party organization department good group leadership selection with the work. Do a good job in municipal Party committee assistant committee leadership and leading cadres

11、 of the annual assessment work, adhere to and improve the assistant secretary of the Communist Youth League talk system group To weave individual conversation and collective conversation, to strengthen the committees of all levels, the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee, the establishment

12、of a sound system of central group learning, the system of investigation and study, the system of important issues and the reporting system.(two) to strengthen the work of education and training of cadres to conscientiously implement the Central Committee. On the implementation of grassroots cadres

13、training project and opinions on carrying out the mission municipal CYL Cadres training project implementation opinions, full implementation of the project of the City Youth League cadres training education. Focus on the county grassroots cadres and workers focused on training, the new school system

14、 vocational training League cadres, for the Municipal Organization Department jointly held the third session of the Communist Youth League system training cadres in party. Focusing on the construction of new socialist countryside, strengthening village cadres and rural construction team group member

15、 of the young team, the county organizations at various levels throughout the year is expected to train 100 00 rural grassroots cadres, plans to train 1000 village secretary of the village Party branch.(three) actively promote grassroots cadres election work. Under the unified leadership of the part

16、y organization, to strengthen grassroots organizations direct work, standardize the election work rules and procedures, in the designated candidate, open competition to democratically elected branch secretary at the same time, actively and steadily the development of Township, streets and other grassroots o


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