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1、奥鹏2016秋大学英语(一)作业1试卷总分:100 测试时间:-一、单选题(共25道试题,共100分。)1.Tompson was once summoned to the court of law and accused_.being involved in a murder case. A. withB. onC. ofD. about满分:4分2.He has difficulty _ the word.A. to pronounceB. for pronouncingC. pronouncingD. of pronouncing满分:4分3.He was a much older te

2、nnis player but he had the great_of experience. A. interestB. advantageC. benefitD. profit满分:4分4.He prefers to live with his mother than _ her alone. A. to leaveB. leavingC. leaveD. leaves满分:4分5.Be sure to _ your work at the end of the exam. A. look overB. hang upC. set asideD. catch sight of满分:4分6.

3、This room was_for the children. A. projectedB. schemedC. designedD. described满分:4分7.It was in Britain _ he got his Ph.D. A. whereB. in whichC. thatD. there满分:4分8.On his way (A)to school yesterday morning Prof. Wang met (B)an old friend and stopped talking (C)with him for quite a while(D). A. On his

4、wayB. metC. stopped talkingD. for quite a while满分:4分9.I have no objection _ his staying in the library as long as he keeps quiet. A. ofB. toC. inD. over满分:4分10.You may _ an aircraft light _ a star in evenings. A. mistakeforB. misunderstandforC. misuseforD. mistrustfor满分:4分11.I promised to look_ the

5、matter as soon as I got there. A. forB. inC. intoD. after满分:4分12.In _ of his international fame, he is a very easy-going person. A. faceB. steadC. spiteD. front满分:4分13.The _ runner can run 2miles in fifteen minutes. A. commonB. usualC. averageD. general满分:4分14.Washington D.C was named _ the first Pr

6、esident of the U.S.A.,George Washington. A. fromB. afterC. byD. with满分:4分15.My wife said she _ a classmate of hers in the street today. A. caught glance ofB. caught sight ofC. glanced atD. lost sight of满分:4分16.He could not help walking to and fro, for he was_at the false accusation. A. indifferentB.

7、 indignantC. indicativeD. indigenous满分:4分17.Tony is very disappointed _ the result of the exam. A. withB. forC. towardD. on满分:4分18.My father_me by taking out many sweets from his bag. A. surprisedB. mistookC. forgaveD. annoyed满分:4分19.Nobody but a young woman _the airplane crash. A. endureB. rejected

8、C. survivedD. lived满分:4分20.Vickie had most probably _ her for another sort of girl. A. regardedB. viewedC. mistakenD. looked满分:4分21.They _the southern part of the kingdom with ease. A. conqueredB. vanquishedC. overcameD. conquest满分:4分22.We should learn to _those who are in trouble. A. comfortB. care

9、C. relaxD. persuade满分:4分23.She _the handkerchief and put it in her pocket. A. foldedB. focusedC. bentD. curved满分:4分24.The children were _ the teacher to tell them a story. A. longing forB. hoping forC. longing afterD. wishing for满分:4分25.Who is the first man to make a _ across the Atlantic Ocean alone? A. tourB. tripC. voyageD. route满分:4分12345678910CCBCACCCBA11121314151617181920CCCBBBAACC2122232425AAAAC顶管位置主要位于粉质粘土层,地下水位以下。开挖竖井过程中如出现异常地质情况,及时与设计单位联系,进行协商处理。施工前应与铁路供电段、电务段、通信段联系,首先探明铁路两侧施工范围内各种管线位置、埋深、并进行监护和防护。


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