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1、阅卷教师眼中的CET写作,全国大学英语四、六级 (CET-4CET-6) 作文题评分原则及标准,全国大学英语四、六级 (CET-4CET-6) 作文题评分原则及标准,评分标准 1、本题满分为15分。 2、阅卷标准共分五等:2分、5分、8分、11分及14分。 3、阅卷人员根据阅卷标准,对照样卷评分, 若为与某一分数(如 8分)相似,即定为该分数(即8分) 若认为稍优于或劣于该分数则可加一分(即 9分)或减一分(即 7分)。但不得加或减半分。,评分标准 2分条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 5分基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误. 8分

2、基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。 11分切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。 14分切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较强, 基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。,CET-4: 110119 100109 9099 8089 7079 6069 5059 49 CET-6: 140149 130139 120129 110119 100119 9099 8089 79 扣 分 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9,字数不足应酌情扣分:,注: 1、如题目中给出主题句,起始句,结束句,均不得计入所写字数。 2、规定的内容未写全者,按比例扣

3、分。 3、如果扣为零分,要慎重处理。,审题,完成作文的第一步不是马上动笔,而是应该在动笔之前先花12分钟来审题,理清大概思路,这能够保证文章扣题和结构的条理性。大家只要扣紧题目来写,就不会出现大的问题。抓住题目的精髓是最理想的,但是如果没有理解题目的核心,就按照确定下来的主题根据提纲来写也未必会失分。,It Pays to Be Honest How I Finance My College Education Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary What Electives to Choose 审题既包括看英文的题目,还包括看中文提纲(有时还有图画和表

4、格等),怎样提高作文的得分,结构,语言,字数,卷面,结构 文章结构的清晰十分重要,这是英文写作的一个基本观点。英语思维和汉语不同,习惯开门见山,而不是水到渠成。,如一篇文章细节很多,考生应按人的认知规律来安排细节。如果违背了这个规律,内容再丰富的文章读起来也会令人费解,甚至给人以支离破碎的感觉。人们叙事习惯之一就是按照事物的重要性来安排次序。 有一篇文章如果每个句子都是七、八个词,或是二、三十词,就会显得单调,难以阅读。相反,一组句子的词数7-23-14-40-6-20,一长一短,一张一弛,文章的抑扬顿挫节奏厉感就出来了。,把简单句、并列句和复合句混合在一起使用。 I have often w

5、ondered whether some people,who had no intention of making a purchase,would take advantage of this privilegeOne day I asked this question to the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case,改变句子的长度。 短句子适用于表述概念,陈述事实,增强论述的力度;长句子经常用于描写,解释和论述一个完整的情况。 Economy is the art of making the most of life Love

6、 is as necessary to the human being as food and shelterThere were still situations in which I couldnt be certain my decision had been the right one,but I had learned to accept this as a constant problem for a surgeon,one that could never be completely resolvedand I could live with it,The young pilot

7、 was on his first overseas training. He felt very uneasy.,(a) The young pilot on his first overseas training felt very uneasy. (b) The young pilot felt very uneasy during his first overseas training. (c) The young pilots first overseas training made him feel very uneasy. (d) Extreme uneasiness seize

8、d the young pilot on his first overseas training. (e) The young pilot was on his first overseas training, feeling very uneasy. (f) It being his first overseas training, the young pilot felt very uneasy. (g) Being on his first overseas training, the young pilot felt very uneasy.,(h) The young pilot w

9、as on his first overseas training and felt very uneasy. (i) The young pilot, who was on his first overseas training, felt very uneasy. (j) When the young pilot was on his first overseas training, he felt very uneasy. (k) As the young pilot was on his first overseas training, he felt very uneasy. (l)

10、 The young pilot was on his first overseas training, so that he felt very uneasy.,语言,尽量避免不应该出现的错误:只有评卷人认可了你语法掌握的水平,他才会抱着宽容甚至欣赏的态度看你的句型设计,用词和例证的援引。 清楚地表达自己的意思:你的文章你自己明白是不够的,要让别人,甚至是以英语为母语的,不懂汉语的人明白才算是真正的合格。,吸引阅卷人目光的“闪光点” 流畅的句子,地道的表达法是闪光点,明言警句,典故,好的例子 尽量避免笔误,不会表达的地方不要生造,否则很可能弄巧成拙,反而得不偿失,注意事项 (1),适当用被动

11、代替主动,这样能更客观的反映事实。 比如写结尾时不用we should pay attention to 而用Attention should be paid to 句子开头不要总是用we / I,以形容词或形容词组开头 Mary was very pleased and telephoned her mother Pleased,Mary telephoned her mother The girl,hungry and thirsty,went back home Hungry and thirsty,the girl went back home 以副词开头 The child stay

12、ed there quietly Quietly,the child stayed there,以不定式开头 He got up very early to catch the bus To catch the bus,he got up very early 以现在分词或过去分词开头 I was filled with anticipation when I came home from school that dark winters day so long ago Coming home from school that dark winters day so long ago,I wa

13、s filled with anticipation If you give me enough time,I can do it well Given enough time,I can do it well,以介词短语开头 Chester like many other adventurers had experienced fear and conquered it Like many other adventurers,Chester had experienced fear and conquered it 以同位语开头 Sue,our monitor,always likes gi

14、ving suggestions to everybody Our monitor,Sue,always likes giving suggestions to everybody,以从句开头 Francis had already surprised his friends several times before he sailed round the world single-handed Before he sailed round the world single-handed,Francis had already surprised his friends several tim

15、es You will greatly improve your finished product if you have a quality control inspection If you have a quality control inspection, you will greatly improve your finished product,注意事项 (2),善于使用插入语, 如however / therefore /for example/I believe 做插入语放在中间,一般放在动词,助动词后,两边分别加上逗号。 比如说Other individuals, howev

16、er, take the attitude that ,It is, therefore, high time that some applicable approaches were implemented by the service industry like that. Thus, its competitive edge will be sharpened effectively.,注意事项 (3),一定要学会换词,换形象,具体的代替太宽泛的。 applicable代替proper, approaches代替ways, implement代替carry out, sharpen ones competitive edge代替enhance ones competitiveness,Computer and I,I never forget th


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