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1、,6 THE ECONOMICS OF LABOR MARKETS 劳动市场经济学,The Economics of Labor Markets 劳动市场经济学,Chapter 18,The Markets for Factors of Production 生产要素市场,Factors of production are the inputs used to produce goods and services. 生产要素是指用于生产物品 与劳务的投入。,The Market for the Factors of Production,The demand for a factor of p

2、roduction is a derived demand. A firms demand for a factor of production is derived from its decision to supply a good in another market.,生产要素市场,生产要素的需求是 派生需求。 企业的生产要素需求,是从它向另一个市场供给物品的决策派生 出来的。,The Demand for Labor 劳动需求,Labor markets, like other markets in the economy, are governed by the forces of

3、supply and demand. 与经济中的其它市场一样,劳动市场也是由供求力量支配的。,Figure 1 The Versatility of Supply and Demand,Quantity of,Apples,0,Price of,Apples,Quantity of,Apple Pickers,0,Wage of,Apple,Pickers,(a) The Market for Apples,(b) The Market for Apple Pickers,图1. 供给与需求的多样化,(a) 苹果市场,(b) 摘苹果工人市场,苹果的数量,工人数量,Q,L,P,W,0,0,苹果的

4、 价格,摘苹果 工人的 工资,需求,需求,供给,供给,The Demand For Labor 劳动需求,Most labor services, rather than being final goods ready to be enjoyed by consumers, are inputs into the production of other goods. 大多数劳动服务不是作为最终产品供消费者享用的,而是投入到其它物品的生产中。,The Production Function and The Marginal Product of Labor,The production func

5、tion illustrates the relationship between the quantity of inputs used and the quantity of output of a good.,生产函数与劳动的边际产量,生产函数 说明用于生产一种物品的投入量与该物品产量之间的关系。,Table 1 How the Competitive Firm Decides How Much Labor to Hire,Copyright2004 South-Western,表1. 竞争性企业如何决定雇佣工人的数量,Figure 2 The Production Function 生

6、产函数,0,50,100,150,200,250,300,350,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,Quantity of Apple Pickers 摘苹果工人数量,Quantity of Apples 苹果数量,The Production Function and The Marginal Product of Labor,The marginal product of labor is the increase in the amount of output from an additional unit of labor. MPL = Q/L MPL = (Q2 Q1)/(L2 L1),生

7、产函数与劳动的边际产量,劳动的边际产量增加的一个单位劳动所引起的产量增加量。 MPL = Q/L MPL = (Q2 Q1)/(L2 L1),The Production Function and the Marginal Product of Labor,Diminishing Marginal Product of Labor As the number of workers increases, the marginal product of labor declines. As more and more workers are hired, each additional worke

8、r contributes less to production than the prior one. The production function becomes flatter as the number of workers rises. This property is called diminishing marginal product.,生产函数与劳动的边际产量,边际产量递减 随着工人数量增加,劳动的边际产量递减。 随着雇佣的工人越来越多,每个增加的工人对苹果产量的贡献越来越小。 生产函数随着工人数量增加而变得越来越平坦。 这种性质被称为边际产量递减。.,Figure 2 T

9、he Production Function 生产函数,0,50,100,150,200,250,300,350,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,Quantity of Apple Pickers 摘苹果工人数量,Quantity of Apples 苹果数量,The Value of the Marginal Product of Labor and the Demand for Labor,The value of the marginal product is the marginal product of the input multiplied by the market price o

10、f the output. VMPL = MPL X P,劳动边际产量值与劳动需求,边际产量值一种投入的边际产量乘以该产品的价格。 VMPL = MPL X P,The Value of the Marginal Product of Labor and the Demand for Labor,The value of the marginal product (also known as marginal revenue product) is measured in dollars. It diminishes as the number of workers rises because

11、 the market price of the good is constant.,劳动的边际产量值,边际产量值(也被称为边际收益产量)以美元计算。 如果产品价格不变,边际产量值随着雇佣工人数量的增加而递减。,The Value of the Marginal Product and the Demand for Labor,To maximize profit, the competitive, profit-maximizing firm hires workers up to the point where the value of marginal product of labor

12、equals the wage. VMPL = Wage,边际产量值与劳动需求,为了实现利润最大化,一个竞争性的、追求利润最大化的企业雇佣工人人数到劳动的边际产量值等于工资这一点上。 边际产量值 = 工资,The Value of the Marginal Product and the Demand for Labor 边际产量值与劳动需求,The value-of-marginal-product curve is the labor demand curve for a competitive, profit-maximizing firm. 对一个竞争性的、追求利润最大化的企业来说,边

13、际产量值曲线就是劳动需求曲线。,Figure 3 The Value of the Marginal Product of Labor,0,Quantity of,Apple Pickers,0,Value,of the,Marginal,Product,图3. 劳动的边际产量值,0,0,边际产量值 (劳动需求曲线),FYIInput Demand and Output Supply,When a competitive firm hires labor up to the point at which the value of the marginal product equals the

14、wage, it also produces up to the point at which the price equals the marginal cost.,参考资料:投入需求与产量供给,当一个竞争性企业雇佣的劳动量到边际产量值等于工资的一点时,它的产量也就达到价格等于边际成本的一点。,What Causes the Labor Demand Curve to Shift? 什么引起劳动需求曲线移动?,Output Price 产品价格 Technological Change 技术变革 Supply of Other factors 其他要素的供给,The Supply of La

15、bor,The labor supply curve reflects how workers decisions about the labor-leisure tradeoff respond to changes in opportunity cost. An upward-sloping labor supply curve means that an increase in the wages induces workers to increase the quantity of labor they supply.,劳动供给,劳动供给曲线反映了工人如何根据机会成本的变动作出劳动闲暇

16、权衡取舍的决策。 向上倾斜的劳动供给曲线意味着,工资上升使工人增加他们供给的劳动量。,Figure 4 Equilibrium in a Labor Market 劳动市场的均衡,Supply 供给,Wage (price of labor) 工资(劳动的价格),Quantity of Labor 劳动量,0,What Causes the Labor Supply Curve to Shift? 什么引起劳动供给曲线移动?,Changes in Tastes 嗜好变动 Changes in Alternative Opportunities 可供选择机会的改变 Immigration 移民,Equilibrium in the Labor Market 劳动市场的均衡,The wage adju


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