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1、摘 要自20世纪80年代起,飞速发展的商品经济和日益繁荣的消费品市场推动了我国包装印刷业的快速发展。包装印刷业以持续快速的经济增长,曾被誉为我国国民经济中的“朝阳产业”,对加工工业的发展起到了重大的推动作用。作为包装印刷工业主要组成部分的纸包装印刷,因其环保、经济等特点,也得到了飞速的发展,在医药、食品等关系国计民生的行业得到越来越广泛的应用。本文尝试运用市场营销的基本理论,运用理论和实际相结合的方法,详细阐述了我国纸包装印刷企业面对的内外部营销环境的、这类企业在市场营销方面的现状和存在的主要问题,进而对纸包装印刷企业营销组合中的产品策略、促销策略进行了分析探讨,并针对该类企业在营销策略中存在


3、内部环境进行分析,并指出了我国的纸包装印刷企业在市场营销方面存在的一些主要问题。第五部分:我国纸包装印刷企业的产品策略。在这部分中,文章主要分析探讨了我国纸包装印刷企业如何实施品牌策略、开发绿色产品策略及包装印刷与防伪技术相结合等问题。第六部分:我国纸包装印刷企业的促销策略。在这一部分中,文章主要从公共关系、全员营销及进行顾客满意度测评等三个方面探讨了纸包装印刷企业的促销策略问题第七部分:结论与建议,系对全篇论文的总结和今后工作的展望。相信本文的研究对我国纸包装印刷企业,以及一些其他类别的包装印刷企业如何开展营销活动具有一定的借鉴意义。关键词:纸包装印刷企业 品牌战略 绿色化 全员营销 公共关

4、系AbstractEver since the 1980s, the package printing industry in China has seen a rapid development along with the fast growing commodity economy and consumable market of the country. Once known as a “sun-rising industry” in China, the package printing industry has greatly promoted the processing ind

5、ustry of the country. Being a major part of package printing industry, paper package printing has been boosting in the latest years for being cost-effective and environment-friendly. Paper package printing has been widely applied in the areas closely related to our daily life such as food industry a

6、nd pharmaceutical industry.The thesis elaborates on the internal and external marketing environments that Chinese paper package printing enterprises are facing with as well as their status quo and major problems in marketing. It also tries to analyze the product and promotion strategies in their mar

7、keting combination. Some proposals are brought as well in the thesis to solve the problems raised with an emphasis given to the product strategy and marketing strategy to be carried.The thesis is divided into seven parts as follows:Part 1: Introduction. This part gives the background for choosing th

8、e topic, the research method and its framework of the thesis. Part 2: Literature Review. This part reviews the relative theories concerning marketing, brand strategy, public relations and whole-staff-marketing.Part 3: Analysis on External Environment. This part stresses on the status quo of paper pa

9、ckage printing industry in China, its external environment and the competition in the industry.Part 4: Analysis on Internal Environment. With the help of SWOT analyzing method, part 4 analyzes the internal environment of domestic paper package printing enterprises and points out some problems existi

10、ng in their marketing. Part 5: The Product Strategy of Chinese Paper Package Printing Enterprises. The subjects discussed in this part include the brand strategy, the environment-friendly products, and the anti-false technology, etc. Part 6: Promotion Strategy. This part deals with the promotion iss

11、ue through three aspects: public relations, whole-staff-marketing and customer satisfaction.Part 7: Conclusion. A conclusion of the above parts is drawn in this section along with a prospective view regarding this industry. It is hopefully that this paper could shed some light on the marketing of th

12、e paper package printing enterprises and other package printing efforts.Keywords: paper package printing enterprises, brand strategy, environment-friendly, whole-staff-marketing, public relation目 录摘 要IAbstractII目 录III第一章 绪 论1第一节 论文的研究背景1第二节 论文的研究思路1第三节 论文的内容及框架2第二章 市场营销相关理论综述4第一节 包装印刷企业的市场营销4第二节 品牌策

13、略理论4第三节 公共关系与关系营销理论7第三章 我国纸包装印刷企业外部环境分析10第一节 我国包装印刷行业分析10第二节 我国纸包装印刷企业宏观环境分析13第三节 我国纸包装印刷行业竞争环境分析15第四章 我国纸包装印刷企业内部环境分析18第一节 我国纸包装印刷企业的SWOT分析18第二节 我国纸包装印刷企业市场营销的现状及存在的问题22第五章 我国纸包装印刷企业的产品策略25第一节 品牌策略25第二节 绿色产品策略28第三节 防伪技术在纸包装印刷企业中的应用31第四节 本章小结33第六章 我国纸包装印刷企业的促销策略34第一节 公共关系策略34第二节 全员营销策略37第三节 进行顾客满意度测

14、评41第四节本章小结44第七章 结论与建议45致 谢47参考文献48III我国纸包装印刷企业产品和促销策略研究第一章 绪 论第一节 研究背景 印刷包含包装印刷、书刊印刷、报业印刷、印前印后等形式,其中,包装印刷在印刷业中所占的比重最大,接近50%。包装印刷又包含纸包装印刷、塑料包装印刷、金属包装印刷及其他形式的包装印刷,其中,纸包装印刷的应用最为广泛,所占比重也最大。包装印刷行业是为工农业产品配套的行业,也是产品的嫁衣,任何一件产品的完成都离不开包装印刷。包装印刷业经过20多年的发展,进步令世人瞩目,中国包装工业最近10年呈现出快速发展的趋势。统计表明,包装与印刷工业年总产值约达4020亿元人




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