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1、Unit4 The top three percent,跑在前面的百分之三,Review,Whose is this mobile? - Its mine (我的东西). It belongs to me(我宾格). Who does this mobile belong to? - Its mine (我的东西). It belongs to me(我宾格). Whose are these CDs? - They are yours (你的东西).,I,you,he,she,we,you,they,New words and Expressions,top three percent tt

2、p ri: psent volunteer vlnt(r) Congratulations! kngrtjlenz hour a(r) Well done!,最好的百分之三 自愿者 祝贺! 小时 做得很好!,foil jacket fl 保暖夹克 put on put n 穿上 hero hr 英雄 walk w:k 走 this way 这边 medal medl 奖章,top 顶尖的,最好的 top student 最棒的学生,percent “%” 百分比、百分之几的,seven percent,seventy percent,a hundred percent,1.percent是可数

3、名词,但通常用单数形式,它的基本意思是“百分之”,非正式英语中可指“百分率”“百分比”,常用符号%表示。与数词连用时,数词应置于percent之前。 2.percent of.作主语时, of后如为不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式; 如为可数名词复数形式,则谓语动词用复数形式。,Volunteer 志愿者,volunteer as sb 自愿担任 She volunteered as a governess. 她自愿做家庭教师。 volunteer for sth/v-ing (使)自愿承担,主动提出承担,主动提出 She volunteered for the job. 她自愿接受此工作。,h

4、eart 爱心,hand 手,youth 青年,dove 鸽子,伸出援助之手 传递爱心,传递和平,hero,national hero 民族英雄 popular hero 大家崇拜的英雄 the peoples heroes 人民英雄 war hero 战斗英雄,medal,award sb a medal 授予某人奖章 earn a medal 赢得奖章 Olympic medal 奥林匹克奖牌 medal for 授予的奖牌 gold medal金牌 silver medal bronze medal; copper medal 铜牌,New words and Expressions,t

5、op three percent psent volunteer vlnt(r) Congratulations! kngrtjlenz hour a(r) Well done!,最好的百分之三 自愿者 祝贺! 小时 做得很好!,foil jacket fl 保暖夹克 put on put n 穿上 hero hr 英雄 walk w:k 走 this way 这边 medal medl 奖章,Listening and Understanding 听力理解 Listen to the recording, and then answer these questions: How many r

6、unners are there in the race ? 听录音,然后回答问题:比赛中有多少名选手?,Answer questions about the text:,1.His times fantastic, isnt it ?,Yes, it is.,2.Is Pauls full name Paul Jenkins?,No, it isnt.,3. How is Paul feeling?,He feels OK.,Lets read the dialogue.,Congratulations! 祝贺 fantastic 棒的;精彩的,Volunteer: Congratulati

7、ons! Two hours and fifty nine minutes. (259) Thats fantastic! Whats your name? Paul: Paul Bruce.,Volunteer: Well done, Paul! How are you feeling(你感觉如何)? Paul: Im Ok. Thanks.,Well done 做得好;干得漂亮,Volunteer: Good! Now, Paul. Heres your foil jacket. Put it on. You mustnt get cold. Paul: Yes. Thanks.,foil

8、 jacket 保暖夹克,get cold 患感冒,Put it on. Put on + 名词 Put + 名词 + on Put + 代词(宾格)+ on For example Put the coat on. Put on the coat. Put it on.,must 必须(情态动词+V原形) must not = mustnt You mustnt 语气较强硬,表达有权威的建议和禁止 You cant 语气不太强硬,表示”你不能”,Volunteer: Just a hundred and seventy nine minutes! Paul, Youre a hero (英雄

9、)! Paul: Thanks!,Youre = You are,Volunteer: Now, Paul, walk this way (这边走). Pick up your medal. Its yours (你的奖牌).,Pick up your medal. Pick up 接;取 Pick up + 名词 Pick + 名词 + up Pick + 代词(宾格)+ up For example Pick up your pen. Pick your pen up. Pick it up.,Volunteer: There are thirty five thousand(不可以加s)

10、 runners in this race, and youre the top three percent!(前30%) Congratulations!,There be 句型,Volunteer: _ Two hours and fifty-nine minutes. Thats _! _ your name? Paul: Paul. Paul Bruce.,Congratulations!,fantastic,Whats,Volunteer:_ , Paul! How are you_? Paul: Im OK. Thanks.,Well done,feeling,Volunteer:

11、 Good! Now, Paul. Heres your_ ._. You_ get cold. Paul: Yes. thanks.,foil jacket,Put it on,mustnt,Volunteer: Just a hundred and seventy-nine minutes! Paul, youre a_. Paul: Thanks!,hero,Volunteer: Now, Paul, walk this way. _your medal. Its yours.,Pick up,Volunteer: There are thirty-five thousand runne

12、rs in this race, and youre in the_ ! Congratulations!,top three percent,Guided Conversation 对话练习,a) 1. Yes, it is.,2. No, it isnt.,3. Yes, it is.,4. Yes, he is.,5. Yes, he must.,6. Yes, he is.,7. Yes, he must.,8. Yes, he is.,b) 1. No, it isnt. His full name is Paul Bruce.,2. No, he isnt. He is feeli

13、ng OK.,3. No, he neednt. He must put on a foil jacket.,4. No, he isnt. He is a hero.,5. No, he isnt. He must pick up his medal.,6. No, he isnt. He is in the top three percent.,c) 1. He is feeling OK.,2. The volunteer gives Paul his foil jacket.,3. He must put it on.,4. He must pick up his medal.,5.

14、There are thirtyfive thousand runners in the race.,6. Paul is in the top three percent., 1.A:Must Paul put on his foil jacket? B: Yes, he must. A: What must Paul do? B: He must put on his foil jacket.,2. A: Is Paul a hero? B: Yes, he is. A: What is Paul? B: He is a hero.,3. A: Must Paul pick up his

15、medal? B: Yes, he must. A: What must Paul do? B: He must pick up his medal.,4. A: Are there thirtyfive thousand runners in the race? B: Yes, there are. A: How many runners are there in the race? B: There are thirtyfive thousand .,There be 句型,由“there be+主语”构成,表示“某时或某地存在某人或某物。There 是引导词,本身没有实在意义,谓语动词be与距它最近的主语保持一致。,Uni



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