2017秋八年级英语上册 unit 6 go with transportation lesson 32 trains go faster教学课件 (新版)冀教版

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1、Lesson 32,Go with Transportation!,学练优八年级英语上(JJ) 教学课件,Unit 6,UNIT 6,Lesson 32 Trains Go Faster!,学习目标,objectives,Learning aims: 1. Know about the train history. 2. What will the future train be like? Learning important and difficult points: The invention of the steam engine, the first steam locomotive

2、, railways and the first passenger. Who invented the inventions and when did they invent them.,steam engine,Lead in,Think About It !,How do you usually travel to other cities? Talk about your first time taking a train.,steam n 蒸汽 engine n. 发动机;引擎 born v. 出生;诞生;产生 passenger n. 乘客 railway n. 铁路 most a

3、dj. 大多数的;最多的 adv. 最大量;最多数,New Words,station n. 站;所;车站 easily adv. 容易地 standard n. 标准;规格 speed n. 速度 per prep. 每,每一,Pre-reading,1. 出生 be born 2. 从事于 work on 3. 上下火车 get on and off the train 4. 全世界 all over the world 5. 在18世界60年代 in the 1760s/1760s 6. 根据今天的标准 by todays standars 7. 把和结合起来 put . and . t

4、ogether 8. 50年后 fifty years later 9. 以的高速 at a top speed of . 10. 现在的高速列车 todays high-speed trains,Key phrases:,Read quickly and find the answers to the questions: What happened at that time?,While-reading,How fast do trains go?,(1) invent作动词,意为“发明”,指发明以前没有的东西。如:,invent; inventor; invention,Who inve

5、nted the computer? 谁发明了电脑?,Language Points,(2) inventor表示人,作名词,意为“发明家;发明者”。 如:,(3) invention作名词,意为“发明”。它也是由invent转变而来的,在它的后面加上-ion转变成名词。如:,Thomas Edison was an inventor. 托马斯爱迪生是一位发明家。,Telephone is a great invention. 电话是一项重大发明。,2. In the 1760s, a scientist in England found a way to put steam engines

6、and wheels together. 在18世纪60年代,在英国的一位科学家发明 了把蒸汽机和轮子结合在一起的方法。,(1) in the 1760s 意为“在18世纪60年代”。 in the 1760s = in the 1760s, “in the + 年代的复数或所有格”意为 “在世纪年代”。如:,He was born in the 1930s. 他出生在20世纪30年代。,(2) a way to do sth. 意为“做某事的方法”,也可以用a way of doing sth.来表示。如:,(3) put . together 意为“把放在一起”。如:,Do you kno

7、w the best way to learn English? = Do you know the best way of learning English? 你知道学习英语的最好方法吗?,You cant put salt and sugar together. 你不能把盐和糖放在一起。,Post-reading,Read the lesson and retell it like this:,In the 1700s, steam engines In the 1760, steam engines and wheels In 1804, the first train engine I

8、n 1825, the first passenger railway During the 1830s, build railways. Early trains slow The Rocket a top speed Todays high-speed trains The fastest trains Maybe trains in the future,1. The car has four _ (车轮). 2. He often drives at a top s_ on his way home. 3. They have rented(租赁) this house for 2,0

9、00 yuan p_ year. 4. This bus is crowded with _ (乘客) on such a snowy morning. 5. The _ (发动机) cant start. There is something wrong with it.,I. 根据汉语或首字母提示,完成下列句子。,engine,wheels,peed,er,passengers,Practice,Practice,1. He was one of the greatest _ (invent) in the world. 2. Do you know when Henry Fords fa

10、ctory _ (open)? 3. The movie theatre _ (build) last year. 4. It isnt easy for the little girl _ (carry) the heavy box. 5. What _ you _ (do) at this time yesterday?,II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。,were doing,inventors,opened,was built,to carry,1. 这座房子是石头建成的。 The house _ _ _ stone. 2. 这些发明都是20世纪80年代发明的。 These inven

11、tions were all produced _ _ _. 3. 你听说玛丽昨天晚上发生什么事了吗? Did you hear _ _ _ Mary last night?,III. 翻译句子,每空一词。,what happened to,is made of,in the 1980s,Homework,Think about the following questions with a partner:,What do you know about the railways in China? What is the speed of the trains in China? Which do you like better, a high-speed train or a low-speed train? Why?,


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