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1、一.1.你怎么了?我背疼。Whats the _ with you?I have a sore _.2.Linda 被小汽车撞了,但受伤并不重。A car _ Linda,but it didnt _ her badly.3.如果你喉咙痛,你应该多喝加糖的咖啡。If you have a sore _ ,you should drink coffee _sugar.4.幸亏有了你的帮助,我们才能按时完成这个项目。_ _ your help, we can finish this project on time.5.使我感到惊讶的是,Molly 竟然能够说出这么棒的汉语!_ my _ ,Moll

2、y can speak Chinese so well on earth!6.我爷爷快80岁了,他习惯早晨在公园里散步。My grandpa is _ 80 years old, and he is _to walking in the park in the morning.7.门被锁上了,结果我无法从浴室里出来。The door was locked, and I couldnt _ _ of the bathroom.8.我们把钱用完了的时候,我们该怎么办?When we _ _of money, what slould we do?9.如果你的孩子发烧了,你应该先给他量一下体温。If

3、your child has a fever, you should _ his _first.10.这位护士说的话意味着病人将不得不转院。What the _says _that the patient will have to be sent to another hospital.二.1.你怎么啦?我胃疼。Whats the _ _ you?I have _ _.2.你感冒了。你应该躺下休息。 You have a cold. You should _ _ _ _.4.这个司机只考虑救人。 The driver only thought _ _ the life.5.他量了体温,又去拍了

4、X光片 He _ _ _ and then got an X-ray.三.1.你能把地板打扫一下吗?太脏了。 Could you _ the _ ? Its too dirty.2.请你把垃圾扔到外面,行吗? Could you please _ _ therubbish outside?3.我讨厌做家务。 I _ _ the chores.4.汤姆放弃了他的工作,现在在从事一部小说的写作工作。Tom gave up his work, and now hes _ _ a new novel.5. Molly一直在努力工作。他难道不觉得累吗? Molly is working hard _ t

5、he _ .Doesnt she feel tired?6.本周木我需要照顾我妈妈,他病了。I need to _ _ of my mother at the weekend be-cause she is ill.7.为了取得更好的成绩,我不得不比以前更加努力。 I have to study harder than before _ _ to get better grades.8.昨天他为我们提供了许多帮助,我们应该谢谢他。 He _ a lot of help _ us yesterday. We should thank him.9.自1983年以来,中国获得了巨大的发展。 Chin

6、a has _ a lot _ 1983.10.我自认为玩电脑游戏是浪费我们的时间,因此我从不玩它。 I think playing computer games is a _ of our _ ,and so Ive never played it.四.1.你能把垃圾拿出去吗? Can you _ _ the rubbish?2.起床后,请整理床铺。 Please _ _ _ after you get up.3.对他们来说没有必要现在就做它。 _ _ _ for them to do it now.4.他的爸爸经常早晨带他去散步。 His father often _ him _ _ _

7、in the morning.5.为了赶上早班车,他必须很早起床。 He has to get up early _ _ _ catch the early bus.五.1.他们将一直等到你还了钱才离开这儿。 They _ leave here _ you return the money.2.那两个外国人在争论什么?他们不是相处的很好吗? What are the two foreigners _ about? Dont they get _ well with each other?3.他不想和他弟弟打架。He doesnt want to have a _ _ his brother.4

8、.你为什么不与他交流一下呢?Why _ you _ with her?5.Molly对考试技巧如此了解,以至于他总是活得好成绩。 Molly knows the exam _ so well _ she always gets good grades.6.看啊!乌云正笼罩在我们头顶上方。 Look! The black _ are hanging _ our heads.7.我希望你今后取得更大的进步。 I hope you can make more progress _ _ .8.我妈妈总是拿我家与别人家进行比较。 My mother always _ my family _ others fami-lies.9.老师们认为压力太大不利于学生的均衡发展。 The teachers think that too much _ is bad for the bal-anced _ of the students.10.在我看来,抄袭别人的作业是非常错误的。 In my _ , _ others homework is very wrong.在高温或低温情况下进行的高处作业。高温是指作业地点具有生产性热源,其气温高于本地区夏季室外通风设计计算温度的气温2及以上时的温度。低温是指作业地点的气温低于5。


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