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1、八年级英语第一月月考试题班级 姓名 得分 第卷选择题(共70分)一、单项选择 (20分)( ) 1. do you exercise?A. How long B. How soon C. How many D. How often( ) 2 What does she do on weekends? She often .A. goes to movie B. go to the movies C. went to the movies D. goes to the movies( ) 3. fruit and vegetables good for your healthy.A. Eat;

2、are B. Eating; is C. Eat; is D. Eating; are( ) 4 Whats the matter her?She has a headache. A. with B. for C. at D. about( ) 5. Im not feeling . I have a sore throat.A. good B. well C. nice D. fine( ) 6. Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need yin and yang to be healthy.A. a balance of B. a balanc

3、ed C. to balanced D. to balance( ) 7. The shoes are the same _ yours. A. in B. to C. as D. from( ) 8.My father sometimes goes to work _ bus. A. buy B. by C. on D. in( ) 9.Can I ask you some questions _ your school? A. for B. of C. in D. about( ) 10. Hesnotinthiscity.We_seehim.A. hardlynot B. ever C.

4、 hardlyever D. hard ever( ) 11. Max is _ at playing volleyball than me. A. good B. well C. better D. best( ) 12. She is playing football her classmates. A. to B. at C. with D. for( ) 13. Would you like pandas? A. see B. to see C. seeing D. sees( ) 14. He is his mother with the housework. A. help B.

5、helps C. helping D. to help( ) 15.He wants to in the park. A. play B. playing C. plays D. to play( ) 16. Its time home. A. to go to B. go to C. to go D. go( ) 17. Some teachers and students are walking the hill. A. up B. to C. on D. for( ) 18. Dont worry, let me you.A. help B. helping C. to help D.

6、helps.( ) 19. -Mum, _ I watch TV now? -No, you _. You _ finish your homework first.A. may; cant; must B. can; cant; may C. must; neednt; must D. may; mustnt; can( ) 20. Its important a balanced diet A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. eats 二完形填空。(10分)In our school, there are seven classes, and over 300 st

7、udents. We have a beautiful school. We are glad to study there.Class is over now. Many students 21)_on the playground. The students of Grade One are 22)_basketball. Doing sports 23) their healthy. Some of the students of Grade Two are playing games. 24) _ are flying kites. They are 25)_ the sky. Loo

8、k, There are three girls 26)_ the big tree. What are they 27)_? They are 28)_ English books. They are students 29)_Grade Three. They are working 30)_.( ) 21.A. is B. are C. play D. playing( ) 22.A.getting B. playing C. catching D. running( ) 23.A. be good for B.is bad for C. is good for D.are good f

9、or ( ) 24.A.The other B. Other C. The others D. Other student( ) 25. A. seeing B. looking C. looking at D. watching( ) 26.A. in B. on C. under D. with( ) 27.A. finding B. doing C working D. playing( ) 28.A. reading B. seeing C. looking D. talking( ) 29 A. for B. of C. at D. in( ) 30 A. hard B. heavy

10、 C. easy D. nice三阅读理解。(30分)(A)My grandfather never watched TV. He thought that people spent too much time watching it. Some of his friends often talked about sports shows, the movies and plays. My grandfather said to himself, “They never read any books or go out in the evening”. So he didnt buy a TV

11、.Two years ago my grandfather was 60 years old. He stopped working in the hospital. My father bought him a TV. He began to watch all the news He knows much more about the world now. And he reads more books, too.Now, my grandfather will get very angry(生气) if you trouble(麻烦) when he is watching TV. I

12、cant know that one can change his idea when he is 60.( ) 31. My grandfather didnt watch TV because _. A. he had no time to watch it B. he thought it took (占) people much time to watch TV C. he couldnt buy the TV set D. he thought watching TV is bad for peoples eyes( ) 32. My grandfather _ when he wo

13、rked in the hospital. A. went to mountains B. played sports C. read books D. watched TV( ) 33. My grandfather didnt work in the hospital _.A. after he was 60 B. before my father bought him a TVC. when my father asked him not to work D. after he liked watching the news( ) 34 My grandfather is _ now. A. 58 B. 60 C. 62 D. 61( ) 35. Which is the following sentence right? A. The writer knows why his grandfath


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