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1、初二英语第八单元基础知识复习检测1、 单词蜘蛛_蛇_仓鼠_海龟_狐狸_(复数_)猪_兔子_老鼠_(复数_)孩子_(复数_)特别的_ 私人的_富有创意的_大腹便便的_完美的_谦虚的_礼物_围巾_字典_钱夹_照相机_相册_日历_自行车_sing(过去式)_win(名词)_clear(副词)_提议、建议动词(_)名词(_)friend(adj)_noise(adj)_success(adj)_luck(adj)_(adv)_2、 短语在高温或低温情况下进行的高处作业。高温是指作业地点具有生产性热源,其气温高于本地区夏季室外通风设计计算温度的气温2及以上时的温度。低温是指作业地点的气温低于5。91.

2、入睡_(表状态) go to sleep_(表动作)2.赠送、分发_3.对.感兴趣_4.为某人买某物(get=buy)_ 为某人做某物(make)_ 给某人某物(give)_5. 照顾、照料(2)_6. 一只名叫的.大肚猪 a pot-bellied pig_/_7.用不同的方法_ different ways8.来自全中国from_the China =from_ _China9. 女子比赛获胜者the _ of the _competition10.鼓励某人做某事_11.做某事很快乐have fun+_/_sth12.建议做某事suggest+_13.太.而不能_3、 知识点 1. too

3、+adj/adv: 太. eg: too personal 2. enough+ n: 足够的. eg: enough books adj/adv+ enough: 足以. eg: personal enough 3. adj+n: eg: good books 不定代词(something, anything.)+adj eg: something special Eg: 1)The girl is_ to go to school. A.enough old B. old enough C. big enough 2)-Is there _ in todays newspaper? -No

4、, theres_. A. anything special; something special B. anything special; nothing unusual C.special anything; nothing unusual 4.tooto 太而不能Eg:The little girl is _ young to dress himself. A. too B. so C.so 5.receive:客观上收到 =get accept:主观上接受 eg:1)I sent you an e-mail last night. Have you_ it?A. received B.

5、 given C. heard2)-Whats _gift Jack has ever received? -A belt. He loves it very much.A. the best B. better C. the worse3)Whats the most interesting book you_?A. read B. have read C. are reading 6.感叹句:What + a/an + adj +可数名词+(陈述句)What an interesting book (it is)! What + adj+不可数名词+(陈述句) What delicious

6、 food it is! What+ adj+可数名词复数+(陈述句) What interesting books they are! How + adj/adv + 陈述句 How friendly he is! How hard he works! Eg:1)_ nice gift it is! A. How B. What C. What a 2)_ youve made! A. What big mistakes B. How big mistakes C. What a big mistakes 7.在他几岁生日: on his _ birthday( first, second,

7、 third, fifth, twelfth, eighth, ninth, thirteenth, nineteenth, ninetieth) Eg: I got a special present on my_ birthday. A. nine B. nineth C. ninth8.sb/sth +be + adj+ to do stheg: Dogs are easy_. A.to take care of B. take care of C. to take care _are not easy to look after. A. Mice B. Mouse C. mouses9

8、.几岁的:数词-year-old+名词 a five-year-old boy an eight-year-old boy 几天的:数词-day+名词 a six-day holiday(一个六天的假期) a five-minute walk=a five minutes walk(一段步行五分钟的路程) eg:I think a parrot is a good pet for an_ woman.A. eight-year-old B. eight-years-old C. eight years old 10.besides:除之外(附加性) except: 除之外(排他性)eg: Th

9、ere are many other fun ways to learn English well _singing English songs. A. except B. beside C. besides 11.too many+可数名词复数 too much+不可数名词 much too+ adj/adv eg:1) Theres _ snow on the road. Our car cant move at all. A. much too B. too much C. too many 2)Dont spend _ time watching TV. A. too much B.

10、much too C. too many 12.提建议的句型:What/How about+ doing sth? Youd better +do sth. Lets do sth, OK? Shall we+ do sth? Would you like to do sth? Why not do sth?= Why dont you do sth? 做评价的句型: Thats too expensive/cheap/personal. Thats not interesting enough. That sounds good. Good idea. Shell like it. Eg:1

11、) Why_ you go with us? A. not B. dont C. should 2) Why not _ with us? A. go B. going C.to go 3)-She likes singing. Why dont we get her a CD? -_. A. No problem B. A good idea C. Yes, Id love to 4)-Why dont you buy him a storybook? -But I think _. A. its interesting B. its creative C. its not special四

12、、写作(范文)(一)关于礼物的文章I always get some gifts on my birthdays. But the best gift I have ever received is an alarm clock. My mother gave it to me on my tenth birthday.Its pink, my favorite color. And it looks like a cute cat. I love it not only because it is beautiful but also because it is helpful to me. Every morning it wakes me up and tells me not to be late for school. Every night it tells me its time to have a good sleep. With its help, I get into a good habit to


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