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1、Unit8名词:差距大,市场体系不完善,缺乏集聚效应等问题,同时充分考虑到该地周围已形成成熟建材商圈的商业价值,因地制宜的进行家居建材广场的建设。通过合理布局、优化环境、提升服务,该项目必将切实发挥商业区在引导消费、拉动经济增长方面的作用,促进该县经济和社会又好又快发展。post 邮政office 办公室police 警察hotel 旅馆;酒店restaurant 餐馆bank 银行hospital 医院street 大街front 前面town 镇;市镇crossing 十字路口monkey 猴子road 路air 空气money 钱neighborhood 街区;街坊动词:turn 转向;

2、翻spend 花(时间、钱等)climb 爬enjoy 享受;喜爱形容词:free 免费的;自由的副词:often 时常;常常easily 容易地介词:near 在附近behind 在后面along 沿着兼类词:pay v&n 付费across adv&prep 过;穿过around prep 在周围 adv 在周围;大约north n 北;北方 adj 北方的right adv 向右边 n 右边left adv 向左边 n 左边短语:post office 邮局police station 警察局pay phone 付费电话across from 在对面in front of 在前面go a

3、long(the street)沿着(这条街)走turn right/left 向右/左转spend time 花时间enjoy reading 喜爱阅读excuse me 对不起;打扰一下in the/ones neighborhood 在附近/在某人所在的街区知识点:1、police 警察,集合名词,为复数The police are looking for the lost child. 警察正在寻找那个走失的孩子。 policeman 男警察 复数 policemen policewoman 女警察 复数 policewomen2、在街上 on the street = in the

4、street在街上 on/in + 名字 + 街There is a bookstore on/in New Street. 在新街上有一家书店。She lives on/in Zhonghua Street. 她住在中华街上。3、 pay for sth 为付费 payfor sth 付买某物He cant pay for the house. 他不能为这个房子付款。She paid ten dollars for the sweater. 她花了10美元买这件毛衣。4、 across 从物体表面通过 through 从物体内部或中间穿过They ran across the road. 他

5、们跑过了马路。Light comes in through the window. 光线从窗户进来。You must be careful when you swim the lake.5、表示位置(1)across from 在对面The restaurant is across from the park. 餐馆在公园对面。(2)next to 紧挨着My house is next to the library. 我家在图书馆隔壁。(3)betweenand 在和之间,用于两者之间The paper fell down the desk and the wall. 那张纸掉在桌子和墙壁中

6、间(的缝里)。(4)in front of 在前面(物体外部) in the front of 在前面(物体内部)There is a cat in front of the car. 这辆汽车前面有一只猫。(猫在车外)There is a cat in the front of the car. 这辆汽车前面有一只猫。(猫在车里)(5)behind 在后面Tom is sitting behind the desk. Tom坐在课桌后面。(6)around 在周围We set around the fire. 我们围火而坐。(7)near 在附近There is a river near m

7、y home. 我家附近有条河。6、 How could I help you? May I help you?需要帮忙吗? Do you need any help? Is there anything I can do for you? What can I do for you?常用于商店、饭店、旅馆、办事处等,回答时直接说出需要帮忙的事即可。How could I help you?需要我帮忙吗?I want a pair of blue shoes. 我想要一双蓝色的鞋子。7、be far from 离远The bank is far from here. 银行离这儿很远。8、alo

8、ne 沿着 go along 沿着走You can go along this street. 你可以沿着这条街走。9、 on the/ones left 在(某人)左边on the/ones right 在(某人)右边People drive on the left in England. 在英国,人们靠左驾驶。He sits on my right. 他坐在我右边。turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转Go straight and turn left. 直走,然后左转。10、 spend + 时间/金钱 + on sth 在某物上花费时间/金钱 spend + 时间/金

9、钱 +(in)doing sth 花费时间/金钱做某事He spends lots of money on books. 他在书上花了很多钱。Tina spends 20 dollars on this T-shirt. Tina在这件T恤上花了20美元。Dont spend too much time(in)playing computer games. 不要花太多时间玩电脑游戏。He spent two days(in)doing his homework. 他做作业花了两天时间。11、 watch/see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事watch/see sb do sth

10、 看见某人你做了某事/经常做某事 hear sb doing sth 听到某人正在做某事 hear sb do sth 听见某人你做了某事/经常做某事I watch/see Tina playing the piano. 我看见Tina正在弹钢琴。I often watch/see Tina play the piano. 我经常看见Tina弹钢琴。I hear Tina singing in the classroom. 我听见Tina 正在教室唱歌。I often hear Tina sing in the classroom. 我经常听见Tina在教室唱歌。12、enjoy doing

11、sth 喜欢做某事Tim enjoys reading science books. Tim喜欢读科学书。13、There be句型见精讲讲义14、常见的问路句式Is/Are therenear here?这儿附近有吗?Where is/are the?在哪儿?Do you know the way to?你知道去的路吗?Which is the way to?哪一条是去的路?How can I get to?我怎样才能到达?Could you tell me how to get to?请告诉我怎么到达好吗?常见的指路句式Yes. Its onStreet/Road。 是的。它在街/路。It

12、s in front of/near/across from/behind/next to the 它在前面/附近/对面/后面/挨着Walk/Go along/downstreet/road. 沿着街/路走。Turn right/left at thecrossing. 在第个十字路口向右/左转。Take theturning on the right/left. 在第个转弯处向右/左转。Take the No.bus and get off at 乘坐路公交车,在下车。1. They want to enjoy the fresh (空气).2. Is there a (医院)near he

13、re?3. Mr. Sun is very rich and he has much (钱). 4. There is no (免费的)lunch in the world.5. We are looking for a small (餐馆). 6. There is a river in f of our village.7. I dont have any cash(现金). I need to go to the b . 8. The (警察)are also looking for a second car. 9. Dont run the street.10. The project(工程)will cost eight ten million dollars.11. Your soccer ball is b the door. 12. Jim sits behind me, so I sit him.13. I walked to the nearest (镇). 14. I can hear laughter(笑声)all a . 15. There are traffic lights(交通灯)at the . 16. I have to p


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