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1、20152011年各省市高考题Passage 1(2015新课标全国)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Yangshuo,ChinaIt was raining lightly when I 1 (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didnt care.A few hours 2 ,Id been at home in Hong Kong,with 3 (it) choking smog.Here,the air was clean and fresh,even with the rain.Id skip

2、ped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River 4 are pictured by artists in so many Chinese 5 (painting).Instead,Id headed straight for Yangshuo.For those who fly to Guilin,its only an hour away 6 car and offers all the scenery of the

3、 betterknown city.Yangshuo 7 (be) really beautiful.A study of travelers 8 (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia.Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong

4、,says it 9 (regular) arranges quick getaways here for people 10 (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.【语篇导读】桂林山水甲天下,阳朔风光甲桂林。作者讲述了从香港去阳朔旅游时的所见。1.解析考查动词的时态。主句谓语动词使用了过去进行时,根据语境此处要用一般过去时态。答案arrived2.解析考查副词的用法。由语境可知,几个小时之前我还在香港的家中,由此可知before/earlier符合句意。答案before/earlier3.解析考查形容词性物主代词的用法。空格后面有名词smog,故要使用形容词性物主

5、代词。答案its4.解析考查定语从句关系代词的用法。由句子结构不难判断这是一个定语从句。先行词为指物的mountain tops and dark waters,关系词在从句中作主语,因此答案为that/ which。答案that/ which5.解析考查名词的复数。“so many复数名词”为一常用短语。答案paintings6.解析考查介词的固定用法。根据句意可知,这只是驱车一小时的路程。“by交通工具名词”为一固定短语。答案by7.解析考查主谓一致和动词时态。本段介绍阳朔的自然条件,属客观事实,要用一般现在时,由于主语是单数第三人称形式,因此答案为is。答案is8.解析考查过去分词短语作

6、后置定语的用法。study与conduct之间为动宾关系,故用表示被动的过去分词形式。此外,by是解题的关键词,conducted by.意为“由所做的”。答案conducted9.解析考查副词的用法。该词修饰谓语动词arrange,故要用其副词形式。答案regularly10.解析考查现在分词短语作后置定语的用法。由于live与其所修饰的名词people之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用表示主动意义的现在分词形式。答案livingPassage 2(2015新课标全国)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The adobe dwellings(土坯房) 1 (b

7、uild) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even 2 most modern of architects and engineers.In addition to their simple beauty,what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their 3 (able) to “air condition”a house without 4 (use)electric equipment.Walls made of adobe take in th

8、e heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat 5 (slow)during cool nights,thus warming the house.When a new day breaks,the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough 6 (cool) the house during the hot day: 7 the same time,they warm up again for the night.This cycle 8 (go) day afte

9、r day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset(抵消)for the outside temperatures.As 9 (nature) architects,the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly 10 thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.【语篇导读】相比现代化的建筑,简陋的土坯房可谓丑


11、的热量并在凉爽的夜间慢慢将热量释放出来。修饰谓语动词give out,因此要用副词形式。答案slowly6.解析考查固定句式的用法。“形容词enough动词不定式”为一常用句式。答案to cool7.解析考查固定短语的用法。at the same time意为“同时”,是一个常用介词短语。答案at8.解析考查动词的时态。这是一篇说明文,主要介绍了土坯房冬暖夏凉的原理,故用一般现在时态。答案goes9.解析考查形容词的用法。修饰名词architects,故要用形容词形式。答案natural10.解析考查宾语从句的连接词用法。分析句子结构可知,这是一个宾语从句。根据形容词thick及结构可知这里的

12、意思是印第安人要算出土坯墙的确切厚度。所以答案为how。答案howPassage 3(2015福建)阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。Sometimes we have disagreements with people.When this (1)h , the important thing is to try not to let a calm discussion turn into a heated argument.Here (2) my tips for you.The (3)

13、f thing I would say is that the way you begin the conversation is very important.Imagine you are a student and you share a flat (4) another student who you think isnt doing her share of the housework.If you say, “Look, you never do your share of the housework.(5) are you going to do about it?”, the

14、discussion will very soon turn into an argument.Its much more (6) (有帮助)to say something like, “I think we had (7)b have another look about how we divide up the housework.Maybe there is a better way of dealing with it.”My second piece of (8)a is simple.If youre the person who is in the wrong, just ad

15、mit it! This is the easiest and best way to avoid an argument.Just make an (9) (道歉), and move on.The other person will have more respect for you (10) the future if you do that.答案1.happens2.are3.first4.with5.What6.helpful/beneficial7.better8.advice9.apology10.inPassage 4(2015湖南)Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.Research has become both simp



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