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1、最新实用 小学英语语法大全,一、名词(可数名词和不可数名词) 二、人称代词 三、冠词 四、动词 五、介词 六、数词 七、形容词和副词,八、there be结构 九、句式 1.肯定句 2.否定句 3.疑问句 4.祈使句 十、时态: 1. 一般现在时 2. 一般过去时 3. 现在进行时 4. 一般将来时 十一、“wh”的特殊疑问句,一、名词,英语语法中,名词有两种数的形式:1)单数(表示一个人或事物); 2)复数(表示多于一个的人或数)。只有可数名词才有复数形式。,名词的数:,名词复数形式的构成,由元音字母的变化构成: man-men, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, mouse-

2、mice, woman-women 2. 有些名词的复数形式与单数的形式一样: sheep, deer, fish(但也可以是fishes) 有些名词变成复数时加-en: child-children, ox-oxen,不规则名词的复数,Practise,peach_ 2. zoo _ 3. glass _ 4. fox _ 5. lady _ 6. policewoman _ 7. house _ 8. photo _ 9. monkey _ 10. wife _ 11. rose _ 12. path _ 13. judge _ 14. map _,peaches,zoos,glasses

3、,foxes,ladies,policewomen,houses,photos,monkeys,wives,roses,paths,judges,maps,二、人称代词,主格: I we you she he it they 宾格: me us you her him it them 形容词性 物主代词: my our your her his its their 名词性 物主代词: mine ours yours hers his its theirs,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,后跟名词,能够在句子中独立作主语、宾语或表语,Practise,_(他) is my brother. 2.

4、I had a letter from _ (她). 3. Its all right; its only _(我). 4. Today _(我们) went in _(我们的) car; tomorrow _(我们) are going in _(他们的). 5. _(我) lend _(我的) books gladly to _ (我的) friends and to _(你的). 6. Can you help _(我) with _(我的) English. 7. When _(你) go to see _(你的) father, please take these books to

5、_(他). 8. _(他们) found _(它) difficult to learn German.,He,her,me,we,our,we,theirs,I,my,my,yours,me,my,you,your,him,They,it,所有格,所有格的形式 单数人称名词末尾加 s child-childs 以-s结尾的单数人称名词末尾加s waitress-waitresss 不规则的复数人称名词末尾加s children-childrens 以-s结尾的复数人称名词末尾加 girls-girls 以-s结尾的一些人名末尾加s James-Jamess,下列情况一般用 “of”结构: 东

6、西(没有现成的复合名词时): the book of the film 2. 东西的一部分: the bottom of the box 3. 抽象的概念: the price of success 4. 当of短语中的名词被另一个短语或从句修饰时: Cant you look at the book of the boy behind you?,双重,s结构也可以用于 “of”结构之后,如:a friend of my fathers , 出现这种情况是因为在一个名词前通常只用一个限定词,又如:this son of mine, a friend of yours, a cousin of

7、hers等等。 Isnt Frank a friend of yours? That silly uncle of Toms has told me the same Joke five times.,冠词,不定冠词a,an,定冠词the,只能用于单数可数名词之前,单数可数名词 复数可数名词 不可数名词,零冠词,名词前可不用冠词,不定冠词的用法: 表示“一”,“任何一个”或“不管哪一个”的意思。 I have a sister and two brothers. 2. 在某些度量表示法中: We have PE lessons three times a week. 3. 用在单数的表语名词前

8、,以表示职业、行业、宗教、等级等。 George wants to be an engineer. 4. 在以what引导的感叹句中,单数的可数名词前。 What a pretty girl! 5. 一些常用短语中。 have a good time, half an hour, have a headache.,定冠词的用法: 用来表示“独一无二”的意思。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 2. 表示“说话的人刚刚提到过的人或事物”。 There is a boat in the river. The boat is made o

9、f wood. 3. 用在后面跟有限定性介词短语的名词前。 the letter from America, the fourteenth of April 4. 用在泛指的乐器名词前。 He plays the piano. 5. 一些常用短语。 by the way, in the morning, Whats the matter?,零冠词的用法: 泛指的抽象名词前。Life is very hard for some people. 2. 泛指的物质名词前。Water is very useful. 3. 泛指的复数名词前。Books are my best friends. 4. 泛

10、指的“餐”名前。Come to have dinner/breakfast with me. 5. 大多数的专有名词前。He comes from France. 6. 语言的名词前。She can speak French. 7. 在季节和节日的名词前。Winter is the best time for skating. 8. 当名词前已有一些代词修饰时。My brother is a soldier. 9. 在体育项目的名词前。play basketball 10. 一些常用短语。 at home, go to school, at night,1. There is _noteboo

11、k on my desk. I use _ notebook to keep a diary. 2. There is _bottle on the table. _ water in it is sweet. 3. Wangs mother is _English teacher. She teaches in _ primary school. 4. China is _ ancient country with _ long history. 5. China has _ population of 12 hundred million. _ Chinese people are _ g

12、reat people. 6. Her mother is _ university teacher. She is _ honest woman. 7. None of _books should be taken out of _ room without _ permission of _ librarian. 8. _Party always teaches us to work for _ people heart and soul. 9. She studies at _No. 3 Middle School. She goes to _ school by _ bus every

13、 day. 10. My elder sister is _student of _ English. She studies at _ college. 11. _ Monday before _ Spring Festival was very cold. 12. Have you had _dinner?,Practise,a,the,a,The,an,the,an,a,the,The,/,a,an,the,the,the,/,The,/,/,/,/,/,a,a,The,/,/,四、动词,动词主要表示动作,其次表示状态或性质,有时态、语态、语气等形式的变化。,小学阶段所涉及的动词主要有:

14、实义动词、be动词、情态动词can等。,Be动词,am, is, are,was, were,been,Practise,1. He _ very good at English. 2. My father and I _ going to Beijing next month. 3. _ you on duty the day before yesterday? 4. Mr. King _ in London two weeks ago. 5. There _ many kinds of animals in the zoo. 6. What _ the date yesterday? 7. Look! A little girl _ flying a kite. 8. Who _ not at school last Monday? 9. Have you ever _ to Japan? 10. I _ not a nurse. I work as a doctor.,is,are,Were,was,are,was,is,was,been,am,动词的基本形式,第三人称单数现在式,动词be和have的第三人称单数现在式分别是is和has。,动词的过去式,现在分词,has,had,having,gives,gave,giving,gets,got



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