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1、上海市民办新竹园中学2013学年第一学期英语学科六年级期末考试Part2 Vocabulary and grammarI. Choice.(选择题。)1. Find the word with a different sound.A. food B. foot C. classroom D. book 答案;A 考点:音标2. The sports meeting was held _ December,2012.A. in B. on C. of D. at答案:A考点:介词3. Having a picnic in the park in spring is much_.A. funny

2、B. fun C. funner D. funnier 答案B考点:比较级4. I have bought many apples. You can take _if you like.A. little B. a little C. a few D. few 答案:C 考点:名词修饰词5. Things got _after he spent all the money his mother gave him. He felt very sad.A. good B. better C. worse D. badly 答案:C 考点:形容词比较级6. Susan speaks English

3、_John.A. so fluently as B. as fluent as C. more fluent than D. much more fluently than 答案;B考点形容词比较级7. My father _on business for two weeks. He will be back in two days.A. left B. has left C. has gone D. has been away 答案:D考点:动词时态 8. There _a meeting in the hall tomorrow afternoon.A. is going to have

4、B. is going to be C. will have D. will be have 答案:B考点:动词时态9. Hurry up, Tom. You may take _of the buses over there.A. either B. both C. each D. all 答案A考点:代词10. Would you like me to bring you a cup of coffee?-_?A. Yes, Id like to B. Its a pleasure C. Yes, please D. It doesnt matter 答案;C 考点:日常表达II. Fil

5、l in the blank with a proper word.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)。1. From now on, think _ before saying stupid things. (two)答案; twice考点:序数词2. Its autumn and _ are falling down from the trees. (leaf)答案;leaves考点 名词3. In educating our children, we should help _understand things, not pump things in. (they)答案them考点代词4. H

6、e sings terribly. His dancing is much _. (terrible)答案more terrible;考点比较级5. Its about twenty _ walk from here to the nearest department store. (minute)答案minutes考点 时间表示6. Put the _ food into the fridge. (freeze)答案frozen;考点形容词7. It takes _time to go there by underground than by bus. (little)答案less考点比较级

7、8. This is my first _ so I feel excited. (fly)答案flight;考点 名词9. The _ snacks made Cathy feel sick a whole year. (health)答案unhealthy;考点 形容词III.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. The telephone _. Will you go and answer it? (ring)考点答案is ring;2. “Daisy, remember _ the tap off after you wash your hands,” mother said. (turn)

8、答案: to turn考点动词3. Sarah _ many interesting places since she came to live in Shanghai last year. (visit)答案has visited;考点动词4. The radio says it _cloudy tomorrow. (be)答案will be5. 考点时态6. How long did you spend _ computer games last weekend? (play)答案playing考点动词7. Last week I bought a book. The book _me f

9、ive yuan. (cost)答案cost考点动词8. We will go to the zoo if it _tomorrow. ( not rain)答案doesnt;考点 从句9. -Would you mind _ the window.-Certainly not. (open)答案opening考点日常表达10. Patrick _ a new job. He is quite happy. (find)答案; has found考点动词IV. 改写句子。1. Selina didnt have any classes this morning. (保持句意不变)考点同义句答案

10、Selina had no classes this morning. 2. market, the, little, selling, my ,when, began, mother, was, in, I , flowers (连词成句)考点连词成句答案When I was little my mother began selling flowers in the market.3. Computers have played a very important part in our daily life. (改为感叹句)考点感叹句表达答案What a important part com

11、puters have played in our daily life!4. Few people knew this word. ( 改为反义疑问句)考点反义疑问句答案did they?5. There are 3 pieces of bread on the table. (对划线部分提问)考点疑问词答案What are there on the table?6. The lady under the tree is my English teacher. (对划线部分提问)考点疑问词答案Which lady is your English teacher?. V. 将下列单词或短语填入

12、空格,每个单词或短语只能用一次。A. the other B. fast C. well D. left E. taken F. another G. and Brian ran in Central Park every morning. He always took a five-dollar bill with him in his pocket. After running he bought himself a cup of coffee and a hamburger. One day _1_ runner knocked into him. For a few moments h

13、e didnt think about it. He felt for his five-dollar bill in his pocket. It wasnt there! That man had _2_it!The man was only 30metres far away. Brian ran after him, hit him and said,“ Give me the money!” The man said , OK! Just stay cool! Take it easy!”Then the man gave Brian a five-dollar bill.Then

14、the man ran away as _3_as he could!Brian felt really good _4_ ran to the shop. He bought himself a coffee and a hamburger.Then he ran home. His wife was waiting for him. She said, “ Oh, dear! You have had a bad morning, havent you?”“ No! why? Ive had a very good morning!”“ really? But you _5_ your five-dollar bill on the table!”答案F 考点代词答案E考点 动词答案B考点 形容词答案G考点 连词答案D 考点 动词Part3 Reading and writingRead the passage and choose the best answer. (读短文并进行选择。)One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive. Sudd



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