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1、吉的堡英语 2011 年春季班期末检测题36 年级语 音一、 (读一读,判断下列单词画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打,不同的打 ) (1) hat grapes ( ) (2) home nose ( ) (3) egg pen ( ) (4) fish bike ( ) (5) student cup ( ) (6) milk this ( )(7)r ead teacher( ) (8) snow cow ( ) (9) fly Cindy ( ) (10) pie die ( )二、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,将序号填入题前括号内: ( ) 1. A. any B. stand

2、 C. lamp D. fat( ) 2. A. skate B. table C. ask D. cake( ) 3. A. tent B.she C. else D. red( ) 4. A. tea B. eat C. meal D. ready( ) 5. A. find B. ride C. like D. pig( )6. A mountain B train C rain ( ) 7. A bread B tea C please( )8. A look B book Ccool( )9.A work B actor C doctor( )10. A use B hungry C

3、 must 三、根据汉语补全单词1. 猫 c_t 2、狗 d_g 3、猪 p_g 4、羊 sh_ _p 5、书 b_ _k 6、兄弟 broth_ _ 7、中国_ _ina词汇一、 (读一读,圈出不属于同一类的一项) (1) A. classroom B. music room C. Chinese(2) A. breakfast B. math C. dinner(3) A. short B. shirt C. skirt(4) A. socks B. shoes C. kite(5) A. cat B. hot C. warm(6) A. rainy B. wind C. snowy(7)

4、 A. cheap B.blue C. expensive(8) A. potato B. boots C. slippers 二、用动词适当形式填空1.There (be)many lions.2.Sam is going to (visit)his parents.3.Now,the boys are (play)basketball.4.Amy (have)got headache.5.I can (draw)pictures. 6. Lets_( watch) TV.7. Tom like _(jump) rope.8. May I _(help) you?9. Its time to

5、 _(go) home.10. Please _(sit) down.三、用所给单词的适当形式填空 (1)I _ (watch) TV and _(read) a book yesterday evening. (2)We _ _(have) an English test tomorrow.(3)What are you doing? Im _(climb) a mountain and_ ( buy) presents (4)Sarah can _(play) the erhu. Mike can _(row) a boat.(5)It is longer and _ (fat). 四、选

6、择适当的疑问词填入空格内,使句子意思完整(每个用一次): What Where Who Whose What time How much Why What color How old How many1. _ is the book? Ten yuan.2. _ is it now? Ten oclock.3. _ books do you want? Ten books.4. _ do you like doing? Reading books.5._ are you going? Going to the playground.6._ is that book? Its Kates.7.

7、_ is that girl? Shes Kate.8.- _is Sam? - Hes six years old.9.-_is this bag? - Its yellow.10.-_are you late? -Because I cant catch the bus.五、在 A、B 、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项: ( ) 1. I like _ piano.A. play B. playing C. playing the( ) 2. Sandy doesnt _a telescope, but he _ a camera.A. have; has B. has; h

8、ave C. have; have( ) 3. Theyre cleaning the library. Lets go and join _.A. they B. them C. us( ) 4. New Years coming. Lets buy a New Year card _ our teacher.A. for B. give C. to( ) 5. Look! The bees(蜜蜂们)_ in the flowers.A. dance B. dancing C. are dancing( ) 6. I get up _ seven _ Sundays .A. at ; on

9、B. at ; in C. in ; on( ) 7. Do you like this red coat ? No, _ that green one . A. I dont like B. I like C. I cant ( ) 8. How are you? A. Im five. B. Im going to school. C.Im OK.( ) 9. Are there _ maps on the wall? Yes, there are _.A. any; some B. some; some C. some; any( ) 10 What animal do you like

10、, Ben? Please guess. Its very tall. It has two big ears. Its(它的) nose is very long. It can do many(许多的) things with its nose. Oh, I see . _.A. Its a pig B. Its a dog C. Its an elephant六、用适当的介词填空 1. Tom is home.2. Look, there are many apples the tree.3. My book is the desk.4. Its a map China.5. Pleas

11、e write your name the blackboard.6. My home is the school.7. We live a new house.8. There are some pictures the wall.9. My telephone is the bed and the sofa.10. I like playing chess my father.11. Please look the blackboard. 12. It is three oclock the afternoon.13. We would like buy things for our gra


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