商务英语函电chapter 8

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《商务英语函电chapter 8》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务英语函电chapter 8(63页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、商务英语函电 ,BUSINESS ENGLISH CORRESPONDENCE ,2015 Negotiation of a Contract (inquiry, offer, counter-offer, acceptance, contract) 2016 - Execution of a contract (payment, shipment, packing, insurance, dispute and claim),Chapter 8 Terms of payment 支付条款,Teaching objective -the instruments used in internat

2、ional trade. -special terms and expressions. -letter writing & translation skills.,International settlement - international payments and settlements are financial activities conducted among different countries in which either payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another

3、 for the purpose of settling accounts, debts, claims, etc.,国际结算,Types of international settlement. usually is divided into three broad categories: -remittance -collection -letter of credit.,International customs and practices International Practices concerning Bills 票据: Bill of Exchange Act,1882, 英国

4、票据法 英美法系票据法的典型代表 Geneva Uniform Bill Act. 日内瓦统一票据法 大陆法系票据法的代表,(2)International Practices concerning Settlement: Uniform Rules for Collection, ICC Publication No.522 托收统一规则 简称 URC522 Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credits, 1993 Revision, ICC Publication No.500 跟单信用证统一惯例 简称UCP

5、500 2007 UCP600,Banking network Commercial banks have the following net works -correspondent bank or correspondents 代理行 或业务往来行 - branch& sub-branch ( also called “sister bank“) 分行和支行,Payment Instruments 支付工具,Learning Focus,Draft 汇票 Definition Parties involved Content Types Promissory Note 本票 Check 支

6、票 Definition Parties involved Types * Acts of Draft 票据行为,Definition of Draft,Draft 汇票 is an unconditional written order signed by one party (drawer 出票人) requiring a second party (drawee 受票人/ payer 付款人) to make payment in lawful money immediately or at the determinable future time to the third party

7、( payee 收款人) . 汇票是出票人签署的无条件执行的书面命令,要求第二方即受票人/付款人立即或在未来某一特定时间内以法定货币付款给第三方即收款人。,Parties Involved,c. 收款人 (usu. Exporter or Exporters bank),DRAWER,DRAWEE / PAYER,PAYEE,DRAFT/ ORDER,a. 出票人 (usu. Exporter or Exporters bank),b. 受票人/付款人 (usu. Importer or Importers bank),纽约A公司向巴黎B公司采购一批商品。价值为10,000美元,约定装运后30

8、天付款。巴黎公司C向纽约公司D采购一批商品,价值为10,000美元。而公司B与C之间刚好存在某种业务关系,C将物品与劳动以借贷的方式提供给B。 他们之间的关系:,New York Paris 美国公司A 法国公司B 美国公司D 法国公司C,商品,现金,商品,现金,现金,商品,1. _ 公司开立一张汇票,收款人是 _ 付款人是 _。 汇票开立后,B将汇票交给 C. B将其对A的债权转让给C,委托A对C直接支付来解决其对C该履行的债务。以此解决B与A,A与C之间的债权债务关系.,New York Paris 美国公司A 法国公司B 美国公司D 法国公司C,商品,现金,商品,现金,现金,商品,法国B

9、,法国公司C,美国公司A,2. 法国公司C收到汇票后,为了清偿其对美国公司D 的债务,可以将以上汇票通过背书转让给D,由D 去向A提示汇票,要求A付款。,New York Paris 美国公司A 法国公司B 美国公司D 法国公司C,商品,现金,商品,现金,现金,商品,注:汇票的出票人既可以是出口商,也可以是进口商。 汇票由出口商出具,寄送给进口商,资金的流动方向与汇票递送方向相反,称为“逆汇”。 汇票由进口商向银行申请开立,寄送给出口商,资金的流动方向与汇票递送方向相同,称为“顺汇”。,Date and place of issue 签发日期、地点 Name of Payee 收款人姓名 Cu

10、rrency and Amount 货币名称、金额数目 Name of Drawee/ Payer 受票人/付款人姓名 Drawers name signature 出票人姓名及签名 “Draft” or “Bill of Exchange” 汇票字样 Unconditional order to pay 无条件支付命令 Time of payment 支付时间 Credit reference 信用备查,Content of Draft,A Typical Draft,Drawee 受票人,Drawer 出票人,Payee 收款人,Bill of Exchange / Draft,信用证开证

11、行名称,信用证号码,开证日期,汇票号码,小写货币金额,出票日期、地点,付款期限,收款人,大写货币金额,付款人名址,出票人名址及签章,1. According to the identity of drawer/drawee a. Bankers Draft (银行汇票) b. Commercial Draft (商业汇票) 2. According to whether or not commercial documents are attached a. Clean Bill (光票) b. Documentary Bill (跟单汇票) 3. According to the time o

12、f payment a. Sight/Demand Draft (即期汇票) b. Time/Usance/Term Draft (远期汇票),Types of Draft,1. According to the identity of drawer/drawee a. Bankers Draft (银行汇票) Draft drawn among banks. It is mainly used in settling payment obligations between banks. b. Commercial Draft (商业汇票) Draft drawn among traders/

13、companies. It is the mostly used instrument in world trade.,Types of Draft,Drawee/ Payer 受票人/付款人,2. According to whether or not commercial documents are attached a. Clean Bill (光票) paid without the presentation of any other documents attached . A bankers draft is usually clean. b. Documentary Bill (

14、跟单汇票:国际贸易中使用最广泛) can be paid only when certain other documents, e.g. shipping documents have been attached to and presented together with the draft. Commercial drafts are usually documentary.,Types of Draft,3. According to the time of payment a. Sight/Demand Draft (即期汇票) Payment is to be made at the

15、 sight of the draft. b. Time/Usance/Term Draft (远期汇票) Payment is to be made in a specified number of days after sight, or after the date of issue or acceptance, or at a fixed future time.,Types of Draft,Sentence Translation,we propose to pay by Bill of Exchange at 30 days, documents against acceptance. Please confirm if it is acceptable to you. 我们建议以见票后30天付款的汇票承兑交单方式支付。如你方能接受,请确认。 we agree to draw on you a sight draft through a bank for the value of the goods ordered. 我们同意通过银行开出即期汇票向你方收取货款。,Acts of Draft 票据行为,The major acts of draft include Issue 出



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