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1、CAE 2003 HR Survey Findings,Contents,Research Background Research Objectives Research Methodology Sample Classification Background Information Executive Summary Research Findings Conclusion Detailed Findings,Research Background,Human Resources is the essence of a healthy company. Recruiting the righ

2、t person for the job is crucial to a companys performance, invigorating it and maximizing efficiency. ShanghaiChinas most prosperous cityattracts more and more foreign companies to its soil, giant corporations and small start-ups alike. They demand professional HR agencies to help recruit ideal pers

3、onnel and build an HR system. With aim to understand the current needs and attitudes of foreign companies/joint ventures (JVs) towards HR services in Shanghai, in May 2003 CBC Marketing Research undertook a comprehensive study of hundreds of foreign companies from a variety of sectors. The research

4、results intend to guide HR service companies to better understanding their clients needs.,Research Objectives,This study covers the following topics: Awareness of HR agencies & HR agencies/headhunters among foreign companies/JVs in Shanghai Rate of turnover in various major departments Attitudes tow

5、ards current HR agencies/headhunters Satisfaction levels regarding current HR agencies/headhunters Current client retention and new client potential for HR agencies/headhunters for C-level recruiting,Research Methodology,Computer Aided Telephone Interviews (CATI) City coverage Shanghai Sample size a

6、 total of n=261 CATI surveys were conducted Target respondents Human Resources Managers in the Shanghai branches of foreign companies/JVs,Sample Classification,Company ownership JV Joint Venture FOP - Foreign wholly owned private FOL - Foreign wholly owned limited Industries: all Company Scale: Smal

7、l/Medium/Large based on the number of employees in China Small - Below 50 employees Medium - 51-300 employees Large - Over 300 employees Respondent type C-level - CEO, COO,CFO,CTO, CIO, etc. M- Level Middle managerial level Other terms DK=dont know Aided response=a prompted response; tests passive r

8、ecognition only Unaided response=an unprompted response; tests active recognition,Respondent Companies - I,n= 261,Base:All respondents,More than half of interviewed companies were FOLs, and nearly 1/3 were JVs. They encompassed nine industries. The Light Industry and Consulting/Services sectors comp

9、osed more than half of all completes.,Ownership,Industry,Respondent Companies - II,n= 261,Base:All respondents,63% of respondent companies employed over 2000 staff worldwide. 1/3 of these companies employed over 500 in China alone.,Employee Counts Worldwide,Employee Counts in China,Executive Summary

10、,Awareness of Current HR Agencies&HR Agencies/Headhunters,No single HR agency or headhunter dominates the Shanghai market. Local HR agencies have greater awareness than local headhunters. Nearly 80 HR agencies/headhunters were mentioned unprompted. 51job had the greatest awareness, followed by Zhaop

11、in and FESCO. Three local Shanghai agencies had unaided awarenesses of around 4%. 51job and Zhaopin also led in aided awareness (awareness90%). Manpower and Staff Service received relatively higher awareness among foreign HR agencies/headhunters. Large companies had significantly higher awareness of

12、 上海经营者人才服务 (Shanghai Executive Search Consulting), 科锐咨询 (Chinacareer), and Manpower.,Rate of Turnover by Position and Department,Technical staff have a higher rate of turnover than department managers. On average, 3.6 new department managers are hired per company per year. The average for technical

13、staff: 13.7 positions. Department turnovers mixed Finance/Administration departments had the lowest turnover, while Sales/Marketing departments had the highest. JVs had significantly lower rates than FOP and FOL companies. However, FOP non-Finance/Administration departments rates were significantly

14、higher than those of JVs, FOLs. More than 1/3 of HR managers were unclear on the turnover rate in Production, Engineering, and Customer Service departments.,Recruitment Methods Evaluation - I,Respondents evaluated 4 channels: recruitment websites, recruitment newspapers, staff/friend recommendations

15、, and the HR service market. They were basically satisfied with the performance of all. Staff/friend recommendations and recruiting newspapers were perceived as slightly better than the other two channels. HR managers use different recruitment methods/channels to recruit at the C-, M-, and Technical

16、 staff levels. Headhunters are used more than any other HR service channel to recruit C-levels. However, over one third of respondents were not involved in C-level recruitment. Only 8% of small respondent companies often seek HR agencies/ headhunters help recruiting C-level personnel.,Recruitment Methods Evaluation - II,Postings on recruitment websites and newspapers are 2 major ways to attract M-level candidates (29% and 21%, respectively). About 1/5 of companies also recrui



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