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1、一、单选题(共20道试题,共100分。)1.-How often do you go to the cinema? -_D_. A. I like cinemasB. Last week and the week beforeC. Ive never been to the cinemaD. once a year满分:5分2.Would you mind telling me _C_. A. where are you fromB. where you were fromC. where you are fromD. you are from where满分:5分3.-I doubt whe

2、ther the Chinese Football Team can win the game this time. -_B_. A. Thats trueB. Its hard to sayC. I like the teamD. I dont believe it满分:5分4.This is very important. You _B_ remember to shut down your computer every evening. A. shouldB. mustC. oughtD. need满分:5分5._C_ yesterday, I would have asked him

3、not to do that. A. Provided he cameB. if he cameC. If he had comeD. Has he came满分:5分6.-I wish you success in your career. -_D_. A. You are welcomeB. I think soC. Yes, pleaseD. The same to you满分:5分7.-Can I help you, Madam? -_D_. A. Yes, I can take care of myselfB. Of course you canC. No, you needntD.

4、 Thank you. Im just looking around满分:5分8.Our house is _D_ than theirs. A. expensiverB. much expensiveC. expensiveD. more expensive满分:5分9._D_ the bad weather, they went picnicking(野餐). A. Despite onB. HoweverC. AlthoughD. In spite of满分:5分10.Cities attract people because of the _D_ for labour in the m

5、anufacturing and service industries. A. requirementB. callC. interestD. demand满分:5分11.-Oh, sorry to bother you. -_A_. A. Thats okayB. No, you cantC. Thats goodD. Oh, I dont know满分:5分12.I have no idea _C_. A. where has he goneB. he was whereC. where he has goneD. where he was满分:5分13.-Hello, could I s

6、peak to Don, please? - _C_ A. Who are you?B. Whos there?C. Whos speaking?D. Who could I help?满分:5分14.Many languages are _A_ to die out. A. likelyB. probablyC. possiblyD. mostly满分:5分15.The concert usually takes place at the Peoples Square, with the audience _B_ on the ground. A. seatingB. seatedC. be

7、 seatingD. to seat满分:5分16.Jack is good, hard working and intelligent. _D_. I cant speak too highly of him.A. As a resultB. By the wayC. On the contraryD. In a word满分:5分17.-May I see the menu, please? -_C_. A. That is the menu, sirB. Yes, please go onC. Here you are, sirD. Of course, sir满分:5分18.Could

8、 you please tell me _C_ you know about the accident(事故)? A. thatB. whichC. whatD. why满分:5分19.They had succeeded _C_ the task in time. A. at completingB. to completeC. in completingD. complete满分:5分20.You _C_ put the passport in the suitcase, I may need it at any time. A. mustnt haveB. wouldnt haveC.

9、shouldnt haveD. wont have一、单选题(共20道试题,共100分。)1.Can you help me _B_ the bag please? A. atB. withC. forD. to满分:5分2.It _A_ me two days to finish the report. A. takesB. spendsC. costsD. pays满分:5分3._C_ average women live longer than men. A. ByB. InC. OnD. From满分:5分4.That smells lovely. _B_ delicious food

10、! A. WhichB. WhatC. What aD. How a满分:5分5.-Can I help you, Madam? -_D_. A. Yes, I can take care of myselfB. Of course you canC. No, you needntD. Thank you. Im just looking around满分:5分6.Joan had _B_ for 75 hours before she got her licence. A. flyB. flownC. to flyD. flying满分:5分7.-This picture is very n

11、ice, but I think its too small for our room. -_A_. A. I agree. Lets look for a bigger oneB. Youre quite right. What a good ideaC. I agree. Our room is very smallD. I agree. Lets look for a nicer one满分:5分8.-Hello, may I talk to John please? -_A_. A. Sorry, he is busy at the momentB. No, you cantC. So

12、rry, you cantD. I dont know满分:5分9.-What are you majoring in? -_A_. A. MedicineB. At a collegeC. In a universityD. Its hard to say满分:5分10.-We are going to have a dancing party tonight. Would you like to join us? -_A_. A. Im afraid not. Because I have an appointment with my dentist tonightB. Of course not. I have no idea.C. No, I cantD. Thats all set满分:5分11._B_ she passes her exams, she wont get into university. A. IfB. UnlessC. WhenD. Because满分:5分12.-May


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