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1、仁爱八年级下册作文范文(一)1,Jenny随父母搬到一个陌生的城市后,在生活和学习上都遇到了困难,心情很不好。请你以好朋友Mingming的名义写信安慰她,并提出一些建议,让她重新快乐起来。80个单词左右。Dear Jenny, How time flies! I miss you very much. And Im so sorry to hear that you are unhappy. In fact, everyone may have some trouble and feel sad. But we must stop these unhappy feelings. Ill gi

2、ve you some suggestions. When you feel sad, youd better talk to others, such as your parents, your teachers or your friends. Also you can listen to soft music, do some sorts or take part in other activities. Try to make friends with your classmates. Then you will feel much better. I hope you will ge

3、t happy again soon. Yours, Mingming 2,学会对自己微笑1. 生活中会有不愉快的事(请举两个例子);2. 使你自信;3. 击败你的人有时是你自己。学会对他人微笑使人与人更亲近微笑是一种语言最容易,也最有用 请你根据上表所列的内容要点,以“Learn to Smile”为题写一篇作文。90个单词左右。参考词汇:自信-confidence(n) confident(adj) 靠近-get close to 态度-attitude(n) 敌人-enemy(n) 打败-beat(beat, beaten)(v.) Learn to Smile Smile is an

4、attitude to life. In our life, there may be something unpleasant. For example, you fail in an exam ,or your friends dont understand you .these things may make you feel bad. Then what will you do? Why not learn to smile? Smiling to yourself can bring back your confidence. Sometimes, the greatest enem

5、y is yourself; thats to say, sometimes you beat yourself. We should also learn to smile to others. It will help you to get close to others. So, smile is the easiest but the most useful language in the world.3. 研究表明音乐对人们的情绪有很大的影响,人们用不同的音乐来调节心情,请根据下表,写一篇短文。听音乐前的情绪运用音乐听音乐后的情绪压力大,过分焦虑 流行音乐 放松沉迷电脑游戏,兴奋过度

6、 乡村音乐 平静 困倦、疲劳 摇滚音乐 振奋 孤独、悲伤自拟自拟 注:参考词汇:have an effect on.对有影响,stressed(adj)有压力的,be crazy about对着迷,over过度地,research研究Research shows music has important effect on ones moods. So you can change your moods by listening to music. If you feel stressed and worried, you can listen to pop music. It can make

7、 you relaxed. Some people are crazy about computer games and feel over-excited. Country music can help them feel calm. If you are tired and sleepy, you can enjoy rock music and become excited. I often listen to disco music when Im lonely and sad. Disco music always makes me happy. Music is so wonder

8、ful. I like it very much.4,假设上周你和你的朋友一起去南京玩,共游玩了三天。请根据下表写一篇你们的旅游经历和感受。不少于80个词。DaysPlaces Activities Feelings the 1st dayXuanwu Park (玄武湖公园)go boatingfunthe2nd dayNanjing University(南京大学)Visit and learn about the universityexcitedthe 3rd dayZijing Mountain(紫荆山)Climb the mountain and enjoy the view(景色

9、)Tired butproud Last week, I went on a three-day visit to Naning with my friends. On the first day we traveled to Xuanwu Park, it was beautiful. And it was fun to go boating in the park. On the second day, we visited Nanjing University. Its an old university with a long history. It was so great and

10、we felt excited. On the last day, we climbed Zijing Mountain. It was hard work. Along the way we enjoyed the beautiful view. When we got to the top, we were tired but proud, The travel is great and we look forward to traveling there again.5,请根据下列提示写一篇日记,记录5月1日(星期六)你和莉莉一起去参观郑州博物馆的事。1. 天气:晴朗2. 距离:博物馆离

11、家约两千米3. 交通工具:自行车4. 时间:8点出发,10点回家5. 内容:见到许多照片、实物,学到很多东西6. 游人:见到很多父母和孩子、学生和老师等。要求:符合日记格式,80个单词左右。Saturday,May1st Fine It was fine today. Lily and I went to visit Zhengzhou Museum. Its about 2 kilometers. So we decided to go there by bike. We started out at 8 oclock. At the museum we saw many photos an

12、d other things. We learned a lot. There we saw a lot of children,parents, students and teachers. At 10 oclock we left the museum for home. We had a wonderful time today.6,根据下面的交通事故报告单,写一篇短文。60个单词左右 Accident ReportTime: 18:00Date: April 14thPlace: the gate of the schoolAccident: A car hit a students

13、bike. The student hit his head on the wall and was badly hurt. The front wheel(轮子)of the bike was broken. At 18:00 on April 14th ,classes were over and some students rode bikes home quickly. They were riding and playing. They didnt notice the crazy traffic until a car hit a students bike at the gate

14、 of the school. The students head hit the wall and was badly hurt. The front wheel of the bike was broken, and he was lying on the ground. The driver got out of the car quickly and sent him to the hospihal.7,假如不久前8名无锡青年骑车沿大运河(the Grand Canal)进行了慈善(charity)活动。请以“A Charity Bicycle Trip”(一次慈善自行车行)为题,报道

15、活动过程。 1.目的:为了一个生病的女童筹款 2.时间:5月20日离开无锡,6月5日到达北京 3.简况:虽然车程漫长,路途艰辛,但是他们的精神高昂;在众多好心人的帮助下,共筹款8万多元 Not long ago,eight young people from Wuxi made a charity bicycle trip along the Grand Canal. They did this to raise money for a sick girl. They started out from Wuxi on May20. After 15-day ride,they got to Beijing on June 5. Though they met many diffculties,they were in high spirts all the time. With many


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