2018年高考英语一轮复习 基础自查 module 3 foreign food interpersonal relationships-friendship课件 外研版选修6

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2018年高考英语一轮复习 基础自查 module 3 foreign food interpersonal relationships-friendship课件 外研版选修6_第1页
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1、Module 3 Interpersonal RelationshipsFriendship (限时20分钟),. 重点词汇识记与拓展 1. _v. 面对(危险、困难) 2. _v. 滑倒, 失足 3. _v. 擦伤, 划伤 4. _adj. 剧烈的, 急剧的 5. _n. 权利, 特权,confront,slip,scratch,acute,privilege,6. _adj. 亲密的, 亲近的 7. _v. 信赖, 信任 8. _n. 数量 9. _v. 筹措(金钱) 10. _v. 数 11. _v. & n. 吵架 12. _v. 责备, 申斥,close,trust,amount,r

2、aise,count,quarrel,scold,13. _v. 撕破, 撕裂 14. _v. 提到, 涉及 15. _v. 后悔, 悔恨 _adj. 懊悔的, 遗憾的 16. _adj. 体贴的, 考虑周到的 _v. 考虑, 认为 _n. 考虑,tear,mention,regret,regretful,considerate,consider,consideration,17. _v. 原谅, 宽恕 _n. 原谅 18. _v. 预言, 预测 _n. 预言 _adj. 可预测的 19. _v. 逃跑, 逃走 _v. (同义词)逃跑,forgive,forgiveness,predict,p

3、rediction,predictable,flee,escape,. 重点短语识记 1. _ 突然发生, 突然起来 2. _ 对失去兴趣 3. _ 转过身来 4. _ 筹款 5. _ 和好, 和解,burst out,lose interest in,turn round,raise money,make up,6. _ 保持联系 7. _ 与失去联系 8. _ (开车)撞伤, 撞死 9. _ 对感到惭愧/羞耻 10. _ 与某人关系很好 11. _ 突然, 忽然 12. _ 使想起,keep in touch,lose touch with,knock . . . over,(be)ash

4、amed of,(be)on good terms with,all at once,bring. . . to mind,13. _ 反过来, 作为交换 14. _ 真心诚意地, 发自内心地 15. _ 属于,in return,from the bottom of ones heart,belong to,. 经典句式应用 1. I was twelve and, _(失 去了我所有的老朋友), I felt shy and lonely at my new school. (动词-ing形式的完成式作状语) 2. I turned round and walked out _ _(没有说

5、一句). (without+动词-ing形式),having lost all my old friends,without saying a,word,3. _(第一次我失去 我最好的朋友的时候), I thought it was the end of the world. (the first time引导时间状语从句) 4. _(是在这儿)I discovered that I was allergic to the tiny flies which bit me and _ _(使我的脸肿起来). (强调句型和make+宾语+省略 to的不定式作宾语补足语),The first ti

6、me I lost my best friend,It was here that,made my face,swell,5. It _ (我不可能找到我的女儿)without the help of Friends Reunited. (without表示虚拟条件),would have been impossible to find my daughter,1. 巧记不规则动词 teartoretorn wearworeworn swearsworesworn bearboreborne,2. 近义词辨析 close adj. 亲密的, 亲近的 adv. 近地 closely adv. 密切地, 仔细地 deep adj. 深的 adv. 深地deeply adv. 深深地 high adj. 高的 adv. 高高地highly adv. 高度地 wide adj. 宽的 adv. 宽地widely adv. 广泛地,注意: 以上不加-ly的既是形容词也是副词, 作副词时, 表示“具体的距离上的近、深、高、宽”; 加-ly后是副词, 表示抽象的意义。,3. “有时”单词短语串烧 from time to time now and then at times once in a while occasionally sometimes,



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