广东省中山市高中英语 unit 5 first aid warming up,listening &speaking课件 新人教版必修5

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1、Unit 5 First aid Warming up,Listening Speaking,What is the most important in our life?,house,money,car,job,life,So, learning about first aid is important and necessary.,Life is precious. However, life is also weak!,What is “first aid”?,First aid is a _ form of help given to someone who suddenly _ or

2、 _ before a doctor can be found. Often the _ or _ is not_, but there are other times when giving _ can save _.,temporary,falls ill,gets injured,illness,injury,serious,first aid quickly,lives,First Aid,Brainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid?,Accident Fi

3、rst aid,drown,bleed,choke,burn/catch fire,cut,a bloody nose,a snake bite,sprained ankle,a broken arm,What has happened to them?,What can you do to help?,a snake bite,1. Lay the person down and keep him still. 2. Do not wash the venom (毒液) off the skin. 3. Apply pressure to the bitten part with your

4、hands. 毒蛇的牙痕为单排, 无毒蛇的牙痕为双排。,bleeding,Put a bandage on the wound and apply pressure to reduce the bleeding.,a sprained ankle,First, have the patient sit down and raise the foot. Second, put a bandage around the foot and ankle. Third, put an ice pack on the ankle to reduce the swelling.,choking,Make h

5、im / her spit by patting him / her on the back.,Dont slap (拳击) his back, which may make things worse.,Dont eat too fast and dont forget to chew your food.,Dont talk or laugh while having food in the mouth.,To prevent choking,a broken arm,Do not move the patient. Keep the arm still using a bandage. G

6、et medical help immediately.,a bloody nose,sit down and bend his head forward and pinch(捏) his nose,clothes on fire broken bones bleeding choking snake bites nosebleed bruising sprained ankle,1 Listen to the tape for the first time. You dont have to understand every detail in the listening text. Cir

7、cle the words you hear.,Listen to the tape and match each picture with a topic listed in question 1 above.,1. _ 2. _,Listening-II (3m),sprained ankle,clothes on fire,3. _ 4. _,a nose bleed,chocking,3 Listen to each part of the tape. Get the detailed skills.,Someones clothes on fire,1. _ him running

8、round 2. Tell him to _ to the ground and _ him with a _ 3. _ him on the ground till the fire is out. 4. _ him for _,1. Sit down and let her _ slightly. 2. _ her nose.,Squeeze,bend forward,Stop,drop,cover,Roll,thick cloth,treat,burns,a sprained ankle,1. _ him down. 2. Put _ on the _. 3. Put foot up o

9、n a chair 4. _ his ankle _.,1. Bend him _ 2. Give him _ quick hard slaps between his shoulder blades(肩胛骨).,choking,four,Sit,ice,Bandage,forwards,ankle,tightly,Important numbers,120 119 110,Emergency medical service,Fire department,Police department,Why is first aid important?,The prompt care sometim

10、es draws the line between life and death.,The prompt attention draws the line between a full or partial recovery.,main aims of first aid,To preserve life,To protect the casualty from further harm,To relieve pain,Remember: Anyone can save a life,1. aid 作动词 帮助; 援助 He aided me in business. I aided her

11、to continue her study. At Christmas, many organizations aid the poor.,Important words,作名词 帮助; 援助 (不可数) Teachers give their lessons with the aid of computers. He raised money in aid of the sick.,2. temporary 暂时的, 临时的 temporary relief from pain 短暂的解痛 temporary work/ solution 临时工作/解决办法,3. fall ill 生病,f

12、all + adj. 睡着了 _ 清醒了 _ 安静下来 _ His son suddenly _ _ last week. 他儿子突然生病了。,fall asleep,fall awake,fall silent,fell ill,4. injure v. _ n. _ adj. injury to sth. (部位)的伤 他干活时腿受了重伤。(injury) He got _ at work. 他在意外事故中受了伤。(injure) He _ in the accident.,injuries to the legs,got injured,injury,injured,5. bleed 流

13、血 bleedbledbled My heart bleeds for those poor children. His nose is bleeding. / He is bleeding at the nose. bloody adj.,Revision,The first kind of help you give someone who has had an accident. _ 2. A piece of clean material that you put on a wound. _ 3. When someone has something caught in their t

14、hroat, we say that are _. 4. A line of light from the sun of other radiation. _,first aid,bandage,choking,ray,5. If an injury hurts a lot we say that it is _. 6. A characteristic of a second degree burn, ball-like bleb. _ 7. You can slow bleeding by applying _ to the wounds 8. The special car that takes someone to hospital. _,painful,blister,pressure,ambulance,Homework,Write what you should do and should not do when accidents happen.,The End,



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