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1、1. 每个正文段的第一句话要清楚地表达你这段的观点,要具体,不要写得太含混。2. 举例的时候,要向听众说明你的例子,如大禹,要说明大禹是谁,因为外教不清楚。 3. 每次拿到每个saying的时候,要找重点词,重点的意思去阐述。 通常后半句才是重点, 尤其是句子中有转折意思的时候。 4. 在阐述的时候,要尽量保持人称的一致性,如果用we, 一直用we. how we spend their (应为:our) time5. 尽量不要使用过去式,除非你是在讲过去的事情。when we go to school, we were(应为are ) taught the knowledge from th

2、e books by teacher. 6. 单复数要一致: We may learn a lot from it (应为them)which would really do good to our life. But there are(应为is )much more important knowledge exist in the world7. 不要写中式英语: But there are(应为is )much more important knowledge exist(应为:existing) in the world8.梁Remember that a persons name i

3、s to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,Today the topic of my impromptu speech is remember that a persons name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any lamguage. (先解释一下你对这句的意思)As to this saying, I couldnt help ag

4、reeing with it any more. From my standpoint, My reasons are as followings.In the first place, the name, as for a person, is so vital and it contains special meaning, so it shows respect and attention to the person if you can remember his or her name. . Your own name shows the roots of your own idend

5、ityidentity, and in the same way, the other peoples names indicate the idendity of themtheir identity. Therefore, remembeing a persons name is not the name itself but is a kind of respect and attention to that person. That has crucial significance. For instance, my name, Liang Wenbo, Liang Wenbo doe

6、s not just mean that these three Chinese characters are lined together. It stands for foe me, this the personhuman, who is tough, optimistic, confident and kind. For these reasons, this it is given special meaning and very important to me. Now if you could remember my name and call me “Hey, Liang We

7、nbo, how are you doing?”. For me, I would say, “Wow! Wonderful, he remembers my name! Thats so sweet.” And this would make me happy all day long. Thats the magic of remembering a persons name. And also, In the second place, for a teacher, remembeingremembering the students names is also a very effec

8、tive way to improve their teaching. That can narrow the gap that exists between the teacher and the students and they can establish a close relationship. In this way, the atmosphere in the class room will be more relaxed and comfortable and the students will be more active and interested in learning

9、. I believe that many of you will agree with me that a foreign teachers class is often more atractive and active. Why? I also asked myself this question and by observing I found out the secret. What is that? The secret is name. In the first class, the teacher knows the students names, but and at the

10、 second time, he can call students names correctly. Thats wonderful. The students like that, they receive the information of respect and attention from the teacher calling their name, so they are more willing to be cooperative in calss. Hence, it is of significant meaning to remember peoples names.F

11、inally, to sum up, it is fantastic to notice realize that it is very important to someone remembers your name and it is also very important to try to remember other peoples names.remember peoples names and be remembered. So, lets remember each others name. Thank you!单数可数名词不能单独存在,name不能单独存在,如果存在一定是a

12、name, the name, her name, names等,但绝对不能是name. Be not angry that you can not make others as you wish them to be, since you can not make yourself as you wish to be.Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,Today the topic of my impromtuimpromptu speech is that be not angry that you can not make others as you

13、wish them to be, since you can not make yourself as you wish to be. In my opinion, it means that(不要说太多无关紧要的话,直接解释这句的意思,表达的时候不要绕弯)Well, frankly speaking, at my first glance of this saying, it likes that there is a sonorous thunder sounds in my ears. It wakes me up. I am lightened. And I believe that

14、many people have the same feeling as me. That is, I totally agree with this saying. Here are some of my arguments.Regarding the wish, I want to say that dont dream of expecting others to be what you want them to be. Why? Since, mMost of the time, you yourself can not make yourself as you wish to be.

15、 If we are sensitive enough, it will be not difficult to find that many things that has happened around us have prove d this saying is a truth. Many people are doing these useless things. However, they have no idea that what they are doing is harmful to those who they love as well as harmful to them

16、selves. Therefore, these scenes can pfthen be seen in public. A parent, a child, the parent tries to persuade the child to a tutorial class. The child does want to go, he wants to enjoy the right to be a child. Nevertheless, in the name of love, the parents would say, “baby, I love you so much. All these things that I did are just good for you . I want you have a bright future; I want to see that you can



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