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1、1高考英语单项填空题解法例析英语单项填空题是考查学生基础知识、语言应用能力的一种基本题型。近几年,高考英语单项填空题得到不断改革、创新并日趋完善,单项填空题考及的知识面更广,试题更灵活多变。在日常英语单项填空题的教学中,要注意训练学生认真审题的习惯、仔细分析的习惯,掌握一定的技巧,才能收到较好的训练效果。对于一些有比较复杂的句式结构的单项填空题,考生因对其不太熟悉,影响了解题的速度和准确率,其实,对于这类题目,只要巧妙地运用一些方法,即可化难为易。本文试从具体的解题方法这一角度作几个实例分析。 一、找关键词法 找准关键性的提示语。对于有些单选题来说,如果能找准关键性的提示 语,问题就会迎刃而解

2、。 例 1: Do you know John is getting on well with his studies? Do you know John is getting on with his studies? A、how B、what C、that D、with 解析:句意为“你知道约翰学习进展好吗?”宾语从句的意思已经完整,故选 C 项,因为 that 本身无中文含义,解这一题的关键是要注意 well;句意为“你知道约翰学习进展如何?”故选 A 项。well 就是这两题的关键词。 例 2: _on the stone, you will see farther. on the st

3、one,,and you will see farther. A、Stand B、To stand C、 Stood D.、Standing 解析:这两句的根本区别在于句有一个 and ,and 是这两题的关键词,所以句的结构为祈使句+and/or/or else +陈述句,祈使句应该用动词原形,故句选 A 项;句实际上是现在分词作条件状语,表示主动的动作,其逻辑主语是 you,相当于条件状语从句 if you stand on the stone,故选 D 项。 二、结构分析法 有的单项填空题的句子结构复杂,迷惑性大,稍有疏忽,便会受到干扰项的干扰,这时要仔细分析,弄清句子结构,然后再对照所

4、给的选项,选出正确答案。例 3: It was such a good film I saw it yesterday. Dont talk about such things you dont understand. A、which B、that C、what D、as 解析:答这类题时,首先要分析句子结构,such 有两种搭配。第一种suchthat,that 引导结果状语从句,在结果状语从句中不充当句子成分,因此 that 后面的句子应该是一个完整的句子;第二种 suchas, as 引导定语从句,as 在定语从句中充当主语或宾语,因此 as 后面的句子应该少一个成分,该成分由 as 来

5、充当,照这样分析,句选 B 项,句选 D 项(as 作 understand 的宾语)。 例 4: We are looking forward to you again. A、saw B、see C、sees D、seeing The day we looked forward to at last. 2A、came B、come C、coming D、comes 解析:一般的学生都知道 look forward to 后接名词或代词或动名词,故句的答案为 D 项,意为“我们期望再一次见到你。 ”而答句的关键是要分析句子结构,抓主干,去枝节, “主干”为 The day came at la

6、st. The day 是主语,came 是谓语;“枝节”为中间的 we looked forward to,其实 we looked forward to 是定语从句,引导词 that 或 which 作介词 to 的宾语,省略了,故正确答案为 A 项。 例 5: I found her her eyes on the hole in the ceiling. I found her eyes on the hole in the ceiling. A、are fixed B、fixing C、being fixed D、fixed 解析:分析句子结构,可以看出,这两题主要是考查 found

7、 的宾补用法,一般地说,形容词、副词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词等均可作 found 的宾补,现在分词表示主动的动作,过去分词表示被动的动作,据此,句应选 B 项,表主动;句选 D 项,表被动。词组为 fix ones eyes on。再如:He stood there with his eyes fixed on the wall. 例 6: What do you think has happened to her? Who do you suppose will come to our house? What do you suppose he is doing now? Who do

8、 you think he will help? When do you suppose he is going to start? Where do you think she has gone? 解析:这 6 道题涉及插入语 do you think / do you suppose / do you believe 的用法。解答这组题的关键是要弄清句首的疑问词在句中的成分。显然,句、句的疑问词在句中作主语,只要去掉插入语 do you think 与 do you suppose,剩下的便是 What has happened to her? Who will come to our h

9、ouse? 问题就迎刃而解了。句、句的 What 与 Who 在句中作宾语,其实句的 What he is doing now 是 suppose 的宾语从句。句 的 Who he will help是 think 的宾语从句,所以应该用陈述句排列,不应像句、句那样可以去掉插入语来理解。同样,句、句的 When 与 Where 在句中作状语,句 When he is going to start 实际上是 suppose 的宾语从句。句的 Where she has gone 也是 think 的宾语从句,所以都应该用陈述句排列。 典型错误为: What do you suppose is h

10、e doing now? Who do you think will he help? When do you suppose is he going to start? Where do you think has she gone? (错误的原因是没有分析句子结构,全采用去掉插入语的方法来解题。) 三、成分简化法 为了快捷、准确的理解题意,去掉插入语或附加的次要信息成分,就会迅速找出答案。 例 7:He felt that he, rather than Alice and Lisa, _for the coldness that had grown between them. A、wer

11、e to blame B、was to be blamed 3C、were to be blamed D、was to blame 解析:去掉 rather than Alice and Lisa,便可看出本句实际上是 He felt that he was to blame for the coldness,而 be to blame 是固定搭配,应用主动形式。这样问题就简单了,故答案为 D 项。 例 8:His health is . A、as poor as, if not poorer than, his sisters B、as poor, if not poorer than, h

12、is sister C、poor as his sisters if not poor D、as poor, if not poorer than his sisters 解析:本题乍一看很难,其实,只要把插入语 if not poorer than 去掉,原句就是 His health is as poor as his sisters.故答案为 A 项。 四、句式还原法 1、感叹句还原为陈述句 例 9:_ what little Tom said to his mother sounded ! A、How a reasonable B、How reasonable C、What a rea

13、sonable D、What reasonable 解析;题干为一感叹句,还原成陈述句,即 What little Tom said to his mother sounded_ 。很容易发现 sound 之后应接形容词作表语。故答案为 B项。 2、疑问句还原为肯定句 例 10:Has _can be done _? A、 A、all,been done B、all that,done C、all what,been done D、all that,been done 解析:题干为疑问句,还原为肯定句,即:All that can be done has been done.that can

14、be done 是定语从句,that 在定语从句中作主语,不能省略。故答案为 D 项。 例 11:Is this factory _you visited yesterday? A. that B.which C.the one D.where 解析:本题的干扰项是 A 项,其实只要把原句还原成肯定句:This factory is the one you visited yesterday。 You visited yesterday 是定语从句,引导词 that 在定语从句中作宾语,省略了。 3、复合句还原为简单句 例 12:He suggested the problem worth p

15、aying attention at the conference. A、to discussing B、to discuss C、to be discussed D、to being discussed 解析:本题容易误选 D 项,误把 being discussed 当成 paying attention to 的宾语。如果把此复合句还原成两个简单句,即 He suggested the problem at the conference. The problem is worth paying attention to.很容易看出空白处应填“(should) +动词原形” ,而 wort

16、h paying attention to 是修饰宾语从句主语 the problem 的,是形容词短语作后置定语,故答案为 C 项。 4、省略句还原为完整句 4例 13:“What will Andrew be doing in the fall?” “_ maths at a private boys school.” A、To teach B、Teaching C、To be teaching D、Be teaching 解析:题干为省略句。根据题意,答语可补充完整为 Andrew will be teaching maths at a private boys school。一般来说,助动词全都省略,只剩下实义动词,故答案为 B 项。 例 14: None of us could agree on where to go on vacation, so we went


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