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1、1高中英语阅读教学教师提问技能浅析Abstract Reading is an essential ability to learn a language. It is the foundation of mastering a language as well as a main tool to obtain information. In regard to English teaching, high school is a start to train students reading skills. The New Curriculum Standard emphasizes the

2、 importance of Reading in English teaching. So, how to teach Reading is of great importance. In the promoted student-centered reading class, the teacher should seek a way to train students how to read and stimulate them to participate in reading so as to guide them to an active and effective reading

3、. To reach this target, teachers questioning is one of the important ways in teaching of Reading. It is a major form of interaction between language teacher and the learner. In English Reading class, teachers question is to a great extent determines the qualities of the classroom teaching and influe

4、nce the teaching results. However, the teachers questioning strategies in reading class at present still have problems, many of which are not effective. The thesis summarizes the types of questions and questioning strategies through analyzing problems of questioning in todays Senior English reading

5、class. Suggestions are given on how to apply questioning effectively in Senior English reading class. Key Words effective; response; feedback; questioning; wait-time; reading ability; questioning strategies; 中文摘要 阅读是学一门语言必备的技能,它是掌握语言的基础,也是获取信息的主要手段。高中英语新课程标准也都强调英语阅读能力培养的重要性。因此,如何上好阅读课以及培养学生的阅读能力就成了摆

6、在教师面前的重要问题。在提倡以学生为中心的课堂的情况下,教师必须探求如何在阅读课上引导学生进行阅读并促使他们积极地参与到教学活动中来。而教师的提问策略作为英语阅读教学的主要方法,对引导学生进行如何有效阅读起着至关重要的作用,它很大程度上决定着教学质量的好坏。然而,现在英语课堂上的提问策略存在种种问题,很多问题的有效性不高。本文通过分析目前高中英语阅读教学中提问策略所存在的问题,总结分析提问的类型以及提问技巧策略,并对如何在高中英语课上有效应用提问技能提出了自己的看法。关键词 有效性;回答;反馈;提问;等待时间;阅读能力;提问策略; 1. IntroductionReading is one o

7、f the four essential skills in English language learning. As the most important receptive skill in foreign language learning, reading is placed at key position in the New English Curriculum Standard. However, English reading comprehension has been a headache for most of students, who dont really kno

8、w how to read. 2Thus how to teach reading widely and effectively has become a problem of utmost importance.So far, most learners of English as a foreign language in China learn the target language from their teachers in the classroom. Therefore, being one of the most commonly used teaching strategie

9、s in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classroom, questioning undoubtedly plays an important role in carrying out effective classroom activities. Just as Geoff Thompson in the Training Teachers to Ask Questions points out one of the main forms of interaction between the language teacher and the le

10、arner is through questions. Questioning should be employed both in passing on knowledge and in developing learners reading abilities in reading class. By questioning, teachers can know about at what level the students proficiency and, whats more important, the appropriate questions can elicit studen

11、ts to analyze and think about the key points of the text, which enhance students practical language abilities. In fact, asking questions effectively is not as effective as it seems. Teachers questioning is not a simple teaching process. It requires the teachers efforts of further study and real prac

12、tice.2. Analysis of questioning in reading class2.1 Definition of teachers questioningQuestioning is an effective teaching technique in reading class. There is a long history of studying questions in general education. More than 2000 years ago, questioning had attracted the educators attention. Conf

13、ucian in China promoted eliciting teaching and Socrates advocated a talk-and-answer method, which are all meaningful in education today. In 1912, American scholar Steven was the first to introduce classical research in classroom questioning. He suggested that classroom teaching is actually a circle

14、of ask-and-answer activity. Researchers show that during a career in the classroom, a typical teacher will ask about one and a half million questions.So whats teachers questioning? “In classroom settings, teachers questions are defined as instructional cues and stimuli that convey to students the co

15、ntent elements to be learned and directions for what they are to do and how they are to do it. Questions enable teachers to engage students in higher levels of cognition or, more specifically, critical thinking. ”1 Through questioning, teachers enable students to engage in the class, getting specifi

16、c information, understanding the purposes of the text and savoring the beauty of the text, which lead to reach goals of teaching in reading. At the same time, in the ask-and-answer process, communication between teachers and students is frequent, which undoubtedly give students more chances to use target language.32.2 The Importance of questioning in reading class“According to Larry A. Harris& Carl B. Smith, reading is the readers interaction with a printed



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