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1、1英语阅读课的教学设计及教学反思一、 阅读课(Reading)教学的重要性 新课程英语阅读课的设计目的不仅在于提高学生阅读理解能力和运用英语的能力,而且让学生领略丰富多彩的异域文化,加深对英语国家文化的了解与理解,培养学生的文化意识和世界意识,使学生在语言学习过程中形成积极的情感态度,并获得终身学习的能力。虽然新课程教材内容变化大,但阅读课教学始终是英语教学的重点和主旋律。能否设计出合适的教学方法,决定阅读教学的成功与失败。新课程教学要求教师“用教材去教” ,其教学模式是“以学生为主体” ,提倡“任务型”教学和关注学生情感态度价值观的培养。因此,探索有效的教学方法是新课程教学的首要任务。 我国

2、著名心理学家林崇德曾提出“优秀教师=教学过程+反思”的成长模式,它体现了教学反思的重要性。教师应善于从平时的教学经验中进行反思,吸取教益。教学反思对教师而言,是一种有益思维和再学习的活动方式,通过不断的反思,激活教师的教学智慧,促进教师钻研教材内容,创设更新的教学方式,构建师生互动的新模式,它是教师成长的“催化剂” ,是教师发展的基础。 二、 本节阅读课的教学设计 高二英语必修 5 Unit 1 教案 Teaching Plan for Book 5 Unit 5 First Aid for Burns Reading Teaching Goals: 1. Enable the Ss to g

3、et some first aid knowledge. 2. Enable the Ss to learn how to use what theyve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly. 3. Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each paragraph/ part & each passage. Key Teaching Points: How to improve the Ss reading ability. Diffi

4、cult points 1. How to grasp the main idea of each paragraph / part & each passage. 2. How to help the Ss use what theyve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly. Teaching methods: 1. Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text. 2. Discussion methods t

5、o make the Ss understand what theyve learned in class. 3. Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities. 4. Competition and role-play method to arouse the Ss interest. Teaching aids: 2The multi-media (see a short movie about how to treat burn from ppt.)

6、 Teaching procedures: Step1. Lead-in Lead-in by telling the Ss a story, meanwhile, teach them some new words: bandage, first-aid-kit, ambulance and then ask them to think of words about accidents and first aid. Step 2. Pre-reading Show the Ss the picture of Pre-reading on P33 and ask them the follow

7、ing questions: What has happened? What sort of injuries the child will have? What kind of first aid would you perform? Step 3. Fast reading Let the Ss read the passage fast and then find out the answers to the questions. 1. What will the passage be about? 2. What do they tell you about the passage?

8、3. In which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to 5. _ the three types of burns _ what to do if someone gets burned _ the purpose of skin _ the symptoms of burns _ how we get burns Step 4. Detailed reading 1)Tell if the following statements are true or false. 1. Our skin

9、has three layers. 2. We will never get burned by the sun. 3. Burns are divided into three degrees according to the degree of pain. 4. Third degree burns are the most serious and painful. 5. Put cool water on any burns to cool them. 6. Dont rub the burns 7. Its better that you put some butter or oil

10、on burns. 2) Answer the questions. 1.Why should you put cold water on a burn? 2.Why doesnt a third degree burn hurt? 3.Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed? 4. If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue? 3) Read the text again and then find out how ma

11、ny parts there are and the main idea of each part. Part 1. The purpose / function of skin Part 2. Causes of burns hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the 3sun, electricity, chemicals. Part 3. Types of burns: First degree burns, Second degree burns, Third degree burns. Part 4. Characteristics of bur

12、ns Part 5. First aid treatment 3) Finish off Comprehending Ex2&3. Step 5. Words competition Have a competition to check the Ss words spelling. Step 6. Making a first-aid kit An activity to let the Ss know what are included in a first-aid-kit A well-stocked(存备得好的) first-aid kit, kept in easy reach, i

13、s necessary in every home. It should include: bandage, alcohol, flashlight, thermometer, soap, sharp scissors, plastic gloves (at least 2 pairs), your list of emergency phone numbers etc. Step 7. Role play Work in pairs to act out how to place an emergency call for help. Step 8. Summary This passage

14、 doesnt contain enough information for you to do first aid for others. Please learn more after class. Do remember: Life is precious, we should care about others and help people in an emergency and try our best to give them effective first aid if they are in danger. Step 9. Homework Search as much in

15、formation as you can about first aid 三、教学反思 成功之处: 1.把有关词进行归类,既扩大了学生的词汇量,又活跃了学生思维。 2.通过问题回答、填写表格的方式,使学生透彻理解并掌握课文大意。 3.利用计算机网络、图片,让学生直观了解课文内容。 4.教师讲解知识点透彻,使用语言准确,进一步体现教师备课的细致。更重要的是学生能积极参与到教学活动中,体现了新课程所倡导的“以学生为主体”的教学思想。 6.实行启发式和讨论式的教学方式,激发学生独立思考和创新意识能力,重视培养学生收集、处理信息和分析问题、解决问题的能力,使学生受到思想品德和爱国主义等方面的教育,寓德育于教学中,增进对所学语言国家的进一步了解。 不足之处: 1 课前准备不充分,太仓促。 2与课文有关的影片因教学时间紧张,只能让学生另找时间观看。



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