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1、吉大19年9月大学英语(一)作业考核试题-0001-参考资料请仔细阅读下面说明再下载:预览的题目和您自己的试题必须完全相同再下载金!由金锄头账号:qq号1072066377电大奥鹏助学团队独家整理!仅在金锄头网上传!第1题(单选题)The clothes a person wears may express his _ or social position.A、curiosityB、statusC、determinationD、significance参考答案:B第2题(单选题)Niagara Falls is a great tourist _, drawing millions of vi

2、sitors every year.A、attentionB、attractionC、appointmentD、arrangement参考答案:B第3题(单选题)The words of his old teacher left a _ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them.A、long B、livelyC、lasting D、liberal参考答案:C第4题(单选题)We agreed to accept _ they thought was the best tourist guide.A、whateverB、whom

3、everC、whicheverD、whoever参考答案:D第5题(单选题)You _ him so closely; you should have kept your distance.A、shouldnt followB、mustnt followC、couldnt have been followingD、shouldnt have been following参考答案:D第6题(单选题)Everybody _ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.A、assembledB、accumulatedC、piledD、j

4、oined参考答案:A第7题(单选题)It is essential that these application forms _ back as early as possible.A、must be sentB、will be sentC、are sentD、be sent参考答案:D第8题(单选题)The early pioneers had to _ many hardships to settle on the new land.A、go along withB、go back onC、go throughD、go into参考答案:C第9题(单选题)I dont mind _ th

5、e decision as long as it is not too late.A、you to delay makingB、your delaying makingC、your delaying to makeD、you delay to make参考答案:B第10题(单选题)“May I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five oclock tonight?”“Im sorry. Mr. Williams _ to a conference long before then.”A、will have goneB、had goneC、would

6、 have goneD、has gone参考答案:A第11题(单选题)Sometimes I wish I _ in a different time and a different place.A、be livingB、were livingC、would liveD、would have lived参考答案:B第12题(单选题)Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested _ at the next town.A、to stopB、stoppingC、stopD、having stopped参考答案:B第13题(单选题)There are s

7、igns _ restaurants are becoming more popular with families.A、thatB、whichC、in whichD、whose参考答案:A第14题(单选题)Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, _ overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.A、whoseB、whichC、thatD、what参考答案:A第15题(单选题)Although many people view conflict as

8、bad, conflict is sometimes useful _ it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.A、by whichB、to whichC、in thatD、so that参考答案:C第16题(单选题)The hopes, goals, fears and desires _ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.A、alterB、shiftC、transferD、vary参考答案:

9、D第17题(单选题)Putting in a new window will _ cutting away part of the roof.A、includeB、involveC、containD、comprise参考答案:B第18题(单选题)He is _ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.A、optimisticB、optionalC、outstandingD、obvious参考答案:A第19题(单选题)As we can no longer wait for the delivery

10、of our order, we have to _ it.A、postponeB、refuseC、delayD、cancel参考答案:D第20题(单选题)She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she _ too long.A、has been readingB、had readC、is readingD、read参考答案:A第21题(单选题)Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it _ in

11、Cuba.A、being cultivatedB、been cultivatedC、having cultivatedD、cultivating参考答案:A第22题(单选题)These surveys indicate that many crimes go _ by the police, mainly because not all victims report them.A、unrecordedB、to be unrecordedC、unrecordingD、to have been unrecorded参考答案:A第23题(单选题)Wouldnt you rather your chi

12、ld _ to bed early?A、goB、wentC、would goD、goes参考答案:B第24题(单选题)The director was critical _ the way we were doing the work.A、atB、inC、ofD、with参考答案:C第25题(单选题)The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience _ on benches, chairs or boxes.A、having seatedB、seatingC、seatedD、having been seated参考答案:C


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