2019年高中英语 unit 2 english around the world section ⅱ warming up & reading-language points教案 新人教版必修1

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1、Section Warming Up & Reading - Language Points一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.elevator n电梯;升降机2.native adj. 本国的;本地的n. 本地人;本国人3.apartment n. 美公寓住宅;单元住宅4.vocabulary n. 词汇;词汇量;词表5.spelling n. 拼写;拼法.拓展词汇1.base vt.以为根据 n基部;基地;基础basic adj.基本的;基础的2.gradual adj.逐渐的;逐步的gradually adv.逐渐地;逐步地3.enrich vt.使富裕;充实;改善ric

2、h adj.富有的4.latter adj.较后的;后半的;(两者中)后者的latest adj.最近的;最新的later adj.后期的lately adv.近来;最近late adj.迟的;晚的5.identity n本身;本体;身份identify v认出;鉴定6.fluent adj.流利的;流畅的fluently adv.流利地;流畅地fluency n流利;流畅7.frequent adj.频繁的;常见的frequently adv.常常;频繁地1.同义词(英美英语)petrolgas n汽油flatapartment n. 公寓liftelevator n. 电梯undergro

3、undsubway n. 地铁picturemovie n. 电影rubbereraser n. 橡皮2.反义词latter adj. 后者的former adj. 前者的3.转化法(n.v.)base n基部;基地;基础vt.以为基础block n街区;块;木块;石块v.阻塞command n命令;指令;掌握vt.命令;指令;掌握request n请求;要求vt.请求;要求4.派生法(v.ingn.)spellspelling n. 拼写writewriting n. 写作;书写listenlistening n. 听readreading n. 读feelfeeling n. 感情二、这样

4、记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.because_of因为;由于2come_up 走近;上来;被提出3at_present 目前;现在4make_use_of 利用;使用5such_as 例如;像这种的6be_based_on 以为基础7more_than 超过;多于8be_different_from 与不同9communicate_with 和交流10a_number_of 大量的;许多1.in/on a team在球队2an official language 一门官方语言3at the end of the 16th century 在16世纪末4make voyages/a voya

5、ge 航海5native English speakers 以英语为母语的人6enrich the English language 丰富了英语这门语言7a wider vocabulary 更大的词汇量8as a foreign or second language 作为一门外语或第二语言三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Why not go by Underground?为什么不乘坐地铁去呢?Why not .?“为什么不?”表示向别人提出建议。 Why_not_base your idea on the truth?为什么不把你的想法建立在事实的基础上呢?2.Native Englis

6、h speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以相互理解。even if even though引导让步状语从句,意为“即使;尽管”。Even_if/though_I_am_busy_with_my_lessons,_I have managed to find time to hang out with my friends.(2017天津高考书面表达)尽管我忙于功课,我还是设法挤出时间和朋友们在一起。3.It wa

7、s based more on German than the English we speak at present.当时的英语更多地是以德语为基础,而我们今天所说的英语不是。more . than .与其说倒不如说。In my opinion, he is more_lucky_than_clever.依我看来,与其说他聪明倒不如说他幸运。1(教材P9)Later in the next century, people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that, Eng

8、lish began to be spoken in many other countries.后来,在17世纪,英国人开始出海远航以征服世界其他地区。于是,许多别的国家开始说英语。because of 因为;由于We have made such great progress because of your help.由于你的帮助,我们才取得这么大的进步。(1)because of是介词短语,后接名词、代词、动名词或what引导的宾语从句。(2)because是从属连词,引导原因状语从句。The sports meeting had to be put off because of the

9、heavy rain.The sports meeting had to be put off because it rained heavily.由于下大雨,运动会不得不延期举行。She didnt come to the party because_of what you had said.因为你所说的话,她没来参加这个聚会。2(教材P10)Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以

10、相互理解。native adj. 本国的;本地的 n本地人;本国人(1)ones native country/land/language某人的祖国/故乡/母语be native to 原产于(2)be a native of . 的人;生长于的动物或植物As a matter of fact, French is not my native language.事实上,法语不是我的母语。Is her uncle a native of Shanghai, or just a visitor?她叔叔是上海本地人,还是只是一名游客?The researcher says the tiger is

11、native to India.研究人员说这种虎产于印度。3(教材P10)Id like to come up to your apartment.我很乐意到你的公寓去。come up 走近;上来;被提出;发生;发芽;(太阳、月亮等)升起写出下列句中come up的含义A foreigner came up to me and asked the way to the station.走近In order to finish the task on time, a good piece of advice came up at the meeting.被提出When the moon came

12、 up, the young people began their celebration.升起Ill let him know if anything comes up.发生名师点津come up作“被提出;被谈到”讲时为不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态;come up with“提出;想出”,其主语为该动作的发出者,宾语为表示“建议、计划、方案等”的名词。试比较:A good way to settle the problem came up at the meeting.在会上提出了一个解决这个问题的好办法。They came up with a good way to settle t

13、he problem at the meeting.在会上他们提出了一个解决这个问题的好办法。4(教材P10)Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.事实上,当不同文化互相交流渗透时,所有的语言都会有所变化、有所发展。actually adv. 实际上;事实上in fact as a matter of fact实际上;事实上He looked calm, but actually he was very nervous.他看起来很镇定,但实际上却非

14、常紧张。As a matter of fact/In fact, I dont know the truth.事实上,我不知道事情的真相。5(教材P10)It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.当时的英语更多地是以德语为基础,而我们今天所说的英语不是。base vt.以为根据/基础;基于n.基部;基地;基础(1)base . on .以为的基础be based on/upon 以为基础/依据(2)basic adj. 基本的;基础的One should always base his opinion on facts.一个人应该始终以事实为依据发表自己的观点。In my diary, I set down a series of things that are all based on/upon facts.在我的日记里,我记下了一系列有事实根据的事情。Based (base) on a true story, the film is very popular.以一个真实的故事为基础,这部电影非常受欢迎。at present现在;目前(1)at the present time (at present)目前;现在fo


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