2019年高中英语 module 6 the tang poems 课时跟踪练(二)introduction & reading — language points(含解析)外研版选修8

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2019年高中英语 module 6 the tang poems 课时跟踪练(二)introduction & reading — language points(含解析)外研版选修8_第1页
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1、课时跟踪练(二) Introduction & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1I dont know anybody here. But he has a large circle of acquaintances (熟人)2Im a tolerant (宽容的) man but your behavior is more than I can bear.3The professor is a specialist (专家) of studying a criminals psychology. 4There have been grea

2、t advances (进步) in medicine in the last ten years. 5Because of compassion for her terrible suffering(s) (苦难) they allowed her to stay.6We shouldnt overlook the mental (精神上的) health of young people.7He looked into the pool and saw a reflection (倒影) of himself.8They feel as if they had been parted (分手

3、) from each other for years.9The expansion (扩张) of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.10I paced up and down on the crossroad, seeing my shadow (影子) walking!.单句改错1The show was far from being failure; it was a great success.failure前加a2I got acquainted some aggressive people th

4、rough this activity.acquainted后加with3I held up my right hand and shook hands with him unnaturally and uneasily.upout4In other words, we should keep the earth healthy while use its supply of natural resources.useusing5As far as Im concerned, the expense involved will be shared with us.withamong/betwe

5、en.选词填空hold on, share . with ., fail in, be tolerant to, have some acquaintance with1I have_some_acquaintance_with Spanish, but I dont speak it fluently.2Every man has his faults. We should, therefore, learn to be_tolerant_to others.3We need to hug, laugh, and share our feelings with family, friends

6、, and even our pets.4If it hadnt been for you, I would have failed_in the exam. 5Hold_on a minute while I get my breath back. .课文语法填空The Tang Dynasty was a time of expansion. Trade with foreign countries created a 1.tolerant (tolerate) and cosmopolitan culture. New discoveries 2.were_made (make) in

7、astronomy, geography and medicine. But it was not just scientific knowledge 3.that could now reach a wider audience. Printing also marked the 4.beginning (begin) of the golden age of literature in the Tang Dynasty, 5.which means poetry.Tang poetry was better than everything that had come before it b

8、ecause of an explosion of talent and the 6.appearance (appear) of new forms. Du Fu regarded himself as a 7.failure (fail) because he never became famous during his lifetime. 8.However,_his poetic genius was recognised in the 11th century. He was a realist 9.because he painted a realistic picture of

9、the problems of that time. Not successful in the Civil Service Examination, Li Bai began a life of travel and poetry. As a romantic, he wrote about nature, friendship, the 10.pleasures (please) of wine and so on.串点成篇微表达李明是去年结识(acquaintance)王林的。他们现在是好朋友了。他们总是同甘共苦(share joys and sorrows)。王林是一个能容忍(tole

10、rant)不同意见的人,而且他还乐于助人。一天在试图抓住(take hold of)小偷时,他伤得很重,不得不被送往医院。李明不想和他分开(part),一直陪伴着他。Li_Ming_made_the_acquaintance_of_Wang_Lin_last_year._And_they_are_good_friends_now._They_always_share_their_joys_and_sorrows._Wang_Lin_is_a_boy_who_is_tolerant_of_different_views._Whats_more,_he_is_ready_to_help_other

11、s._One_day_when_trying_to_take_hold_of_a_thief,_he_was_badly_hurt_and_had_to_be_taken_to_a_hospital._Li_Ming_didnt_want_to_part_from_him_and_accompanied_him_all_the_time.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空My history teacher Mrs. Sherman in my 11th grade is a great influence on me. She was the person who helped me

12、develop an interest in _1_. Most importantly, she had faith in me, forcing me to _2_ myself and helped me become the first in my family to attend a fouryear college.To _3_ her, I say at the beginning of one of my books that it has been written for her. I hadnt _4_ her in nearly a decade, but I knew:

13、 She changed my _5_ I owed her forever. When she got word of what Id done, Mrs. Sherman reached out to me. I was _6_ just to receive her email. Mrs. Sherman was a giant in my life. To see a _7_ from her I feel like I was 17 again.After a few emails back and forth, Mrs. Sherman told me a secret: she

14、was _8_, and she needed a new kidney (肾). _9_, I got in touch with Sheryl Sandberg, who was also one of Mrs. Shermans _10_ and who is the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Facebook and we started to search for potential donors.One of my readers was thought to be a _11_. So, naturally, we started gett

15、ing _12_. Then, a twist of fate (命运): Beth, the potential donor, was discovered to have a cancerous tumor (肿瘤) on her own kidney. We were _13_ to learn this.Beth would need an operation, but she could be _14_. She kept thanking me over and over for _15_ her life. But we all know the _16_. Beth saved

16、 her own life by being so _17_, and volunteering to save the life of a _18_.Though were still looking for a donor match for Mrs. Sherman, we believe we will find one eventually _19_ there are so many people out there who are _20_ to do something good in this world.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者为老师寻找肾源,没想到一位志愿捐赠者在检查的过程中发现自己的肾也有问题



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