大学英语3视听说unit 1

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1、(2课时教案)云南师大文理学院外语学院课程教案课程名称: 大学英语听力4 课程类型: 必修课 开课系部: 外语学院大学英语教研室 主讲教师: 王洁 教师职称: 助教 二一四 年 1 月 至二一四 年 七 月二一三 年 八 月编课程基本情况授 课专 业各专业授 课班 级学 生人 数课 程学 时总学时:36 理论学时:36实验学时: 上机学时:课 程类 型必修课课 程学 分授 课周 数18考 核方 式考核使 用教 材统编教材: 自编教材: 书 名作者出版社出版时间21世纪大学英语视应用型视听说教程3汪榕培、石坚、邹申复旦大学出版社2013年8月教学参考用书21世纪大学英语视应用型视听说教程3教学参

2、考书汪榕培、石坚、邹申复旦大学出版社2013年8月教材分析 该教材全面贯彻课程要求的精神,充分利用现代信息技术,培养学生的英语综合运用能力,尤其是听说能力,同时重视外语教学理论对实践的的指导作用。在教学设计上,重视不同语言技能间的联系和综合应用能力的培养,各分册之间密切配合,听、说、读、写、译的练习相辅相成。教材难度适中。教学媒体资源多媒体教室PPT教学课件网络资源备注第 1 次(2课时)教案教学章节Unit 1 Hero and CouragePart A Listening/ Part B Viewing, Listening and Speaking日期 教学目的要求1. To enla

3、rge students vocabulary and key sentences patterns;2. To improve students listening and speaking skills.3. By doing Listening and Speaking practice, to help students enhance their communicative competence. 教 学内 容1. Vocabulary: new words and expressions about hero and courage;2. Listening Skills: to

4、correct pronunciation through poem reading; to judge a persons attitude;3. Conversation activity: what is a hero?教 学重 点1. Listening and speaking;2. Communicative competence enhancement.教 学难 点1. Difficult expressions and sentences;2. To encourage students to talk more about what makes a real hero and

5、 what is courage in their heart.教学内容的深化和拓宽1. Further improve students understanding of conversations,and passages in the textbook;2. Introduce more expressions used for describing good qualities of a hero;3. Ask students to listen and speak more after class.教学方法手段任务教学法和交际教学法多媒体课件教学使用媒体资源多媒体教室教 学 过 程

6、 设 计教学环节、教师教学活动、学生活动安排:1. Getting ready: Discussion before listening (PAIR WORK): 1) What is a hero in your heart? 2) What is courage in your opinion?2. Pronunciation: Listen to the recording of the poem first, and then ask students to read after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation, intonation an

7、d stress of the words.3. Listening 1) Listen for judging a persons attitude (5 short conversations); 2) Passage: A matter of Courage; 3) A long conversation: Overcome Acrophobia; 4) Passage: Wilma Rudolph.4. Viewing, Listening and Speaking 1) Watch a video clip New York Subway Hero, and do the follo

8、wing two tasks in page 5 and 6. 2) Talk about this question: Is courage the only quality of a hero? If not, what else do you think a hero should have?5. Assignment: discuss in groups using the useful expressions in page 8 and page 9.教学总结与反思1. The topic of this class is to talk about the good qualiti

9、es of a hero.2. This class aims at guiding and encouraging students to talk about their point of view of courage and hero.第 2 次(2课时)教案教学章节Unit 1 Hero and CouragePart C Speaking Workshop/ Part D Quiz日期 教学目的要求1. To enlarge students vocabulary and key sentences patterns;2. To improve students listening

10、 and speaking skills.3. By doing Listening and Speaking practice, help students enhance their communicative competence. 教 学内 容1. Review useful expressions learned last time;2. Listening and speaking;3. Group work: role play4. Quiz教 学重 点1. Listening and Speaking;2. Communicative competence enhancemen

11、t.教 学难 点1. To talk about courage and hero;2. To encourage students to speak English actively.教学内容的深化和拓宽1. Further improve students understanding of conversations;2. More tips on learning a language.3. Ask students to listen and speak more after class.教学方法手段任务教学法和交际教学法多媒体课件教学使用媒体资源多媒体教室教 学 过 程 设 计教学环

12、节、教师教学活动、学生活动安排:1. Review useful expressions learned last time;2. Speaking Workshop: (PAIR WORK)Sometimes people complain that it is really hard to say sorry to parents, children, friends, colleagues and even strangers. Describe to your classmates your experience of this kind. What happened? What di

13、d you do to make up the relationship? Why was it so hard to make the apology? What was the outcome?3. Quiz: Introduce listening skills; Listen to this quiz part by part; Explain some difficult conversations and passages.4.Summary: conclude Unit 1; review listening skills mentioned.教学总结与反思1. The first day in college and the differences between college and high school should be further discussed after class2. How to inspire students to talk more about their feelings about college life?3. How to enhance the listening skills effectively?


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