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1、2015GXMOE 年级科目莞曦学习中心备课笔记姓名:梁诗睿年级:初二升初三科目:英语日期:7.12课前测试1 Hurry up!The play for ten minutes. ( C )A.has begun B.had begun C.has been on D.began2 Have you ever seen him ? ( C )A.ago B.two days ago C.before D.just now3 I never there before. ( B )A. have;been to B.have;been C.have;gone to D.have;gone 知识点

2、归纳 现在完成时 / 现在完成进1. 知识点概述现在完成时(Present perfect)过去发生并且已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或后果,过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在的动作或状态。简而言之即过去发生并且已经完成且持续了一段时间的。接触一:肯定句式 现在完成时的肯定句式是“have(has)过去分词”。如: We have just finished our homework She has gone home 注意:1)该句式中的have或has是助动词,has用于第三人称单数,其它人称一律用have。 2)该句式中have(has)和过去分词之间可用just插入。 3)把该句式译成汉语

3、时,往往用“已经”、“刚刚”、“过”或“了”等。 接触二:否定句式:现在完成时的否定句式是“havent(hasnt)过去分词”。如: We havent studied Unit 2 yet The train hasnt stopped yet接触三:疑问句式 现在完成时的一般疑问句式是把助动词have或has提到主语之前。 Have you read this story book yet? 特殊疑问句及反意疑问句结构如下: What have you done with my bike? You have read this story book, havent you? 注意:1)现

4、在完成时的一般疑问句往往在句末加yet。 2)把现在完成时的一般疑问句译成汉语时,往往译成“过吗?”、“已经了吗?”等。 3)其肯定回答用“Yes,have(has)”,否定回答用“No,havent(hasnt)”,有时用“No,not yet”或“No,never”。 2. 知识点过去分词(规则ed)1)Worked,visited,asked,played,stayed 2)liked lived moved3)stopped dropped robbed planned, preferred 4)carried,worried,tried,cried(详见下节课不规则动词表)3. 知识

5、点现在完成时常与一些词、词组连用 :1、ever(曾)、never(未曾)、already(已经) 、 yet(仍、还)、just (刚刚)、before(以前)2、for +一段时间 : for two days 有两天了3. in the past/last一段时间 : in the past ten years 在刚过去的十年里4. since + 过去某一个时间: since 1991 : 自从1991年到现在 一段时间 + ago since 14 years ago: 自从14年前到现在 一般过去时句子: since I was born : 自从我出生到现在already, ye

6、t, ever, never, just的用法、Already 肯定句,强调已经的意,放句中或句末. I have already finished my homework.= I have finished my homework already.、yet 否定句、问句,表示还没,没有的意思,放句末 He hasnt finished his homework yet. Has he finished his homework yet?、ever 问句,表示曾经的意思 Has John ever been to Zhuhai?、never 含否定意思的肯定句,表示从没的意思 He has n

7、ever been to China.、just 肯定句,表示刚刚的意思 I have just come back from China.练习:用already, yet, ever, never, just填空1.Have you seen the film ( yet )?2. Have you done your homework ( yet )?-Not ( yet ), I will do it after supper.3. Have you ( ever ) been to England? -no, ( never ).4. I have ( already ) finish

8、ed reading the book.5. I have ( already ) paid for the car.4. 知识点for, since及how longFor + 时间段:表示某个动作持续了多长时间Joey has been in New York for 10 years.Since + 时间点(具体时间/ ago/ 某个动作发生的时间 ):表示某个动作是从什么时候开始的,间接地表示这个动作持续的时间Joey has been in New York since 1996.Joey has been in New York since ten years ago.Joey h

9、as been in New York since he first arrived. 两者都可以回答由How long引导的问题。How long has Joey been in New York?练习:用for, since及how long填空1. The wind has blown ( for ) 2 hours.2. The dog has stayed there ( since ) it ate its dinner.3. ( How long ) has the old man lain in bed?4. The teacher has thought about the

10、 problem ( since ) yesterday.5. The horse has run ( for ) quite a long time.6. The ducks have swum ( for ) thirty minutes.7. The poor child has worn the old clothes ( since ) 7 years old.5. 知识点have been to, have gone toHave (has) been to表示曾经到过某地(通常现在已经回来了)My mother has been to London twice. 妈妈去过两次伦敦

11、。(妈妈现在已经回来了,在家)Have (has) gone to 表示已经去了某地(通常不在说话的地方)My mother has gone to London. 妈妈去了伦敦。(妈妈现在就在伦敦,不在家)练习:1.Jenny is well-traveled. She has _been_ to Germany twice.2. Jane isnt in now. She has _gone_ to the office. Can I take a message?3.My father is a successful businessman. Hes _been_ to many cou

12、ntries.4. Its a dangerous place. Nobody has ever _been_there.5.The manager has _gone_to Beijing. He will be back tomorrow.6.The tiger of the zoo is missing. None of us knows where it has_gone_.6、知识点瞬间动词和持续性动词用于完成时的区别 延续动词表示经验、经历; 瞬间动词表示行为的结果,不能与表示段的时间状语连用。 He has completed the work.他已完成了那项工作。 (表结果)

13、Ive known him since then. 我从那时起就认识他了。(表经历) Julia has borrowed the book. Julia已经借了那本书。 Julia has kept the book for 3 days. Julia已借了三天这本书了。瞬间动词不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,但是他可以转换成相应的延续性动词.1.直接用延续性动词 buy have catch(get) a cold have a cold borrowkeep Come/go /becomebe put on- wear2.转换成be+名词 join the army be a soldierJoin the Party be a Party membergo to school be a s


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