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1、专题写作:道歉信习作练习:假如你叫李华,你的一位朋友(英文名字叫John)刚从国外回来,要请你参加本周日在他家举办的朋友聚会,但你不能参加,请你根据以下要点给他写一封电子邮件:1.表达想参加的意愿;2.忙于准备高考;3.由于感冒,身体不适;4.表示歉意并另约时间。注意:1.可适当增加细节是行文连贯。2.词数100左右。提示:高考:the College Entrance ExamDear John,SincerelyLi Hua 思考:如何写道歉信?1 How many paragraphs?2 What will you write in each paragraph?3 What tens

2、e and person will you use?4 Useful words, phrases and sentence patterns.道歉信 锦句大荟萃P1:写信目的:很高兴回国,收到邀请,抱歉不能参加。一 听说回国后的心情。基础表达:1.1 I m delighted to know that you have come back a few days ago.1.2 I m very glad to hear that you returned from abroad.难度表达:1.3 As soon as (The instant I heard that you came b

3、ack, my excitement was beyond description./ I was very excited.1.4 Upon knowing you have returned to China, I prepared a gift for you at once.1.5 Hearing that you came back home yesterday, I felt very delighted./ How delighted I am!1.6 You will never imagine how happy I was when I heard that you wer

4、e back to China.1.7 So excited am I that no word can convey my happiness to you after I heard that you had come back.二 高兴收到邀请。基础表达:1.8 I m glad (pleased to receive your invitation that you will hold a party in your house on Sunday.1.9 It s my pleasure( honor to be invited to attend the party you wil

5、l hold (which will be held this Sunday.1.10 When I heard that a party will be held on Sunday in your home, I felt delighted for your invitation. I m thankful that you can invite me.1.11 I m delighted to receive your invitation to join in the party which you prepare for your friends.1.12 Its very kin

6、d of you to invite me to attend your party. Im extremely eager (dying to go to your party and share what you have experienced with me.1.13 After receiving your invitation, I do would like to take part in the party on Sunday.难度表达:1.14 Im grateful to receive your news about inviting me to attend the p

7、arty to be held in your family this Sunday.1.15 Receiving your invitation to have a party in your house this Sunday, my excitement was beyond description. I would like to express my appreciation for your genuine invitation.1.16 Hearing (Knowing the news that you will hold a party and invite me to at

8、tend, I am very delighted/ I cant wait to see you.1.17 I appreciate your inviting me to attend the party to be hosted in your house on this weekend.三 抱歉不能参加。1.18 However, I will say sorry to you for my absence. / I regret to tell you that I have to be absent from your party.1.19 But maybe I will mak

9、e you disappointed.1.20 To be honest, I am really dying (eager to join in your party. But its a pity that I cant attend your party./ Actually, Id love to attend your party and have a really fun time with you. / Im willing to accept your invitation and have a pleasant time with you. / To my delight,

10、I have the honor to be invited by you. I cant wait to meet you and let you tell me some interesting things about foreign country. 1.21 However, I m afraid that I cant go, and I have to make a sincere apology to you.1.22 However, I am sorry that I will be absent from your party even if I m eager to a

11、ttend it.1.23 Please accept my sincere apologies for the fact that I am unable to take part in the party, which is held in your home this Sunday.P2:不能参加的原因。原因1:感冒不适。基础表达:2.1 Recently, I have caught a bad cold. The doctor advised me to take medicine on time and have a good rest.2.2 Whats worse (At my

12、 worst, I have caught a bad cold recently, which makes me feel deeply uncomfortable, weak and tired.2.3 What s worse/ Unfortunately, I m suffering from a heavy cold,which makes me exhausted.2.4 I feel uncomfortable due to having a cold.难度表达:2.5 I would take part in this party if I had not caught a c

13、old.2.6 But for I caught a cold, I would attend your party.2.7 To prepare for the NCEE, a terrible cold caught me without any signs.原因2:忙于高考。基础表达:2.8 (In addition, I m busy preparing the NCEE, which is important for me.2.9 The NCEE is drawing near, for which I am busy preparing day and night.2.10 Be

14、cause the NCEE is around the corner, I m occupying myself with the College Entrance Examination.2.11 The NCEE is around the corner, so I have to make full use of every minute to prepare for it (to make my dream come true (to fight for my goal.2.12 With time going by, the NCEE is around the corner, s

15、o I have got to focus my whole attention on it/ I have got to make full preparations for it./ I need to bury myself in preparing for it./ I have been buried in preparing for the NCEE./ I devote myself (all energy to preparing at present./I have no choice but to concentrate my mind on it./ I have to

16、abandon myself to reviewing.2.13 With the NCEE drawing near,/ approaching, I m now busy preparing it so that I can be admitted into my dream university/ a key university.难度表达:2.14 Im occupied/ buried in preparing / making much preparation for the NCEE. As we all know, the NCEE is a very important event that can



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