马承英语语音过关lesson 11课件

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《马承英语语音过关lesson 11课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《马承英语语音过关lesson 11课件(65页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 11 4个双元音/IE/ /HE/ /CI/ /eE/,教学目标,能熟练、准确地认读双元音音标 /IE/ /HE/ /CI/ /eE/ 会唱双元音歌 能听懂、会说、会认读(拼写)所学单词 能听懂、会说、会认读所学句子,Lets sing,Come, come, come and play. Lets play a game. Happily, happily, happily, happily. Scissors, paper, stone.,Revision,/aI/,/aH/,/EH/,/eI/,play,game,play a game,cold,old,home,/eI/

2、,/EH/,at home,/I/,/E/, /IE/,/H/,/E/, /HE/,/F/,/I/, /CI/,/e/,/E/, /eE/,Lets learn,Game time,/IE/,/HE/,/eE/,/CI/,Lets read,/IE/,/HE/,/eE/,/CI/,/aI/,/aH/,/EH/,/eI/,8个双元音,Lets sing 双元音歌,/aI/ /aH/ /EH/ /CI/ /IE/ /eE/ /eI/ /aI/ /aH/ /EH/ /CI/ /IE/ /eE/ /eI/ The boy isnt here. He is there. Let us say hello

3、 to him now.,/IE/,/CI/,/eE/,/HE/,直呼音标,/IE/ /IE/,/dIE/,/tIE/,/nIE/,/HE/ /HE/,/GHEd/,/pHE/,/tHE/,/CI/ /CI/,/bCI/,/tCI/,/bCIl/,/eE/ /eE/,/weE/,/peE/,/feE/,/eE/ /eE/,/keE/,/teE/,/beE/,near,here,near here,/IE/,Look at the hens .,near here,near,Look at,boy,toy,/CI/,A boy has a toy.,pear,stair,on a stair,/

4、eE/,Look! A pear is on a stair.,Game time,near here boy toy pear stair,/IE/,near,boy,pear,here,toy,near here,stair,/CI/,/CI/,A boy has a toy.,Look at the hens near here!,Look! A pear is on a stair.,字母组合,/IE/,ear ere,/CI/,oy,/eE/,ear air,拼读音标词,/bIE/,/IE/,/fIE/,/dIE/,/tIE/,/nIE/,/aI?dIE/,/klIE/,/E?pIE

5、/,/krIE/,/spIE/,拼读音标词,/pHE/,/HE/,/tHE/,/GHEd/,拼读音标词,/bCI/,/CI/,/tCI/,/vCIs/,/nCIz/,/kCIn/,/rCI/,/pCInt/,/bCIl/,/sCIl/,拼读音标词,/beE/,/eE/,/peE/,/feE/,/deE/,/teE/,/?meErI/,/speE/,/skweE/,/?keElIs/,/weE/,Sounds and spellings,/IE/ /IE/,/dIE/,/eE/ /eE/,/deE/,/IE/ /IE/,/fIE/,/eE/ /eE/,/feE/,/IE/ /IE/,/klIE/

6、,/eE/ /eE/,/kleE/,/IE/ /IE/,/spIE/,/eE/ /eE/,/speE/,/IE/ /IE/,/stIE/,/eE/ /eE/,/steE/,/IE/ /IE/,/?mIElI/,/eE/ /eE/,/?meElI/,/IE/ /IE/,/?wIErI/,/eE/ /eE/,/?weErI/,/IE/ /IE/,/?dIElI/,/eE/ /eE/,/?deErI/,/IE/ /IE/,/?hIErIY/,/eE/ /eE/,/?heErI/,/IE/ /IE/,/?stIErIY/,/eE/ /eE/,/?steErIY/,Challenge yourself,

7、h-ear,/IE/, hear,t-ear, tear,f-ear, fear,/CI/,t-oy, toy,b-oy, boy,j-oy, joy,/eE/,b-ear, bear,w-ear, wear,t-ear, tear,h,ear,Can you write the words?,/fIE/,f,/hIE/,ear,/bCI/,b,/tCI/,oy,t,oy,/beE/,b,/teE/,ear,t,ear,You are so great!,元音音标:,/Z/ /e/ /I/ /F/ /V/ /H/ /E/ /i:/ /C:/ /B:/ /u:/ /A:/,/aI/ /aH/ /

8、eI/ /EH/ /IE/ /HE/ /CI/ /eE/,短元音,长元音,单元音,双元音,Revision,Goodbye!,教学目标,能听懂、会说、会认读(拼写)所学单词 能听懂、会说、会认读所学句子 能有感情的朗读课文,并理解课文大意,Lets sing 双元音歌,/aI/ /aH/ /EH/ /CI/ /IE/ /eE/ /eI/ /aI/ /aH/ /EH/ /CI/ /IE/ /eE/ /eI/ The boy isnt here. He is there. Let us say hello to him now.,near,here,near here,pear,stair,/IE

9、/,/eE/,/CI/,boy,toy,New words,Brown,/aH/,Mr,/?mIstE/,Mrs,/?mIsIz/,Mr Brown,Mrs Brown,up,down,Stand up.,Sit down.,upside down,where,/weE/,there,Pup,out,Where is ?,/aH/,Mr Brown Mrs Brown,Mr Brown upside down,Brown down,Pup is down.,Pup up,Where is brown?,Where is Brown? There is Brown. Mr Brown is out of town.,Goodbye!,


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