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1、一. 游泳的基本词汇把脸埋入水中(词组): put face in water吐气泡(词组): blow bubbles漂浮(动词): float游泳(动词): swim, bathe趟水(动词):wade池中嬉戏: play in pool跳水(动词):dive跳入泳池:jump in pool技巧: technique陆上练习land drill 蛙泳breaststroke爬泳crawl stroke仰泳back stroke 侧泳side stroke 蝶泳butterfly stroke 海豚式蝶泳dolphin butterfly stroke 踩水treading water 潜

2、泳underwater swimming 二. 游泳的竞技比赛用词strokes (stroke的复数)用作表示 methods of swimming 游泳方法,包括:1.蝶泳:Butterfly 或简称 fly 海豚式踢腿动作被称为 dolphin kick (kick=踢) 2.仰泳:Backstroke, racing backstroke, 或 back crawl 踢腿动作被称为 浅打水:flutter kick3.蛙泳:Breaststroke 蛙式踢腿动作 frog kick, modified frog kick or whip kick4.自由泳:Freestyle, fr

3、ont crawl 或 forward crawl 二十世纪初有两种提高速度的发展 Australian Crawl (澳大利亚式)与 American crawl (美国式)5.个人混合泳:Individual Medley (IM) 指一个人连续游上述四种样式,每种姿势距离为100,200 或400米6.四人接力:relay 每个人的赛程叫 leg,最后一位选手被称为anchor三. 其他:知识& 花絮侧泳:Sidestroke剪刀式踢腿 scissors kick 狗爬式游泳: Dog Paddle 爬泳:Trudgen Crawl “溺死的蛾子” = 通常形容人们第一次尝试蝶泳的样子:

4、Drowning moth 踏水:Treading water 不是一种姿势。它是一套使游泳者在水中身体保持竖直的腿部动作。水球运动员常依靠它。水球:Water polo 运动员们:players 同游表演:Synchronized swimming 被称为 = 花样游泳:water ballet 成对表演(2-8人)游泳道的分界线:lane lines 有时是人的“救生索” lifelines通常不许人靠在上面的原因有四:1)他们不结实,会断2)救生员会认为你有危险 救生员:lifeguard 3)真正有困难的人更不容易及时扶到了4)把它压下去,它失去了边界警示的功能四.大家平时都接触的(实

5、用的:)游泳装备swim gear女游泳衣: swimsuit男式游泳短裤: swimming trunks (永远用复数形式,因为泳裤两条腿)游泳帽:swimcap游泳镜: swimming google 防雾: anti-fog 防紫外线镜片: UV Protection Lens游泳装备: swim gear踢水板: kickboard 双手扶上面,腿来踢水漂浮物: floats 绑胳膊上的耳/鼻夹子:ear/nose clip脚蹼:swim fins秒表:stopwatch(小孩子带到水中的)泳池玩具: pool toy穿上泳衣 (女孩):put on swimsuit (男孩):pu

6、t on swimming trunks梳子: hairbrush淋浴(名词): shower香波(名词): shampoo 洗头(动词): shampoo坐在池边: sit on edge从池中出来: get out of pool池边地滑: slippery by pool擦干身体: dry off穿上衣服: get dressed游泳池: swimming pool波浪池: wave pool人工海浪泳池swimming pool with artificial waves 人工海浪artificial waves non-swimmers pool 浅水池儿童池(浅水池): wadin

7、g poolswimmers pool 深水池水上滑梯:water slide跳台diving platform ten-meter platform 10米跳台five-meter platform 5米跳台three-meter springboard 3米跳板one-meter springboard 1米跳板diving pool 跳水池starting block 出发台starting dive 出发起跳swimming lane 泳道泳道: lanerope with cork floats 水线touching the finishing line 终点触线把泳道分开的漂浮线:

8、lane lines环绕游泳:Circle Swim 是 游泳礼节:lane etiquette 两人以上在同一泳道,始终贴近身体右边的泳道线,并间隔五秒的距离不在池中方便: dont pee in pool救生衣: life jacket救生圈:ring buoy救生员: lifeguard lifesaver, lifeguard 救生员游泳教练: swimming instructor,coach timekeeper 计时员state-list famous historical and culture cities 国家级历史文化名城tourist destination 旅游目的地

9、tourist destination area 旅游目的地地区tourist destination country 旅游目的国tourist map 旅游地图tourist spots/attractions 旅游景点tourist attractions /scenic spots旅游景点tourist trade 旅游界travel 旅行World Tourism Day 世界旅游日information desk 问讯处Natural scenery/ attractions自然景观Famous mountains and great rivers名山大川Scenic spots a

10、nd historical sites 名胜古迹Places of historic figures and cultural heritage人文景观Cultural/human landscape 人文景观Inviting views诱人景色Green hills and clear waters 青山绿水Landscape of lakes and hills/beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains 湖光山色Picturesque view 风景如画tourism 旅游pleasure trip 游览,漫游business trip 商务旅行or

11、ganized tour 组团旅游circular tour 环程旅行package tour, inclusive tour 包办旅行outward journey 单程旅行return journey, round trip 往返旅行holiday 假期excursion, outing 远足expedition 远征,探险hitchhiking, hitching 搭乘itinerary 旅行指南itinerary, route 旅行路线stopover 中途下车暂停stage 停歇点,中间站departure at 10 a.m. 上午10时出发arrival at 12 p.m. 夜

12、12点抵达stay 停留return 返回embarkation, embarcation 乘船,上船disembarkation 下船赞同4Chinese Instrument 中国乐器英文名一览1) Percussion Instrument 打击乐器Luo/Chinese Gong 锣Chinese Wood Block 木鱼Chinese Bass Gong 低音大锣Chinese Cymbal 钹Slapstick 拍板Paigu 排鼓Chinese Base Drum 大鼓Yunluo 云锣 Chinese Snare Drum 小鼓Bangze/Chinese Wooden Cl

13、appers 梆子Bangu 板鼓2) Plucked String Instrument 弹拨乐器Ruan/Moon Guitar 阮咸Liuqin 柳叶琴Guzheng/Chinese Zither 古筝Pipa/Chinese Lute 琵琶Yangqin 扬琴 Sanxian 三弦3) String Instrument 拉弦乐器Banhu 板胡Ching Hu 京胡Gehu 革胡Nanhu/Erhu/Chinese Fiddle 南胡/二胡Zhonghu 中胡 Bass Gehu 倍革胡4) Wind Instrument 吹管乐器Suona/Shanai 唢呐Di/Chinese

14、Bamboo Flute 曲笛Sheng 笙Xiao/Chinese Vertical Bamboo Flute 萧【The Eight Sounds or Eight Tones (八音)】The eight categories are: silk, bamboo, wood, stone, metal, clay, gourd and hide. There are other instruments which may not fit these classifications. This is one of the first musical classifications ever.Silk (丝)broiler 烘烤机 can opener 开罐头刀 compactor 捣碎器 defroster 除霜装置 dicer 切块机 dishwasher 洗碗机 dryer 干衣机 eggbeater 打蛋器 fan 风扇 freezer 冷冻箱 furnace 壁炉 humidifier 湿度调节器 iron 烫斗 juicer 榨汁机 oven 烤箱/炉 percolator 过滤器 Range hood 抽油烟机 refrigerator 冰箱 rotisserie 电转烤肉架 shaver 电动剃须刀 stove



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