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1、Module Knowledge Management 知识管理,郭 咸 纲 William X. GUO,Outline of Topics(主题概要),Importance of knowledge management 知识管理的重要性 Origin and Definition 起源和定义 Types of knowledge and modes of knowledge creation 知识的类型和知识创造的方式 Knowledge creating companies 知识创造型公司 Implementing knowledge management 实施知识管理,Importa

2、nce of knowledge management (KM)(知识管理的重要性),Knowledge is a form of capital. 知识是资本的一种形式 The single differentiator that is likely to last is innovation, and the raw material of innovation is knowledge 如果将资本比喻成创新,那么知识就是创新使用的原料 Knowledge + Creativity = Innovation 知识创造创新 Case - By 1987, only five years af

3、ter Canon introduced its innovative mini-copier 74% of the companys revenues came from its business machines division 例:佳能公司推出袖珍复印机5年后的1987年,公司74的收入来自商业机器分公司 Formal KM is originated in consulting firms 真正的知识管理开始于咨询公司,Definition (定义),Knowledge management is the process that helps organizations identi

4、fy, select, organize, and capture important information and expertise within the organization and disseminate it to wherever it is needed to enhance organizational effectiveness and innovative potential. 知识管理是协助组织识别、选择、组织和获取组织中的重要信息及专门技术的过程,并且将获取的信息和专门技术应用到组织中,以提高组织效率和创新潜力 Research on Knowledge Crea

5、tion pioneered by Professors Nonaca and Takeuchi of Japan 日本的Nonaca和Takeuchi教授是研究知识创造的先驱,Types of Knowledge and Modes of Knowledge Creation 知识类型和知识创造的方式,Types of Knowledge(知识的类型),Tacit knowledge - implicit, resides in experts heads, highly personal, difficult to communicate. 内在知识隐藏、存在于专家的头脑中,非常私人的、很

6、难交流。 Explicit knowledge - formal, systematic, codified, publicly available, and can be easily communicated and shared. E.g., Product specifications, scientific formula, computer programs. 外在知识正式、系统、成文、可用并且易于交流和共享。例如:产品规格、科学公式、计算机程序。,Understanding Tacit Knowledge (理解内在知识),Philosopher Michael Polanyi:

7、 “We can know more than we can tell.“ 哲学家Michael Polanyi:”我们所知比所说要多。” Deeply rooted in action and in an individuals commitment to a specific context 行为和个人活动归根究底有其原因 A master craftsman has a wealth of expertise “at his fingertips“, but is often unable to articulate the scientific or technical princip

8、les behind what he knows 一个熟练的工匠拥有很多专业技术“在他的指尖”,但他常常不能与蕴藏在其后的知识和技术原理相结合。 后续,Understanding Tacit Knowledge (理解内在知识),续前 - The activities of a work group or team -一个工作团体或团队的行为 - The kind of informal, hard-to-pin-down skills captured in the term “know-how.“ -专门技术中非正式的、不受约束性技能的掌握 Consists of mental model

9、s, beliefs, and perspectives so ingrained that we take them for granted 由智力模式、信念和观念组成,是根深蒂固的、我们必须赞同的,Modes of Knowledge Creation,Socialization (Personalization) 社会化(人性化),From tacit to tacit 从内在到内在 Apprenticeship and mentoring 学徒和老师 Job rotation between departments 部门间的工作轮换 Cross-function project tea

10、ms 项目组的职责交叉,Internalization(内在化),From explicit to tacit 从外在到内在 Learning by doing (after formal training and explicit instructions) 从作中学(在正式培训和指导后) On the job training 在工作中锻炼,Combination(联合),From explicit to explicit - process of combining, systemizing and reconfigurating discrete pieces of existing

11、explicit knowledge into a new whole 从外在到外在联合、系统化和重新配置现有零散的外在知识成为一个新的整体 Supported by Internet, WWW, databases, repositories, search and retrieval technologies. 由Internet、WWW、数据库、知识库、搜索和恢复技术支持,Externalization(外在化) (Codification) (成文化)(Articulation)(清晰度),From tacit to explicit process of capturing and

12、transferring of expert knowledge 从内在到外在获取和转化专门知识的过程 Ask experts to develop rules and processes based on their own tacit knowledge 要求专家在自身内在知识的基础上获取规则和方法 Knowledge engineers or systems analysts interview experts and extract their expertise 知识工程师和系统分析师会见专家并吸取他们的技术 后续,Externalization(外在化) (Codification

13、) (成文化)(Articulation)(清晰度),续前 Employees document problem solving processes and solutions on the job 员工记录工作中解决问题的方法和方案 Community of practice (on the Internet), chat groups, etc. 实践社区(在Internet上)、交流团队等,Four modes of knowledge creation at Matsushita Electric Company Matsushita电力公司的四种知识创造模式,Ikuko Tanaka

14、 apprenticed with master baker to learn his skills( Ikuko Tanaka 为熟练的面包师当学徒以学习技能) She translated these secrets into explicit knowledge that she can communicate to her team members and others at Matsushita(她将这些秘密转化成外在知识,以与她的团队成员以及与Matsushita 的其他团队交流) The team then standardized this knowledge, putting

15、 it together into a manual or workbook and embodying it in a product(团队将这些知识标准化,集中起来装订成册,并应用于产品中) Through the experience of creating a new product, Tanaka and her team members enriched their own tacit knowledge base(在开发新产品的过程中, Tanaka 和她的团队成员不断丰富他们的内在知识),Knowledge-creating Companies 知识创造型公司,Metaphor

16、 Analogy Model 比喻类推模型,To enlarge the creative space and to link contradictory things and ideas through metaphor(通过比喻开拓创造空间和统一矛盾事务及观点) Resolve these contradictions through analogy(通过类推解决矛盾) Crystallize the created concepts and embody them in a model(明确创造性观念并在模型中具体化),New Product Development at Honda 本田汽车的新产品开发,“Lets gamble” slogan inaugurated the process with a team of young engineers and designers, charged with the development of a new-concept car, n


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