新概念英语青少版 2b unit 17

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1、Unit 17,A cuckoo in the nest,lead-in,动物界的十大坏妈妈:布谷鸟 cuckoo 布谷鸟准备产蛋了,但它却不会自己筑巢,它会来到像那些比它小的鸟类的巢中,移走原来的那窝蛋中的一个,用自己的蛋来取而代之。相对于它的体形来说,它的蛋是偏小的,而且蛋上的斑纹同它混入的其他鸟的蛋也非常相似,所以不易被分辨出来。如果不是这样,它的蛋肯定会被扔出去。 布谷鸟的鸟蛋比其他鸟蛋早孵化。幼鸟出来后,会立刻把其他的蛋扔出巢外。它之所以这样做, 是因为它不久就会长得很大,需要吃光养母所能找到的全部食物。 一只布谷鸟的幼鸟正在由它的养母-一只比它小得多的刺嘴莺喂食。它需要的食物相当于

2、3-4只其养母亲生的幼鸟本来需要进食的总量。 趁其他鸟没看见时,布谷鸟在它们的巢中产蛋。它必须非常迅速地做完这件事。它的蛋有着特别厚的外壳,这样在落入巢中时就不会碎掉了。,lesson 33,Lets learn some new words and expressions: cuckoo n. 杜鹃,布谷鸟 nest n. 鸟窝,巢 engineer n. 工程师 enthusiastic adj. 很感兴趣的 birdwatcher n. 观鸟者 appear v. 出现 install v. 安装 webcam n. 网络摄像机 invite v. 邀请 log on v. + adv.

3、 登录 enthusiastically adv. (manner) 很感兴趣地 patiently adv. (manner) 耐心地 egg n. 蛋 suddenly adv. (time) (manner) 突然地,chance n. 机会 dart v. 急冲 second n.(时间的)秒 hatch v. 破壳而出,孵出 excitedly adv. (manner) 激动地,兴奋地 easily adv. (manner) 容易地 push v. 推,推动 out of prep. 外 enormous adj. 巨大的,极大 wing n. 翅膀,翼 in a moment

4、adv. (time)片刻,瞬间 show n. 演出 be over v. + adv. particle (intransitive) 结束,Lesson 33,nest Therere three colorful eggs in this nest.,the Bird Nest in Beijing,Lesson 33,engineer ,endini,Lesson 33,birdwatcher,Lesson 33,appear-disappear消失 eg.You appear unhappy. Three little eggs appeared in the nest.,Less

5、on 33,enthusiastic in,ju:zistik enthusiastically adv.热情地,be enthusiastic to对热情的 eg.People are enthusiastic to Spring Festival. Hes an enthusiastic birdwatcher. Everyone watched enthusiastically.,Lesson 33,webcam eg.She installed a webcam.,Lesson 33,install eg.The workers are installing an air-condit

6、ioner.(空调),Lesson 33,log on,Lesson 33,egg,Lesson 33,invite invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 eg.We invited all the friends to go to the birthday party. Ken installed a webcam, and invited his neighbours to log on. invitation n. 邀请,Lesson 33,hatch,Lesson 31,patiently patient n.病人 easily easy adj. 容易的,sud

7、denly sudden adj.突然的 excitedly excited adj. (使人)兴奋的 exciting adj. (令人)兴奋的,Lesson 33,enormous eg.She stood alone on the enormous stage. 近义词 big 大的huge 巨大的large 大的 反义词 small 小的 tiny 极小的,Lesson 33,wing,Lesson 33,show,Lesson 33,Listen to the recording,and then answer this question: Who are all enthusias

8、tic birdwatchers now?,Lesson 33,1.A cuckoo in the nest. 在此处指这个故事,但也是一个习语,指一个人不属于某地或者不受欢迎,却偏偏利用这个地方。 2.Pauls father, Ken Bruce is an engineer.Hes also an enthusiastic birdwatcher. 3.Then, another bird arrived. In two seconds, there was a fourth egg beside the other three. 4.The little birds hurried t

9、o get food for the baby cuckoo. hurry 的过去式是hurried get +名词/代词 =obtain 5.The baby cuckoo picked up the other eggs easily with its back, and pushed them out of the nest. with =by means of 用 6.The show was over. over=at an end/finished 结束,Lesson 34 New Words and Expressions:,robber n.盗贼 count v.数 quick

10、ly adv.(manner)迅速地 dance n.社交舞会 politely adv.(manner)有礼貌地 police n.警方、警察 carefully adv.(manner)小心地 quietly adv.(manner)安静地,badly adv.(manner)不好地,差地 weight n.重物 knock v.敲击 loudly adv. (manner)大声地 piano n.钢琴 the whole (+ sinular n.) quantifier所有的 between prep.在之间,Lesson 34,quicklyquick politelypolite

11、patientlypatient quietlyquiet badlybad excitedlyexcited loudlyloud,carefullycareful easilyeasy,Lesson 34,1.quietly反义词noisily 喧闹地 2.badly反义词well 很好地 3.弹钢琴 play the piano 踢足球 play football 4.the whole 后面跟单数 5.between :两者之间 among :三者及以上 between A and B. 6.pick up some weights at the gym 7.knock on the

12、door,Pattern Practice,1. A: What did the robbers do late last night? B: They counted the money.,Pattern Practice,2. A: Who counted the money late last night? B: The robbers did.,Pattern Practice,3. A: Did the robbers count the money late last night? B: Yes, they did. They counted the money quickly.,

13、Pattern Practice,4.(Not with picture 505) A: When did the robbers count the money? B: Late last night. A: And did they count the money quickly? B: Yes, they did.,Pattern Practice,5. A: The robbers counted the money late last night. B: Yes, I know. They counted the money quickly.,Lesson 34,Homework,做测试卷,


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