2020高考英语一轮复习 unit 4 earthquakes单元知识检测课件 新人教版必修1

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1、单元知识检测,教材回扣,.用本单元所学短语完成句子 1.The ancient temple has been (破败不堪)and needs repairing. 2.The meeting was nearly (结束)when I got to the meeting room. 3.There are (许多的)talented people waiting to be discovered.,答案:1.in ruins 2.at an end 3.a large number of,4. (看上去似乎) he didnt recognize his old classmate. 5.

2、When I came in,he (专心于) reading a book in his study.,答案:4.It seemed as if 5.was buried in,.课文缩写填空 Dirty water rose in wells before the earthquake. But no one 1. (judge) that an earthquake was coming. Suddenly,everything shook. It seemed 2. . if the world was at 3. end. Millions of brick houses and a

3、 number of dams 4. (destroy). Railway tracks became 5. (use) bars. Pipes in mines burst and let out 6. (smell) steam. Huge cracks trapped cyclists everywhere. The next day,this event was the headline or main title of all newspapers. With the reporters giving an outline of the disaster,the whole nati

4、on was 7. (shock) at the damage and the victims extreme 8. (suffer). Thanks to peoples help,the injured were rescued and the dead were 9. (bury). The frightened survivors were dug out from under the 10. (ruin) and were offered shelter,fresh water and electricity.,答案:1.judged 2.as 3.an 4.were destroy

5、ed 5.useless 6.smelly 7.shocked 8.suffering 9.buried 10.ruins,语境活用,.单句语法填空 1.I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas (rescue) from starvation in the wild. (2016全国,语法填空) 2.Humans are no less (trap) by light pollution than the frogs. 3.Mr.Richard hasnt go

6、t any time to play golf these days,because he is (bury) in the research of bird language.,答案:1.rescued 2.trapped 3.buried,4.When the boss got to the factory at midnight,he found it . ruins. 5.Trying to help (injure),displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking;survival is never certain.(2017全国,阅

7、读理解B) 6.Back from the cinema,the couple were (shock)to see their house broken in. 7.The girl was speechless after seeing the (frighten)film. 8.The soldiers built (shelter)for those homeless people.,答案:4.in 5.injured 6.shocked 7.frightening 8.shelters,9.I (sincere)hope that he can accept my invitatio

8、n. 10.A bomb (destroy) two buildings and caused many deaths.,答案:9.sincerely 10.destroyed,.单句语法改错 1.Judged from the number of cars outside,he thought there were not many people at the club yet. 2.Hearing the story,the little boy had a frightening expression on his face. 3.Many of the images were stor

9、ed in an ice chest,under freezing water,in the damaging wooden ship.(2016全国,阅读理解D) 4.He wrote many childrens books,nearly half of them were published in the 1990s.,答案:1.将Judged改为Judging 2.将frightening改为frightened 3.将damaging改为damaged 4.将them改为which,5.Driverless cars may end up be a form of public tr

10、ansport rather than vehicles you own.(2017天津,阅读理解C) 6.Since 1992 the number of people dying have been bigger than that of those being born by a massive 50%.(2017江苏卷) 7.Hearing the result of the game,the boy burst out laugh. 8.Id like to have my computer repairing this afternoon. 9.This is all what I

11、 want to tell you. 10.The reason why he didnt come is because he never got the notice.,答案:5.将be改为being 6.将have改为has 7.将laugh改为laughing 8.将repairing改为repaired 9.将what改为that 10.将because改为that,微写作,1.2008年5月12日,四川汶川发生了强烈地震,全国震惊。 2.现场令人恐惧。,答案:1.On May 12th,2008,a powerful earthquake struck Wenchuan in Si

12、chuan Province.The whole nation was shocked at the news. 2.What frightening scenes!,(借助过渡性词语或句子就能把5个句子连接成一篇小短文),答案:3.The whole town lay in ruins.A great number of buildings fell down.Huge cracks cut across houses,roads and canals.Mountains collapsed.Roads were buried by stones and bricks.Water and e

13、lectricity were cut off.Thousands of people were trapped under the ruins!,3.整个城镇一片废墟;大量楼房倒塌;一条条巨大的裂缝穿过房屋、道路和水道; 山体崩塌,道路被石头和砖块掩埋;水、电被切断;数千人被困在废墟下。,答案:4.But fortunately,after the earthquake,people from all over the country took action right away to help them out of the disaster. 5.Wenchuan returned to normal with the aid of all the people of the nation.,4.但幸运的是,地震后全国人民立刻行动起来,帮助当地人渡过难关。 5.在全国人民的帮助下汶川恢复了正常。,


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