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1、 毕业设计(论文)题目: 试析地产项目营销推广策略 编制的指导思想是以工程的“质量、进度、安全”为核心,在组织机构、施工措施、安全生产上进行了组织落实,本技术文件将作为今后指导施工生产的依据。该工程将列为我公司昆山地区的重点工程,实行以合同工期为目标的项目法施工,全面履行工程合同,保竣工、保质量、保后期服务。试析成都某房地产项目营销推广策略摘 要目前房地产市场竞争日益激烈,由于广州房地产市场的品牌化,客户购房大都偏向品牌开发商的项目,而成都某项目是广州市新发实业有限公司进入广州房地产市场的第一个项目,因此不够品牌开发商的项目那样有影响力。作为中小房地产企业如何提升自身项目的影响力已成为自身研究


3、项目的营销推广策略展开探讨分析,给该项目营销推广策略提供实施建议,以提高该项目在营销推广中的实际应用价值。关键词:中小房地产企业;成都某项目;营销推广策略AN ANALYSIS OF THE MARKET DEVELOPING STRATEGY OF GRAND TIME GREAT FAMEABSTRACTNowadays, the competition in real estate becomes more and more serious due to brand influence of Guangzhou real estates market. Most of clients w

4、ant to buy apartment from famous developers project, but Grand Time Great Fame project, which is not as influential as famous developers project, is the first developed project in Guangzhou by Xinfa Shiye limited company. How to improve the influence of project is the most important thing for middle

5、 and small developer. The important measure for improving influence and developing project is to own a good market developing strategy. Lots of people think economy will keep continuous depression in the second part of this year, and developer burden great pressure, thats why only the stronger can b

6、e survived should be certain trend. The hard situation regard to the medium and small real estate can also lead to less advantage of large developer at the same time. However, as a coin has two facets, the real estate still enable to make a breakthrough to enlarge their profit only if they can utili

7、ze the existing resource in a efficient way, enlarge their advantage and create the virtual promotion to match the market request. The main purpose of this article is to discuss the way to manage real estate marketing strategy under the modern marketing theory, and then make further examination of c

8、oncerning methods onto the project of Grand Time Great Fame. As far as I am concerned, the most important facet is to apply the theory to practice. Then try to consummate the theory itself and bring the promotion into effect, which enable to make the marketing much effectively in daily usage.Key wor

9、ds: middle and small real estate enterprise; Grand Time Great Fame; market developing strategy.目 录1 绪论-11.1 问题提出-11.2 研究目的和意义-11.3 研究采用的技术路线和方法-21.4 论文的基本框架-32 成都某项目的营销环境分析-42.1 成都某项目的概况-42.2 成都某项目的宏观环境分析-42.2.1 地理区位环境-42.2.2 竞争环境-52.3 成都某项目的微观环境分析-62.3.1 项目周边公共设施分析-62.3.2 竞争项目分析-62.4 成都某项目SWOT分析-72.4.1 优势分析-72.4.2 劣势分析-72.4.3 机会分析-82.4.4 威胁分析-82.4.5 综合分析-83 成都某项目市场营销推广策略的分析-93.1 项目的市场定位-93.2 项目的目标市场-93.3 项目市场营销推广的现状-93.3.1 营销活动-93.3.2 销售业绩及项目取得的荣誉-103.4 项目市场营销推广策略的分析-113.4.1 前期营销策略分析-113.4.2 公共活动策略分析-



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