2019-2020学年高中英语 unit 4 earthquakes section ⅳ writing课件 新人教版必修1

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1、Section Writing,如何写新闻报道 新闻报道是以事实为依据,对人的经历或事件发生的过程给予明确的、实事求是的报道,通常包括四部分:标题、导语、主体和结语。属于记叙文的一种。写新闻报道时要注意以下几点: 1.标题要醒目:新闻的题目,是对新闻内容的浓缩、概括、提炼和再创造。新闻标题注重结构精练,通常没有标点符号。 2.导语要言简意赅:位于报道的开头,简明扼要地揭示出消息的核心内容,写导语时,要能够引起读者的兴趣。 3.主体应简洁生动:新闻报道的主要部分,是对导语内容进一步展开和阐释。 4.结语要令人反思:位于报道最后,通常是一句话或一段话,对全文进行总结或对新闻事件的发展作出预测或提出

2、令人深思的问题。,常用短语 英汉互译 1.traffic accident 2.knock into 3.the centre of the city 4.passenger 5.out of danger 6.今天早上 7.大约在五点钟 8.受伤的 9.警察 10.调查,交通事故,撞上,市中心,乘客,脱离危险,this morning,at about five oclock,injured,police/policeman,look into,常用句式 1.There are two pieces of breathtaking news that happened this week.

3、以下是本周两条激动人心的消息。 2.A group of students from a British school came to our school for an exchange visit on July 1. 7月1号一个英国学生访问团对我校进行了交流访问。 3.In the morning they had a nice talk with some student representatives from our school. 上午他们和我们学校的学生代表进行了友好的座谈。 4.A fireworks explosion killed five people and inj

4、ured eight others in the city of. 在城市,一次烟火爆炸使五人丧生,八人受伤。 5.The accident took place at about 2:00 pm. 这起事故发生在下午两点左右。,6.Whats worse,.更糟糕的是, 7.Details of what happened are still unclear. 事件的详情仍不清楚。 8.Witness said that.目击者说 9.We must sing high praise for the good deeds. 对于这些好的行为,我们必须赞扬。 10.In our survey,

5、we interviewed. 调查中,我们采访了 11.It is important for us to solve the problem. 对我们来说解决这个问题非常重要。 12.It was not immediately clear whether. 目前尚不清楚是否 13.Further details will be reported when it becomes available. 更多详情有待随时报道。 14.The people hope that.人们希望,假如你是一家英文日报的记者,请以“A Traffic Accident”为题,根据以下提示,用英语写一篇新闻报

6、道。 1.事件:一辆红色轿车撞上一辆白色面包车(minibus); 2.时间:今天早晨5点左右; 3.地点:市中心以南5千米处; 4.情况:红色轿车内4位乘客全部受伤,包括一名6岁的男孩。白色面包车的司机也受了重伤,现已脱离危险。事故的原因还不清楚,警方正在调查。,框架填空 A Traffic Accident Early 1. a serious traffic accident happened.A red car 2. a white minibus 5 kilometres south from the centre of the city at about 5 oclock this

7、 morning.The four passengers in the red car 3._ in the accident.Among the injured,there was a six-year-old boy.The driver of the white minibus was also badly injured but he 4. now. What caused the traffic accident still remains unclear and the police are 5. the matter.,this morning,knocked into,were injured,looking into,is out of danger,



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