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1、Strategic LeadershipCompetency ModelDictionaryDRAFT战略性领导力素质模型字典草案February, 2005Version 1尽管波浪理论是现存最好的预测工具,但它主要不是一种预测工具;它是对市场行为的细致刻画。不过,这种刻画的确传达了有关市场在行为连续统一体中所处位置,及其随后的运动轨迹方面的学问。波浪理论的主要价值在于它为市场分析提供了一种背景。65DRAFT Huawei Strategic Leadership Model CompetenciesBuilding Customer Capability Cluster构建客户能力的素质

2、群3 Customer Focus 关注客户3 Partnering 建立伙伴关系8Building Huawei Capability Cluster构建华为能力素质群11 Inspiring Leadership鼓舞式领导11 Building Organizational Capability塑造组织能力17 Cross-functional Collaboration跨部门合作24Building Individual Capability Cluster构建个人能力素质群30 Drive for Results结果导向30 Commitment to Huawei献身华为35 Str

3、ategy Thinking 战略思维39 Understanding Others理解他人43Baseline Competencies基本素质47 Analytical Thinking分析思考47 Impact and Influence 施加影响51 Information Seeking信息搜集58 Initiative积极主动62Building Customer Capability Cluster构建客户能力的素质群Customer Focus 关注客户Definition:定义The passion to understand and serve the customer,

4、meeting their needs in creative and innovative ways. “Customer” refers to current, potential and internal customers.致力于理解客户需求,并为客户提供创造性解决方案的行为特征。“客户”是指现在的、潜在的、和内部客户。Dimension: 维度 Depth of the customers needs. Complexity of the action. 对客户理解的深度 采取行动的难度Discussion: 讨论Customer Focus is at the heart of H

5、uaweis values and purpose, and it is strongest characteristic in the market. It should inform almost everything Huawei does. At the higher levels Customer Focus involves customer-driven innovation; at lower levels it is responsiveness to customer needs.关注客户是华为价值和目的的中心,也是市场上最重要的特征。它应该反映华为所作的几乎任何事情。从较

6、高的层次上来说,关注客户是指客户驱动创新;从较低的层次上来说,关注客户指满足客户的需求。How it relates to other competencies: 如何与其他素质相联系To be done well, Customer Focus needs to be supported by: Understanding Others, to truly listen to and understand the customers underlying needs, not just what we assume that the customer needs. Strategic Thi

7、nking, to shape Huaweis response to the customer Appropriate Building Huawei Capability competencies, to ensure a full departmental or organizational response. 要良好应用,关注客户素质需要以下素质的支持: 理解他人素质:真正地去倾听和理解客户的潜在需求,而不是我们假设客户需求什么。 战略思考素质:来规范华为对客户的反应。 适当的构建华为能力的素质群:确保整个部门或组织的充分反应。Customer Focus should exist i

8、n a creative tension with Drive for Results and Strategic Thinking. To some extent the leaders Drive for Results supports Customer Focus, by helping the leader focus on understanding the customers business and on supporting the customers profitability. On the other hand, the leader needs to exercise

9、 discretion in choosing which customer needs receive a full response. Considerations of Huaweis own profitability, the commercial potential of the project and its fit to Huaweis strategy should also shape the leaders response to the array of potential customer needs.关注客户应存在于一种创造性地紧迫感当中,这种紧迫感与结果导向素质和

10、战略思维素质相联。在一定程度上,领导的结果导向素质通过帮助领导注重理解客户的业务,并维护客户的利润,支持了关注客户。另一方面,在选择应该充分满足哪些客户的需求上,领导需要慎重决策。考虑华为自身的利润,项目的商业潜力和它与华为战略的匹配性也应该影响领导对潜在的客户需求序列的反应。Level 1: Responds to Clear Customer Needs Based on a clear understanding of the customers needs and Huaweis products and services, obtains needed resources to ad

11、dress customer needs. The customer needs here are quite straightforward and well understood by the customer. Solutions are developed based on previous experiences, cases or available products. Includes taking action to establish relationships with potential customers.层级一: 对于明确的客户需求的反应 在明确理解客户需求和华为的产

12、品和服务的基础上,获得需要的资源来满足客户的需求 这里的客户需求是非常简单的,并且客户自身也能够充分地理解。 基于先前的经验、案例或现有的产品,找到解决途径。 包括采取行动来与潜在客户确立关系Example:Our scheme to resolve the problem for the customer was successful but it was delayed for 3 hours. At 11:30 this system was restored completely. There were many technical decisions involved in it.

13、I learned upon arrival that the engineer was so worried that he cried. He was near about 30 and had too much pressure. When the customer implemented their own scheme, I especially told the person in charge of the information center that nobody should be allowed into the equipment room except the sev

14、eral people on the site and everybody else should go back to his own position and couldnt create more pressure to them. Because so many people gathered around him, his pressure would be much higher. I also asked the responsible supervisor to report on the progress to their internal customer and ask

15、them to wait patiently. I had to comfort them constantly. I believe the customer could also understand us. So finally this problem was solved without causing too much chaos. That was because we handled it very carefully.范例:我们旨在解决客户问题的计划是成功的,但却被延误了三个小时。11点30分,系统完全修复。这其中牵涉到很多技术性决定。我到达后才知道工程师担心得都哭了。他将近30岁承受了很大压力。当客户实施他们自己的计划时,我特意告诉信息中心的负责人说:“除了在场的几个人外,不要允许任何人进入设备间,其他人都应该回到自己的岗位上去,不要给他们制造更大的压力。”由于周围聚集了太多人,他的压力就变得更大。我也要求相关负责人对内部客户汇报进展情况,并请客户耐心等待。我需要不断的安慰他们,我相信客户也理解我们。最后,这个问题得到解决而且没有造成过多混乱,那是因为我们处理地非常小心。Level 2: Reacts to Customer Concer



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