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1、怎样用英语写教案?How to write a teaching plan in English?教案中常用的词语Words and expressions often used in a teaching plan单元备课:第一课教案Teaching plan for Lesson One1.教学内容Teaching contents 2.教学目标Teaching aims (1)学习下列单词和词组Learn the following words and expressions (2)学习下列句型Learn the following patterns(3)学习课文Learn the te

2、xt 理解课文Understand the text正确朗读课文Read the text aloud correctly复述课文Retell the text背诵课文Recite the text(4)就课文问答Ask and answer questions about the text (5)学习下列结构Learn the following structure 名词复数形式The plural forms of nouns现在进行时态The present continuous tense被动语态The passive voice3.时间分配Allocation (of time) (

3、1)第一课时The 1st period(2)第二课时The 2nd period(3)第三课时The 3rd period(4)第四课时The 4th period4.教具Teaching aids (1)录音机A recorder (2)图片Pictures 课时备课:第一课时教案Teaching plan for Period One1.教学内容Teaching contents2.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands(1)学习下列单词和词组Learn the following words and expressions(2)学习句型Learn the pa

4、ttern “”(3)学习语言点Learn language points3.教学重难点Main and difficult points4.教学要点Teaching points (1)单词New words (2)词组Phrases(3)语言点Language points5.语法结构Grammar points 6.教学步骤Teaching procedures (一)组织教学Preparation1.师生问好Greeting2.点名Call the roll3.值日报告Duty report4.唱歌Sing a song5.交代教学目的Announce the aims of the

5、period(二)复习检查Revision1.复习单词:Review the new words/ Have a spelling check(1)看英文写中文(小条法)Write down the Chinese meaning of the words on a piece of paper(2)听英文写中文Listen and write down the Chinese meaning of the words(3)听英文写英中文Listen and write down the words and their Chinese meanings(4)听中文写英文Listen to th

6、e Chinese meanings and write down the words(5)看中文写英文(小条法)Write down the English and the Chinese meanings of the words on a piece of paper2.复习句型和语法:Review the patterns and the grammar points(1)填空Fill in the blanks(2)选择答案Choose the right answers(3)用所给单词和词组造句Make sentences with the words and expression

7、s given(4)汉译英Translate from Chinese into English3.复习对话Review the dialogues (1)快速连锁问答Chain drill(2)快速还原翻译Quick translation from Chinese into English(3)两两对话Pair work(4)连珠炮式提问Question bombardment(5)快速给答案Give the answers to problems quickly(6)看图问答Ask and answer questions about the pictures4.复习阅读Review t

8、he readings (1)填空式默写Fill in the missing words of the text(2)看图复述Retell the text according to the pictures(三)导入新课Presentation (of the new material)1.教生词Presentation of the new words2.导入对话Presentation of the dialogues3.导入语法Presentation of the grammar points4.导入阅读Presentation of the reading material5.口

9、头介绍课文Oral introduction of the text6.听录音并逐句重复课文Listen to the tape and repeat the text sentence by sentence 7.表演对话Act out the dialogue(四)操练Drill1.机械操练(句型)Mechanical drill (controlled)(1)肯否问答句型变换练习 Give the affirmative form, negative form, question form and the short answer of the sentence(2)替换词练习Subst

10、itution drills(3)还原翻译法操练Quick oral practice 2.有意义操练(问答)Meaningful drill (semi-controlled)(1)根据实景问答Ask and answer questions according to real situation(2)根据图片和简笔画问答 Ask and answer questions according to pictures and stick drawings3.交际性操练Communicative drill (uncontrolled)(1)信息沟活动information gap activi

11、ties(2)角色表演role play(3)游戏play a game(4)自编两两对话Make up dialogues and do pair work(五)巩固总结和布置作业Consolidation, summary and assignment of homework1.巩固Consolidation2.总结Summary3.布置作业Assignment of homework(1)复习词汇Review the new words(2)准备两两对话Prepare the pair work(3)背诵课文Recite the text(4)做练习册中的练习三Do Exercise 3 in the Exercise Book(5)预习课文Preview the text to be learned(六)板书设计Blackboard plan3



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