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1、,1,7 Diamond Process 七颗钻石流程,Developed by: GMTG-Arlington L. ONeal / C. Kessler Aug 2000,Revised: 8 Aug 2000,2,What is the 7 Diamond Process? 七颗钻石的流程是什么?,The 7 Diamond Process is one of many tools that can be used in the problem solving process. 七颗钻石流程是可以用来解决质量问题的工具之一。 This tool is used to investigat

2、e discrepancies discovered by the following: 它可以用来调查以下方面发现的差异 Global Customer Audit System (GCAS) 全球顾客评审 Yard Walk Audits 生产线上巡检 Verification Stations 检验工位,3,Purpose of the 7 Diamond Process 7颗钻石流程的目的,The 7 Diamond Process is a structured way of assessing our manufacturing process to determine wheth

3、er of not it has failed to meet the quality standard demanded by our customers. 7颗钻石流程是一个构建好的评价我们的制造流程是否满足了顾客所要求的质量标准的一个方法,4,7 Diamond Process 流程,Responsibility 责任,QET PST (Lead) 5b,SMT RGM (Lead) 6,Statistical Engineering (Red X Strategies) 统计工程(红-X方法) 7,Will Process Change Resolve? 工艺更改能解决问题吗,Prod

4、uct Change Required? 产品更改需要吗?,Hardy Perennial or Extremely Complex Problem 非常复杂的问题,SQA - Supplier Quality Assurance QET - Quality Engineering Team PST - Plant Support Team SMT - Systems Management Team RGM - Reliability Growth Management,5,Review of Responsibility 职责回顾,Diamonds 1-4 Production & Reli

5、ability 钻石1-4 生产&可靠性 Filter 5a Process Control Manager (PCM) 5a 过滤 工艺控制负责人 Diamond 5b-7 Product Engineering 钻石5b-7 产品工程,6,Insert Sample Countermeasure Card Here 此处插入对策卡样卡,7,7 Diamond Process Stages 流程的各步骤,Stages 1 & 2 of the process are used to determine if the Production organization is running the

6、 assembly process to design intent. 1、2步是用来确定生产部门运行的装配流程满足设计内容。 The initial investigation (Stage 1) is done where the defect was identified. 最初的调查(第一步)应在发现缺陷的地方开始 Stage 2 is only used when the investigation in Stage 1 determined that the cause of the problem was from an upstream source. 第2步只能当第一步的调查

7、,确定问题是来源其他方面时,才可开始 If the process isnt being managed to design intent, then it must be corrected and validated, prior to asking for Engineering assistance. 如果工艺没有满足设计内容,当需要工程方面的协助前,必须进行纠正并要有效。 Engineering referral (Stage 3) occurs when the manufacturing process does meet design intent and the proble

8、m still exists. 当制造过程满足设计内容并且问题依然存在时,第3步开始。,8,1 - Correct Process正确的过程,Are the correct Best People Practice sheets posted? 是否有正确的操作指导文件? Are the Best People Practices being followed? 是否执行操作文件? Is the operators Key Point Chart being followed? 是否满足关键操作点控制图 Are the correct documents posted on the opera

9、tion certification board? 是否在操作示板上有正确的文件 Is the job being performed to the PADs? 是否按照PAD操作,Can any of these cause the problem?以下的问题有可能产生问题吗?,8,1 - Correct Process正确的过程,Has a mandatory sequence been identified? Is it being followed? 是否强制的操作序列号已识别,是否执行了 Is the job being done the same on both shifts? 在

10、各班次中操作工作是否一致 Does the operator understand what the product standards are? 操作者是否理解产品标准 Is it the regular operator? Has there been a lot of turnover on the job? 是否为固定操作工?是否此操作有很多轮换人员 Has the operator been properly trained? 操作者是否正确培训过 Are the visual aids current? 目前是否有目视化的辅助措施 Does the operator underst

11、and the quality outcomes of her/his job? 操作者是否知道他/她的岗位的产品的输出质量 Does the operator know how to communicate when he/she has a problem? 操作者是否知道当他/她的岗位出现质量问题时如何传递沟通信息?,Can any of these cause the problem?以下的问题有可能产生问题吗?,9,Are the correct tools & fixtures being used? (both shifts) 是否使用正确的工具/夹具(各班次) Are the

12、tools set to the specified torque? 工具是否设置成规定的扭矩 Are they properly calibrated? 是否进行适当的校准 Are both shifts using the same tool? 是否各班次用同样的工具 Are the bits or sockets worn? 是否螺丝刀或套筒已磨损 Has an extra air hose been attached to the tool? 是否在工具上有多余的空气管 Is the tool tied to the Andon system? 工具是否与暗灯相连 Has the to

13、ol been put on Bypass? 是否工具被旁路 Do the tools & fixtures have mutilation protection? 是否工具/夹具有损毁保护 Has the workstation been error proofed? 工位是否有防错设施 Does the workstation layout allow the operator to work effectively? 是否工位的布置适合操作者有效的工作 Has the Preventive Maintenance been done? (check log) 是否进行了预防性维修(检查表

14、) Are tools functioning correctly? 工具功能是否正确,2 - Correct Tool正确的工具,Can any of these cause the problem?,10,Is the Parts Routing current? 零件的路径是否正确 Are the correct part numbers identified on the material racks? 是否在料架上标识有正确的零件号 Are parts stocked in correct location on the rack? 在料架上摆放位置是否正确 Do the part

15、numbers on the boxes agree with the rack? 包装盒上零件号与料架上是否一致 Are all pull cards available? 拉动卡是否有效 Has a PAA been issued changing part usage? 是否有零件用途改变的PAA Has the PAA expired? PAA是否过期 Is error proofing needed? 是否需要防错措施 Is existing error proofing device working correctly? 是否已有的防错设备运行正确,3 - Correct Part

16、正确的零件,Can any of these cause the problem?,11,The Reliability Engineer is responsible for determining if parts have changed and overall part quality. If parts quality (out of specification) is determined to be the problems root cause, then the RE will: write PR&Rs to notify the supplier that there is a problem. 可靠性工程师确定零件是否更改过并对产品全部质量负责。如果由于零件质量(超差)是根本原因,那么应:填写PR&R通知供应商: work with Supplier Quality to validate the co



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