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1、新课标高考英语书面表达之启事类范例高考英语书面表达启事类范例 编制时间:2015-04-21 班级_ 姓名_ 学习指导: “启事”,是为了公开声明某事而登在报刊上或墙上的文字。这里的“启”是“说明”的意思,“事”就是指被说明的事情。高考英语书面表达启事类书面表达的范围很多,包括:征文启事,招聘启事,招领或者寻物启事等,本次学案仅仅提供几篇范文,希望借此让同学们总结启事类书面表达的基本写法。范例学习:请你以高中生杂志的名义写一篇征文启事。启事的主要内容如下:1. 面向全国高中生;2. 正文内容主要反映当代高中生的生活;3. 文章体裁可以是故事、散文、小说等;4. 通讯方式可以是邮寄或发e-mai

2、l;5. 截止日期是2004年12月31日。 【参考答案一】Contribution WantedIn order to enrich the contents of Senior Middle School Students,we decided to add a column on the life of senior middle school students. All the middle school students in our country are welcome to write your compositions to us. You can write your co

3、mpositions in the form of story, essay or poem. Of course, your compositions may be sent to us by posting or by e-mail before December 31, 2004.We are looking forward to your joining us. If your compositions are wanted, you are sure to get rich contribution fee. 【参考答案二】Contribution Wanted The magazi

4、ne, Senior Middle School Students, is very much liked by middle school students all over the country. In the coming year, we created a new column called The Life of Middle School Students. All the middle school students are welcome to write to us. Your compositions can be written in any form, that i

5、s story, essay, or poem. Whichever is OK.You can send your compositions by posting or by e-mail. While you should have done this by the end of December 31, 2004. Please pick up your pens quickly, because there is nothing better than to get your reply. 招聘启事你校学生会招聘一名留学生做英语学习顾问,请你以短文的形式写一则招聘启事。 1. 母语是英

6、语,汉语流利者优先 2. 解答英语学习问题,协助组织英语活动 3.每周4小时,报酬面议 4.联系人:李华 tel. 12345678范文:English advisor wantedThe students union of our school decides to invite an international student to work as an English study advisor next term . The responsibilities of the advisor include helping students to practice their oral E

7、nglish,answering their questions, and helping organize activities such as singing English songs, English evenings, or lectures on interesting topics.The applicant should be a native speaker of English. Fluency in Chinese is preferred .The advisor is expected to work 4 hours per week.If you are inter

8、ested, please call li hua at 12345678 for an interview. Payment for the service will be discussed during the interview. Students union寻物启事你放学后在学校足球场踢球,将一件夹克衫忘在了足球场,衣服颜色是蓝色的,前面有两个口袋,其中一个口袋中有一个自行车钥匙和一些钱。请你就以上内容拟一个遗失启事,失主是高二(2)班的一个学生,时间、失主名自定。(字数:60左右)参考单词夹克衫jacket足球场football court的钥匙a key toLostExcuse

9、 me, I left my jacket on the football court yesterday afternoon while Im playing football. The jacket is blue in colour, with four pockets in the front of it. And in one of the pockets theres a key to the bike and some money. Anyone who found it, please do let me know. Many thanks. He Qi Classs Two

10、Senior Two 招领启事 假如你是李磊,在去厕所的路上拾到了一红色书包,请你写一个包含下列内容的招领启事。a捡书包的时间:昨天3点左右写启事的时间:1999.6.20b书包特征:红色,内装5本书,一个文具包c领物地点:高一(5)班教室(字数:60左右)参考词语在去的路上on the way to认领applyFoundJune 20, 1999A school-bag, red, with a pencil-box and five books in it, was found on the way to the W.C. at about 3:00 p. m. yesterday.Pl

11、ease apply in the classroom of Class Five Senior Grade One.Li Lei实战训练:请你根据以下要点,拟一则有关家教的招聘启事。1. 家教老师(英语)必须是一位男性,年龄在30岁左右;2. 必须具有教师经历,且有耐心和信心;3. 工作时间是每周星期六、日,每天8小时,待遇丰厚;4. 联系电话是8101688。Help Wanted_新课标高考英语书面表达之启事类范例高考英语书面表达启事类范例【参考答案一】Help WantedI want an English teacher aged about 30 to teach my son a

12、t home. If you are or used to be a teacher as well as have patience and confidence, you are my best choice.You should work at my home from Saturday to Sunday, 8 hours per day. Of course, you may stay up for the night, if you like. In spite of this, you are sure to get good wages.What do you think of it? You are welcome to call 8101688 at any time except at night.【参考答案二】Help WantedDo you want to be a teacher who teaches at home? Do you have patience and confidence? I need such an English teacher to teach my son at home. If you are at the age of about 30 as well


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