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1、2017年高考听力场景词汇1. 餐馆词汇order 点菜 menu菜单serve 上菜 bill账单 tip 小费change 零钱 Keep the change! 不用找零钱了! treat 请客 (This is my treat! 我请客!)go Dutch AA制 meat肉 vegetable蔬菜 steak 牛排 cheese奶酪 sandwich 三明治 coke 可口可乐bacon 腌肉 barbecue 烤肉 soup 汤 dishes菜肴 French fries 炸薯条 plain water 自来水 appetizer 开胃物 dessert甜品,水果(作为正餐的最后

2、一道) a drink 一份饮料go out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭 snack bar 小吃街;大排挡 hamburger 汉堡包 dining hall餐厅;食堂 restaurant 餐馆 coffee shop咖啡店cafeteria自助餐厅 canteen食堂 buffet 自助餐2. 邮局、银行场景:stamp envelope package / parcel 包裹 express mail 快件 airmail 航空信件 send / post / deliver a letter / mail 寄 /发信、邮件 open an account

3、 开一个帐户overweight 超重 extra postage 额外邮资 stamp邮票bank银行 deposit存款 withdraw提现 interest利息 credit card 信用卡 cash现金3. 图书馆场景:library card 图书证 librarian 图书管理员 fine 交罚款 bookshelf书架 borrow借入 lend借出 renew续借How long can I keep the book? 我可以借多久? returnthebookbeforeitsdue到期前还书novel小说 science fiction科幻小说 magazine期刊

4、reference book参考书;工具书 4. 医院及健康场景: ill/ sick生病的look pale看起来脸色苍白 pain疼痛flu 流感 have/catch a cold得了感冒 headache头痛 stomach-ache胃痛 backache背痛 sore-throat喉咙痛 cough咳嗽 fever发烧toothache牙痛 dentist 牙医heart disease/ attack心脏病 heart failure心力衰竭heart心脏 lung肺 blood-pressure血压aspirin 阿司匹林 medicine: pills / tablets药丸/

5、药片take a rest休息一下 stay in bed呆在床上take medicine/pills吃药check-up检查 physical examination体检feel well/ better感觉身体好 sleep well睡得好take ones temperature / blood pressure 测量体温/血压 see a doctor看医生regular doctor 私人医生 nurse 护士 treatment 治疗手段 emergence department 急诊室 ICU (= intensive care unit)特护病房 -Whats up? How

6、 is it going? How are you? 怎么了?-Im fine. / I feel good /terrific. / I couldnt be better. / Nothing is very wrong with me. 我很好-I am not feeling good. / I feel terrible/horrible/awful. / I am not myself these days. 我不好。 How are you feeling now?你现在觉得怎么样了?I dont feel myself today. 我今天感觉不舒服(注意听语气:身体好的时候,

7、语调上扬,语气非常欢快; 身体不好的时候,降调,语气非常郁闷。)5. 电话场景:operator 接线员 long distance call 长途电话 Extension six two two six, please. 请转6226。 call/ telephone/ ring/ phone sb.给某人打电话give sb. a call/ ring 给某人打个电话hold on / up Hold the line, please.请等一下 take a message 捎口信 leave a message留口信May I speak to Mary, please? 我想找Mary

8、Hello! This is Jenny speaking. 你好;我是Jenny。 Whos speaking? / Who is that? 你是谁?Ill call back later / again. Ill ring him / her up again. 我等会会回电话。put through 接通电话 I couldnt get through.我无法接通电话。 Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong number.对不起,你打错了。The line is bad/ busy / engaged. It kept a busy line. 电话占

9、线。6. 酒店场景: check in 入住 check out 结帐 reception desk 接待处receptionist 接待员room service 房间服务 single room 单间 suite套间 make a reservation 预定房间 Do you have a reservation Sir? 您有预定吗,先生? Have you got any vacant room? (= Is there any room available here?)有空房间吗?All the room are occupied. 房间已满。Can I have a suite

10、please? 我可以要一个套间吗?How much do you charge for that? 要多少钱?Can I show you your room?我带你去看房间 Can I carry your luggage?让我帮你拿行李7. 机场场景:flight 航班 Welcome on board 欢迎登机 take off 起飞 land降落check in 办理登机手续 boarding card/ landing card(登机卡)behind schedule 晚点nonstop flight(直达航班) one-way(单程的), round-trip(双程的);lugg

11、age/ baggage行李 airline航班 airport飞机场 passport护照 Gate 1, flight number(班机号码), plane飞机 passenger乘客 traffic jam 交通堵塞arrival time 到达时间 delay 拖延cancel取消tourist attraction 旅游景点inquiry 咨询customs 海关booking office 订票处see sb. off 送行 give sb. a ride 让某人搭便车 departure time 起飞时间transportation 交通destination 目的地fast

12、en your seat belt系紧安全带通讯方式、交通 by letter telephone maile-mailairmailfaxtelegraphwords by train railway subwaybuscarbikeplaneshipmotorbike, on foot, on a horse, the traffic is heavy/terrible 交通堵塞 the traffic is moving slowly crowded 拥挤的catch a train赶火车 flat tyre 轮胎没气了 drop off 在下车8. 购物场景:store 杂货店 dep

13、artment store 百货商场 shopping center 购物中心 dry cleaner干洗店 商品信息:size; color; style; price What color/size/kind do you want? 贵/ 便宜expensive, cheap 价格论高低high/low price bargain便宜货 Its a real bargain 真的是个便宜货。popular / fashionable/ in fashion流行的流行,时尚 out of fashion 过时的 brand 品牌 counter 柜台 pay in cash 用现金支付 p

14、ay in check 用支票支付 credit card 信用卡 shop assistant 商店营业员 out of stock 缺货 in stock 有货9. 天气场景: weather report/ weather forecast天气预报 climate气候 temperature温度drought干旱clear up / fine天空放晴sunny晴朗的sunshine阳光 warm暖和的cloudy多云的;阴天 overcast 多云 wet湿的 grey(阴天) windy刮风的tornado 龙卷风 typhoon 台风 storm 风暴 blizzard暴风雨 hur

15、ricane飓风cyclone旋风whirlwind龙卷风wind阵风strong/ high wind 大风breeze微风frost霜thunder雷lightning闪电mist雾 fog浓雾foggy 多雾的humidity潮湿freeze冰冻 below freezing零度以下的 above freezing零度以上的 degree(s) /centigrade(摄氏)rainy下雨的 heavy slight rain 大雨、小雨downpour/ heavy rain倾盆大雨 shower暴雨storm, 暴风雨 shower 阵雨It rains cats and dogs.(= The rain is pouring.)下着倾盆大雨。snowy 下雪的snowfall降雪youre all wet 你浑身湿透了。umbrella雨伞相联系的情况:vacation 和 f



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