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1、价值链理论在XL公司中的应用策略研究 2004秋E 曹阳 价值链理论在XL公司中的应用策略研究 摘 要 当前,中国的外贸出口企业正面临着严重的同质化现象造成的过度竞争,甚至恶性竞争,缺乏行业规范,国际市场价格下滑这样一个不利的竞争环境。另外,人民币的升值,原材料出口的不鼓励政策等一系列不利因素导致了外贸出口企业的竞争力下降。本论文主要通过探讨价值链管理在帮助XL公司这样的小型外贸出口企业在经营环境发生变化后如何获得竞争优势方面的作用。 通过对价值链概念的阐述,价值链产生的原因,研究对象,价值链管理的作用、目的,国外企业对于价值链理论成功适用的案例等内容的分析,结合作者在所从事的外贸出口工作中所



4、制度、重构了组织框架、丰富了企业产品线;在外部,加强了与供应商的战略合作关系,以创造客户价值为目标。最终,提高了企业的竞争力,改善了企业的经营状况。关键字: 竞争优势、价值系统、价值链、价值活动、出口AbstractNowadays, Chinese exportation is suffering worse competitive condition thanEver over the past years. Such as, excess competition, even vicious in some fields, homogeneity, international pricin

5、g collapse, Chinese currency appreciation etc. All these are delivering negative impact to Chinese exportation business, result in shortage of competitive advantage. The subject of my MBA thesis is through the research of how value chain management helps enterprises, especially to the XL company suc

6、h small and medium exportation company to achieve competitive advantage after the operation circumstance changed.Based on the description of the concept, cause, studying object of the valuechain, as well as the function, goal of the value chain management, aid withthe analysis of successful case of

7、the value chain application in overseasorganization, I try to find out the solution of the problems existing in theXL company.The thesis framework follows the principle of theory to practice, and thenorganize the whole text with the theory introduction, problems diagnoses andthe solution as well. Il

8、lustration and cases are also essential for help oncomprehending the thesis.Firstly, by introducing the theory of value chain concentrated on the valueactivities in the value system, and the effect of relations between activities to the cost advantage strategy and the diversification strategy under

9、the cost control, consequently help the enterprise acquire the competitive advantage. From which, extends to the composition of Exportation Companys value chain system. Next, state the environment change of Chinese trading and XL Company, the problems suffering and the benefits granted, focus on ana

10、lyze the problems of the value chain. After this, two successful cases, Value Chain Decompose and Re-customize of Li & Fung Group and American Series System of Chrysler,new mode of suppliers management will be introduced to stress how important the value chain management to the competitive advantage

11、. Accordingly, prove the importance and necessary of XL Company turn to value chain management. Finally, how to build a proper operation frame for value chain management, and how to optimize organization and BPR will be paid our high attention. Another thing to which we need to give our eyes is the

12、value chain management of suppliers and clients since they are the key point to the value increment. With the value chain analysis, XL Company planed new strategy, improved itsbusiness process and employers welfare, re-constructed its organization,broaden products line interiorly; exteriorly, streng

13、then the strategicco-operation with the suppliers to create clients value as well.Its responsible to draw a conclusion that value chain management can helpXL company achieving competitive advantage and improve its operation greatly. That is also the original purpose of this thesis.Key words: Competi

14、tive advantage, Value system, Value chain, Value activityExportation目 录第一章 序 论6第一节 选题的背景、目的和意义6第二节 研究思路与技术路线7第二章 价值链(管理)理论概述9第一节 当代价值链管理研究理论简述9第二节 价值链管理的概念、研究对象10第三节 价值链管理与竞争能力的提高12第四节 XL公司的价值系统和价值链18第三章 对外出口与磁性材料行业的发展和现状及XL公司的问题20第一节 中国外贸行业的发展路程20第二节 磁性材料行业的现状分析23第三节 XL公司所存在的问题24第四节 全面引进价值链管理的必要性27

15、第四章 价值链管理在国外企业经营中的应用29第一节 国外企业应用价值链管理的案例介绍29第二节 价值链管理的案例经验对于XL公司的借鉴作用32第五章 价值链管理在XL公司中的应用策略建议34第一节 引入价值链管理后XL公司经营管理上的改变34第二节 在价值链管理基础上改进对上游供应商的管理36第三节 在价值链管理基础上改进与下游买方的合作38第四节 以提高竞争力为目的而实施的其它措施40结论45参考文献46后记48 第一章 序论 第一节 选题的背景、目的和意义随着中国加入WTO以及对于私营、民营行业进入门槛的降低,外贸出口行业在享受市场准入,政策优惠和国际市场对中国需求旺盛的利好条件下,也面临着竞争过渡,行业集中度低,某些市场价格体系崩溃导致的外商讲价能力提高,采购需求攀升引发的国内原材料价格迅速上涨等负面影响。如何在经营环境发生



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