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1、无人机航空摄影测量技术在水利工程中的应用摘要随着国家经济的不断发展,国家逐步加大了对于基础设施建设的投入,其中就包含水利工程建设,如新疆叶尔羌河水利工程,西水东引等调水工程。测量对于此类工程来讲是必不可少的一项基础性工作,其中包括大比例尺地形图测绘、坝址控制测量、水库淹没范围测量、征地移民测量等。如何保证此类项目测量的精度要求、快速提高测量的效率、有效降低工程建设成本,是此类项目中测量面临的一个亟待解决的问题。此外,水利工程项目中,高程精度至关重要。常规的水利工程建设测量都是用全站仪、GPS RTK等常规仪器进行数字化测图,这些方法虽然可以保证测量点高程精度,但是要耗费大量的人力、物力和时间,


3、的引入,使得无人机航测成为航空摄影测量领域的一个新发展方向。随着国家队无人机航测技术的不断研究,无人机已经突破了传统有限的侦察功能,无人机航空摄影测量技术得到了进一步发展。区别于大型飞机航测和航天摄影测量,无人机航测在区域性的测量方面的优势更为明显,能够快速有效的获取高分辨率、大比例尺的地形图数据。本文阐述的是无人机航测技术在水利工程中大比例尺地形图测绘中的应用,主要研究内容如下: 研究分析无人机航空摄影测量目前现状,对其进行了总结,分析了它的优缺点和发展趋势; 阐述了无人机航空摄影测量基本原理、作业流程、测量成果等,分析了无人机航测的误差来源及相应措施,讲述了无人机面临的问题及解决方案; 结

4、合新疆某地区水库大坝实际工程案例,详细讲解了无人机航测的作业流程、控制要点及注意事项,通过对比无人机航测成果与三维激光扫描仪成果进行精度分析,从而证明了无人机航空摄影测量技术应用于水利工程大比例尺测图的可行性与有效性。关键字:水利工程,无人机,大比例尺测图AbstractWith the continuous development of the national economy, the state gradually increase the investment in infrastructure construction, including the construction of w

5、ater conservancy projects, such as Xinjiang Yerqiang River water conservancy project, west east diversion water diversion project. Measurement is an essential work for such projects, including large scale topographic mapping, dam site control survey, reservoir inundation area measurement, land acqui

6、sition and resettlement measurements. How to ensure the accuracy of the measurement of such projects, improve the efficiency of the measurement, and effectively reduce the cost of construction projects, is an urgent problem to be solved in such projects. In addition, water conservancy projects, elev

7、ation accuracy is essential. The construction of water conservancy projects is routine surveying with total station, GPS RTK and other conventional instruments of digital mapping, although these methods can guarantee the measurement point elevation precision, but to spend a lot of manpower and time,

8、 especially for the measurement of large area, low efficiency, high production cost. The traditional method of measuring instrument for terrain measurement mode, namely the need to measure and instrument in every terrain, to obtain data through sampling point by point, so the measurement efficiency

9、is relatively low, especially for large scale topographic mapping, measuring the progress is very slow, often cannot meet the project requirements.With the continuous development of Surveying and mapping technology, a variety of new types of instruments and measurement methods have come on stage, in

10、cluding the attention of unmanned aerial photogrammetry technology. In 1927, the first unmanned aerial vehicle was born and successfully tested. The early UAV was mainly used in military activities, and it was gradually extended to the field of scientific research and civil engineering because of it

11、s fast and flexible, low altitude operation and low cost. With the combination of UAV and aerial photogrammetry, aerial photogrammetry system was formally introduced into Surveying and mapping industry, coupled with the introduction of non-metric digital camera, the UAV aerial has become a new devel

12、opment direction in the field of photogrammetry.With the continuous research of UAV technology, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has broken through the traditional limited reconnaissance function, the UAV aerial photogrammetry technology has been further developed. It is different from the large scale

13、aerial photogrammetry and space photogrammetry, the UAV aerial photogrammetry has more obvious advantages in the area measurement, and can quickly and efficiently obtain the high resolution and large scale topographic map data.This paper describes the application of UAV aerial survey technology in l

14、arge scale topographic mapping of water conservancy projects, the main research contents are as follows:(1) The research on measurement and analysis of the present situation of the UAV aerial photography, carries on the summary, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages and its development trend;(2)

15、 This paper describes the UAV aerial photography measure principle, work flow, measurement results, analysis of the error sources of aerial man-machine and corresponding measures, describes the UAV problems and solutions;(3) The combination of a region of Xinjiang reservoir dam project case, explain

16、 in detail the control points of UAV aerial work flow, and the matters needing attention, precision analysis is done by comparing the results of the UAV aerial and 3D laser scanner results, which proved that the UAV aerial image measurement technology in large scale water conservancy project mapping is feasible and effective of.Key words: hydraulic engineering, unmanned aerial vehicle, large scale mappingIII目 录摘要IAbstractIII1 绪论



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