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1、Unit 1Please make today a great day in your life.让今天成为你生命中伟大的一天!一、 音标练习 t经典句子,反复练习1、 Take it easy! 放松/不要紧张.2、 Im good at sports. 我擅长体育.3、 I worked all night on the book. 我整夜工作写这本书.4、 She has a sweet tooth. 她喜欢吃甜食.5、 You can take my word for it. 你可以相信我.6、 What are you talking about? 你在说什么?7、 Ive got

2、into the habit of practicing English every morning. 我已经养成了每天练习英语的习惯.8、 Do you have time this Saturday night? 这个星期六晚上你有空吗?9、 Could you tell me where the Italian restaurant is你能告诉我那家意大利饭店在哪儿吗?10、 I met my teacher in the street today.我今天在街上遇见了我的老师.11、 It takes time to master English. 精通英语需要时间.12、 Too m

3、any students waste time on TV and computer games.太多学生把时间浪费在看电视和玩电子游戏上.13、 A: How are you feeling today? 你今天觉得怎样?B: Thanks for asking. I feel a little bit better today. 多谢关心.我今天觉得好多了.二、 纯正英语模仿Learning EnglishThe Voice of America is currently broadcasting two series of English-teaching programs. One t

4、eaches general English. The other offers help with English used in business. You can hear these programs before our Special English broadcasts.Our listeners say Special English helps them learn and improve their English. We write and broadcast news and feature stories in a way that foreign listeners

5、 can understand. We use a limited number of words. We use short, clear sentences. Our announcers read these programs slower than regular English. 1、 currently 现时;当前 2、broadcast 广播,报道3、 series 连续;系列 4、general 一般的;普通的4、 offer 提供 6、improve 提高;增进;改善7、 feature 专题;特写 8、limited 有限的9、announcer 广播员10、regular

6、 规则的;正常的四、短文欣赏Forming Good Study Habits Many people ask me how I can study so well. I think its very important to form good study habits. First, remember study comes first. Are your books open? If so , please turn off your TV and put away your snacks. Its time to focus on your study without these di

7、stractions. Second, keep in mind that you can study anywhere at any time. Maybe things around you are noisy. But you can still keep calm. Dont let the noise disturb your study. Third, keep your things in order. Then you dont need to spend much time looking for them. Keeping your study materials in g

8、ood order also helps you do other things in perfect order. Fourth, make a plan and carry it out. It is easy to make a good plan. But it is hard to carry it out. It takes time and great effort. These four tips should be very helpful to you. Please give them a try! I hope you can use these tips to mak

9、e progress in your study.Key words:1. snack 小吃 2. focus on 集中 3. distraction 分心的事物 4. keep in mind 记住 5. keep calm 保持冷静 6. carry out 实施 Important sentences:1. I think its very important to 我认为非常重要。2. Its time to 是时候3. Keep in mind that 记住4. You dont need to 你不需要。/你不必。5. It is easy/hard to 很容易/很难。6.

10、I hope 我希望限时训练做考题(一) 情景反应:听句子,选择一个适合的答语。1、A. Dont mention it. B. Thank you. C. Hes really great. D. Yes, I do.2、A. No problem. B. Thats a good idea. C. Never mind. D. Sorry to hear that.3、A. By train. B. What about you? C. Im fine. D. I had a wonderful time.4. A. Yes, please. B. Here you are. C. Its

11、 my pleasure. D. The same to you.5. A. Is that so? B. OK, I will. C. Yes, I think so. D. Come this way.(二) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从三个选项中选出正确答案。6. What does Bill do now? A. A teacher B.A student C.A journalist7.What day is it today? A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday8.Whats Davids hobby? A. Sports B. Mu

12、sic C. None9.What time will they probably finish their job? A. At 4:30 B. At 5:30 C. At 6:3010.Whats the weather like now? A. Cold B. Cloudy C. Rainy(三)听下面一段长对话,然后根据对话回答后面的三个问题。11. Why doesnt the man buy the tickets this evening? A. Because there are no tickets left. B. Because it is too late to set

13、 off. C. Because the weather is too bad.12. Which train will the man take? A. The 8:20 train B. The 9:15 train C. The 12:30 train13. How much does the man pay for the tickets in all? A. 70 dollars B. 60 dollars C.50 dollars(四)听短文,根据短文内容,从各题所给的三个选项中选择适当的一项回答问题。14. Where did Jack work? A. On a farm B. In an office C. In a factory15. How often did he get his money? A. Every month B. Every week C. Every half month16. What happened this month? A. Jack got more money B. Jack got less money C. Jack got enough money17. Form this passage we know that _A. the manager


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