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1、 美国住房抵押贷款市场金融风险分担机制的研究摘 要2008年,全球经历着一场重大的经济危机,称之为次贷危机。对金融风险和金融创新的讨论提升到新的高度,次贷危机的爆发为何给美国经济体系造成如此大的影响?金融风险是如何这么快速的传播出去并且引起金融危机?如何做好金融风险监测工作?都是急需研究的重点问题。所以本文以美国次贷危机为起点,通过美国住房抵押贷款市场这个研究实体来探讨当前金融风险分担体制问题之所在,有着重要的理论意义和实践意义。结合美国次贷危机的具体情况,从风险这个金融核心概念的角度剖析了过度发展住房抵押贷款证券化会带来了风险隐患,重点分析了美国住房抵押贷款市场的风险传递机制和金融风险分担机


3、融创新本身,我们必须客观看待。而从国家角度出发,需要通过宏观调控和改善监管来防范风险。从银行角度出发,需要构建纳入金融创新业务的全面风险管理体系。本文共分为五章。第一章为绪论,提出研究问题,为全文的展开做好铺垫。第二章对美国住房抵押贷款市场现状进行研究,并包含相关理论陈述,打下研究基础。第三章为主体部分,对住房抵押贷款市场的金融风险分担机制进行理论研究,并且结合具体数据做实证分析,最后提出金融风险预警系统构建的设想。第四章则从我国住房抵押贷款市场的现状出发,提出住房金融创新的意见和风险控制的政策建议。第五章为全文的结语和展望。关键词:风险分担 住房抵押贷款 资产证券化 金融创新ABSTRACT

4、In 2008, an economic crisis happened in the world, called sub-prime crisis. Academicians focus on the financial risk immediately and ask these questions-Why the U.S. economy is caused by such a big impact? How the financial risk spread out so fast and causes the financial crisis? How to monitor the

5、financial risk? Therefore, this paper starts to analyze the U.S. sub-prime crisis, do the research and explore the current financial risk-sharing system, and these have important theoretical significance and practical significance.We analyze the financial risk of the excessive development of mortgag

6、e-backed securities in the U.S. sub-prime mortgage crisis, focusing on analysis of the risk of transmission mechanism and financial risk-sharing mechanism in the U.S. mortgage market, find out the transfer of financial risk is divided into three stages, prove that the creation of financial derivativ

7、es at random will not separating, bundling and distributing the financial risks, but will create the risk more and more, exceeding the threshold of the entire financial system can withstand, then a financial crisis comes. In combination with data from empirical analysis, we find out that increasing

8、in short-term interest rates is not an effective way to control real estate prices, using VAR model for Granger causality test, we found the two risk transmission chains of the real estate market and the monetary system. Impulse response analysis and variance decomposition further indicate that hous

9、e price will be a significant impact to GDP, especially after the seventh issue, the impact will increase to over 10%.Therefore, we must look at the pros and cons of financial innovation objectively. From the national point of view, we must focus on macro-control and improve the supervision to preve

10、nt risks. From the bank point of view, we need to build up the comprehensive risk management system with the business of financial innovation.This paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter I of Introduction, research questions rose. Chapter II of the U.S. mortgage market conditions, this chapter

11、includes related theories. Chapter III is the main part, we do the research of the financial risk-sharing mechanisms, and do the empirical analysis by specific data, conclude with financial risk early warning system vision finally. Chapter IV starts from the present situation of Chinas housing mortg

12、age loan market, we put forward innovative ideas for housing finance and risk control policy recommendations. Chapter V is conclusion and outlook for the full text.Key Words: Risk Sharing, Residential Mortgage Loan, Asset Securitization, Financial Innovation目 录摘 要ABSTRACT第一章 绪论11.1 选题背景及意义11.1.1 选题背

13、景11.1.2 选题意义31.2 国内外研究现状和文献综述31.2.1 国外方面31.2.2 国内方面51.2.3 相关研究评述61.3 相关概念介绍71.4 研究方法和内容框架81.4.1 研究方法91.4.2 内容框架91.5 论文的创新之处10第二章 美国住房抵押贷款市场概述112.1 美国住房抵押贷款市场112.1.1 抵押贷款及其种类112.1.2 抵押贷款市场的基本架构122.2 美国住房抵押贷款支持证券市场132.2.1 抵押贷款支持证券132.2.2 美国住房抵押贷款支持证券市场的发展152.3 美国信用衍生品市场182.3.1 信用衍生品定义182.3.2 债务抵押债券(CD

14、O)182.3.3 信用违约互换(CDS)222.4 小结24第三章 住房抵押贷款市场的金融风险分担机制研究263.1 次级抵押贷款债券市场的基础金融风险263.2 次级抵押贷款债券的风险分担机制研究293.2.1 次级抵押贷款债券金融风险的分拆重组293.2.2 次级抵押贷款债券金融风险的传递转移303.3 住房抵押贷款市场风险分担体制的隐含危险323.4 住房抵押贷款市场风险因子传递转移的实证研究343.4.1 主要变量的选取与数据处理343.4.2 VAR模型选取和协整检验373.4.3 误差修正模型393.4.4 格兰杰因果检验403.4.5 脉冲响应分析423.4.6 方差分解433

15、.4.7 实证分析的几点结论443.5 金融风险预警系统的设想443.5.1 预警指标体系的构建443.5.2 压力指数的构建473.5.3 预警模型的设想493.6 小结49第四章 对中国住房金融创新的风险警示和政策建议514.1 中国现阶段住房抵押贷款市场概述514.1.1 我国个人住房抵押贷款发展状况514.1.2 我国住房抵押贷款一级市场不完善524.1.3 我国住房抵押贷款二级市场还处在尝试阶段524.2住房金融创新的必要性和资产证券化方案的设想544.2.1 肯定住房金融创新的必要性544.2.2 我国资产证券化的一些设想544.3 重视住房金融创新过程中风险控制的建议564.3.1 对金融创新:客观看待这把“双刃剑”564.3.2 对国家:通过宏观调控和改善监管来防范风险574.3.3 对银行:构建纳入金融创新业务的全面风险管理体系59第五章 总结与展望615.1 总结615.2 研究的局限性62参考文献63在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果66致谢67各工作组要指定一名人员承担信息报送工作,负责搜集和整理本组及相关成



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