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1、Grade 7A M7 Computers一、单项选择:1.He often uses the Internet _ his work. A.does B.do C.to do D./2. I search _ my book. But I cant find it. A.at B.in C.for D.on3.What _ fine weather it is today! A.a B./ C.an D.the4.Can you do your homework _ the computer? A.in B.at C.on D.to5.Mary has _ money. A.much B.m

2、any C.a lot D.lot of6.How can I _ the monitor _ the computer? A.together,to B.make,on C.connect,to D.connect,in7.In spring _ turn green. A.leaf B.leafs C.leaves 8.Its hot _ summer in Beijing. A.on B.at C.by D.in9. -_ do you go to the cinema? Often. A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How much10.Could

3、 you write a name _ your document? A.of B.for C.on D.to11. I often _ online and make travel plans. A.save B.visit C.check D.go12.I want to use the computer. Can you?A. turn on itB. turn it on C. turn it offD. turn off it13.My sister _ many friends. A.have B.have got C.has got D.there be14.The Chines

4、e people _ very friendly. A.is B.be C.are D.have15.Meng Shuya wants to get _ information about basketball. A.some B.an C.two D.many16.Do the boys often play computer games? _. Because it is bad for their eyes.A.Yes, they are B.No, they arent C.Yes, they do D.No,they dont 17.Excuse me, are these pens

5、 _? No, they are _ friends. A.your,yours B.my,mine C.your,mine D.yours,my18.Let me _ the document before I go out. A.to save B.saves C.save D.saving19. I _ play games but my brother often _.A. dont; does B. doesnt; does C. dont; dont20. My fathercomputer games at home. A. sometimes playB. plays some

6、times C. sometime plays D. sometimes plays二、用so,but,and,or填空:1. I never play games _ send emails on the computer.2. Mary has got two computers _ she doesnt often use them.3. My father doesnt play games _ send emails on the Internet.4. I can see Mary _ talk to her on the Internet.5. His mother is in

7、hospital _ he cant go to school today.三、填入合适的特殊疑问词:1 _ do you use a computer? Every weekend. 2 _ do you do your homework ? I usually do my homework in the evening.3 do you save your document?By clicking “save”. 4 letters do you send every day? 5 Could you tell me _ the printer is? Yes. Its next to t

8、he computer. 6_ does Tom often do on the weekend? He often plays football. 7. _ writes stories for his children? Mr. Zhang. 四、用所给词的正确形式填空:1._(one), he opens a new document.2. Danny(search)for some information for his homework.3._(final), the girl finishes her homework and goes home.4.There are lots

9、of _(mouse) in the field.5. Do you like(listen)to music? Yes. I often_ to music .6.How do they write _(they) homework on the computer? 7. How many _(holiday) do you have every year?8. There is lots of _(paper) on the desk.9. The computer is _. I can _ it to do my homework.(use)10. I am from _. I am

10、_.(Australia)五、完成下列句子:1.你怎样打开一个新文档? you open a new document?2. 在教师节的时候,给老师们寄送卡片怎么样? _ _ _ some cards _ our teachers on Teachers Day?3. 他也上网查看火车时刻表。He also _ _ the Internet _ _ the times of trains.4. 我在网上与朋友交谈, 但是我不玩游戏。I_ _ my friends on the Internet, but Iplay games. 5. 大明的爸爸经常在网上看电影。Damings father

11、often_ _ on the Internet. 6. 我爸爸想制订假期的旅行计划。My father wants _ _ _ _ for his holiday. 7. 你与朋友分享你的蛋糕吗?Do youyour cakeyour friends?8. 她常常从网上下载音乐。She often _ _ _ the Internet.9. 记得出门的时候关上灯。_ _ _ _ the lights when you leave home.10. 他经常浏览这些网站吗?_ you often _ _ _?六、完形填空:Lin Tao has a computer. He likes1very

12、 much. He often2the Internet. He downloads(下载)music from the Internet. He often visits websites(网站)to get3for4homework. He also5emails to his good friends. He makes many good friends from all6the world with the help of his computer. He likes travelling very much, so he often7travel plans on the comp

13、uter. 8he doesnt download games9the Internet, because he10like computer games at all. 1. A. himB. itC. itsD. them2. A. makesB. visitsC. checksD. uses3. A. informationB. questions C. answersD. books4. A. hisB. herC. heD. she5. A. sendsB. sendC. buyD. buys6. A. forB. overC. inD. on7. A. takesB. makesC. buysD. has8. A. AndB. OrC. ButD. So9. A. inB. fromC. toD. at10. A. dontB. cant C. doesntD. isnt七、阅读理解:Jessica is a 25-year-old woman. She works in a company. She i



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