六年级下册 中译英练习.doc

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1、一、请根据中文提示,把下列句子补充完整。M11. _ _ (欢迎) my new apartment.2. Your bedroom here is _ _ (大得多).3. Your new room is _ _ (光亮的多).4. There was _ _ (只有一个) window in my old bedroom.5. The old house was _ _ (黑得多) than the new one.6. I can see our school _ _ (从这里).7. My old house was _ _ _ (远离) our school.8. The new

2、house is _ _ _ _ (近多了) the school.9. The new bed is _ _ _ (舒服多了) than the old one.10. My bedroom was nice and clean _ (以前), but now its _ (凌乱).11. The pillows are presents from _ _ (小玲的祖父母).12. She was _ _ _ _ (仅仅两岁).13. You were a healthy baby _ _ _ (长着金色的头发).14. You were _ _ _ _ (看起来很可爱).15. You w

3、ere _ _ _ (经常遇到麻烦).16. He _ _ _ (成为一个医生) in 1990.17. He was a footballer _ _ _ _ (在他年轻的时候).18. _ _ _ _ (她什么时候成为) a tennis player?19. I think she _ _ _ (长的很好看).20. You should _ _ _ _ _ (一起节食).21. You are _ _ _ (依然很健壮).22. He was _ _ _ _ (一位伟大的篮球运动员).23. Aunt Pat was _ _ _ (又苗条又漂亮).M21. Jiamin _ _ _ (

4、写了一篇日记) yesterday evening.2. March 12th. is Chinese _ _ _ (植树节).3. _ _ _ _ _ _ (我们班的所有学生) will have an English class tomorrow.4.They went to _ _ (植树) last week.5.They _ _ (出发去) Baiyun Hill by bus last Sunday.6.They _ _ _ (挖一个洞) in the garden yesterday.7.They should _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (把树苗放进洞里).8. They _

5、_ _ _ _ (把洞用泥土填满) two days ago.9. They _ _ _ (抬了一些水) for the new trees just now.10. Mr. Chen must _ _ _ _ _ (帮助他们浇树).11. They were so excited when they _ _ _ _ (完成所有的工作).12. _ _ _ (我们所有人) hope they can do it.13.The trees will _ _ _ (生长得很好).14.The trees will _ _ _ _ (越长越高).15.They planted _ _ _ (一颗树种

6、子) in a pot.16.They planted some trees _ _ (上一年).17. The young tree _ _ _ (生长的很好) two years ago.18.We planted a tree _ _ _ (在路边) behind the house.19. Last week a bus _ _ _ _ (撞到树上).20. The young tree _ _ _ _ (昨晚折断了).21. I _ _ _ (非常惊喜) when I saw the birthday card.22. They should _ _ _ _ (砍掉那棵树).23.

7、Lets _ _ _ _ _ (尝试救那棵树).24. They _ _ _ _ _ _ (把那些花移到了花园里) last night.25. He _ _ _ _ (把树挖出来) two days ago.26. They hope the tree _ _ _ _ (可以再一次好好生长).M31.Theyre talking about _ _ _ _ (一名著名的历史人物).2.Im reading _ _ _ _ (关于孙中山先生).3.I _ _ _ _ (在广州出生).4.They _ _ _ _ _ (全部在伦敦出生).5.He was _ _ _ _ _ (现代中国之父).6

8、.That book was _ _ _ _ (对于我很重要).7.He can _ _ _ _ _ (告诉你有关种树的事情).8.He was _ _ _ (一名伟大的领袖).9. _ (为何) was he _ _ (如此重要)?10.They were _ _ _ (反对封建皇帝).11.They tried to _ _ (改变中国) .12.He wanted to _ _ _ _ (解放中国人民).13.Finally Dr. Sun Yatsen _ _ _ _ (开始改变中国).14.He loved the people and _ _ _ _ _ (人民也爱戴他).15.W

9、e can visit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (广州中山纪念堂).16.He is reading _ _ _ _ _ (一个有关罗宾汉的故事).17.Robin Hood was _ _ _ (一位英国的英雄).18.We can read _ (许多有关罗宾汉的故事).19.They lived there _ _ _ _ (在十四世纪以前)20. The Chinese people _ _ _ _ _ _ (开始谈论他的故事) long time ago.21. She was _ _ _ _ _ (一位聪明和勇敢的人).22.They said he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (和他的家人住在森林里).23.They liked to _ _ _ (帮助那些穷人).24.Robin Hood _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (劫富济贫).25.I will _ _ _ _ _ (告诉你更多有关他的故事).26.Do you want to _ _



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