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1、用所给单词的正确形式填空Module 11. Im going to give you some _(advice) .2. And you should write down your _(mistake)in your notebook.3. But try not _(translation) every word. 4. Its a good idea _(check) your vocabulary notebook everyday.5. I think everyone should have a pen friend and write email _ (message) to

2、 each other. 6. And why dont you write down the correct _ (spell) and grammer next to the _ (mistake). 7. I enjoy _(watch) English films and _(listen) to real English songs. 8. Try _ (remember) eight or ten words a day. 9. How about _ (count) the English words or _ (say) the English names for everyt

3、hing you see. 10. Just enjoy _ (you), children. 11. Write them on _(piece) of paper. 12. but how can I practice_ (speak) English.Module 21. The _ (one) prize is the holiday of your _ (dream) in England. 2. It _ (sound) brilliant.3. Have you ever _ (fly)? 4. Have you ever tried_ (west) food?5. Hes _

4、(give) concerts all over China and the tickets have always _ (sell) out. 6. Hes _ (write) many songs. 7. Have you ever _ (have) _ (Italy) food? 8. How many _ (time) has Winnen _(be) to the united States? 9. Ive _ (do) so many things.Module 31. Ive just _ (make) the modle of space station. 2. Dont _

5、(panic)!3. Have you _ (hear) the _ (late) news? 4. Some scientist have_ (send) a spacecraft to Mars.5. It has _(take) several months to get there. 6. Yes, but no one _ (have) been recently. 7. But I hear theyve _ (go) to Shanghai on _(busy).8. Id like to _ (show) it to them.9. Scientists think that

6、there has been life on Earth for _ (million) of years. 10. The Earth is a planet and _ (go) around the Sun. 11. None of them _ (have) an environment with air. 12. It is hard _ (understand) how large the univers is. Module 41. And how long have you _ (know) her?2. Its easy _(learn) a foreign language

7、 when you visit the country. 3. But have you ever _ (meet) her?4. But I get on well with _(she).5. Its important for him _ (work) on their farm. .6. He _(stop) _ (go) to school a few years ago. 7. In the last 15 years, this project _ (raise) money and _ (pay) for 2.5 million poor students in the cou

8、ntryside.8. Because of Project Hope _ (thousand) of children have _ (good) lives. 9. _ (luck), her dad has just started a new job so they. 10. Project Hope is also the name of a world organization that works to improve _ (healthy) care in the world.Module 51. Youve _(hear) of him, havent you?2. The

9、father, Johann Strauss the_ (old), _ (write) and played music for a classical dancea waltz. 3. The son, Johann Strauss the _ (young), was even _ (successful) and popular than his father. 4. Strauss and Mozart were two of _ (important)composers.5. hundreds of beautiful _ (piece) of music for the clas

10、sical orchestra.6. The singer sings _(beautiful)7. I dont like rock . Its _ (noise). Module 61. How is it _(go), Lingling? 2. Its about a girl _ (call) Alice. 3. The Cheshire Cat was _(sit) in a tree ane was _(smile) at everyone. 4. Then Alice _ (fall) down a rabbit hole and _(go) into their strange

11、 world.5. Every boy and girl in Britain _(read) it. 6. You fall when you go quickly to the ground by _(mistake). 7. Alice was _(get) very tired.8. Alice had nothing _(do).9. So Alice was thinking of _(make) a daisy chain when suddenly10. when she heard the rabbit _(say), “Oh dear!Oh dear! Ill be lat

12、e!”11. She _(run) across the field after it. She saw it_(go) down a large rabbit hole under the hedge.12. Why was everyone _(clap) and _ (cheer)? Reviaion Module A1. The Grand Canyon. Its _(amaze).2. Did you _(miss) your family while you were in the USA?Module7 1. These _(shoe) feel tight. 2. Mmm Th

13、at _(smell) delicious! What are you making? 3. Youre wearing a _(love)sweater, Lingling. 4. You must _(introduce) me to_(she).5. See you _ (late).6. It was great _(hear) from you. 7. and I wear _(glass). 8. Thanks for _ (tell) me about what you like doing. 9. Im very proud of_ (he). 10. and Im quite shy when Im with _(strange).



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